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Hey, my name is Kerrath Ellouelle, and I recently transferred here to play with a friend, and I'm hoping to give roleplaying a shot because it might be my thing. I am very interested in a solid FC/LS for RP, Raiding, or preferrably, both.


--MMORPG background

I came from World of Warcraft where I raided seriously. At the peak of my raiding I was helping lead a guild that was US#72. I'm not as interested in serious raiding on that kind of level anymore (a little interest, but yeah) and I'm mostly looking to find some cool people to hang out with while playing video games.


--RP experience

As a teenager I made a few roleplaying stories with some of my friends. I haven't done as much in adulthood, but it was always fun. I enjoy expressing my creative side.


--Character ideas/info

I was thinking that my character, Kerrath Ellouelle, would be a very opinionated and arrogant warrior. She's a huge risk taker and downplays the difficulty of any task. She's also big on responsibility--she's less concerned with who's to blame in a tough spot, and more concerned with who could could do something to make it better. She can be blunt as well and abrasive, but ultimately she is just trying to help and is quick to apologize when she finds (often) that what she says isnt always taken the way she intended it.


As far as her history and whatever, I'm not entirely sure. I think she could be a mercenary, or a tournament fighter, or both?


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Somebody linked it on the ff14 forums.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?



--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm 25 and my main hobby is actually drawing--i enjoy character concepts and such. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words to me.

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What guild did you play with in WoW during your peak? That rank seems familiar to me (all depends on xpac of course)

During Mists of Pandaria I played with a guild named Casual Scum. Here's the short version of the story and a more specific explanation:


I helped make a guild named Rules of Acquisition in late-ish Dragon Soul, and we achieved 8/8H at server 11th on Mal'ganis, but we fundamentally knew that if we had started our guild when the raid opened up, we could have done better. So we took the opportunity when the next expansion came out and for some reason we changed our name to Casual Scum and we went hard in MSV. Most of our kills in MSV were in the region of ~US100, but our best was Elegon heroic, who was US72. and yeah i guess thats a scumbag means of determining your us rank but technically i wasnt lying because on the night we killed elegon we really were US72. We were server first on Mal'ganis, but by the time we cleared MSV with a Will of the Emperor kill of US110, a lot of us realized how exhausting it was to put 20+ hours into raiding.


Here's an album of my drawings--some of them are nude studies but i generally positioned myself away from genitals because i dont see myself drawing many genitals in my art career. http://imgur.com/a/xlrSG

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Ah, I thought you were farther back in Xpac's then that. Not the same guild I thought of since I stopped Raiding after killing 25mn heroic Deathwing. I never dealt with Mists but left my husband to raid to his heart's content.


Again, welcome!

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Hey there! I know there are a lot of great linkshells and FC's if you wanna shop around the linkshell hall. On that note, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea, and we do a fair amount of PvE, as well. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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