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Help Wanted - The Red Wings

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Well we are at it again, our happy team is growing again... in more ways then one.... as such we are in need again for members to play key roles as our team and story grow. So if you have a want to play soldier, but maybe only a bit, these spots will be just right for you.


First up, poor Doctor Oak has a full plate seeing to our band and could use some help down in the Medical Bay. So if you just want to sort of play at soldier, but have a passion for healing, be it magic or alchemic/medicine, we are the place for you. Doctors, nurses, corpsmen, med-students, check us out.




Medical not your thing? We also have openings for scientist players. Our newly reformed Science Corp has openings for people ready to dig in Allagan Ruins or reach for the stars. No science is bad science, any rp discipline is welcomed from geologist to meteorologist, the Science Corp even operates ic our library, so even a librarian is welcomed. For people who wanted to play soldier but thought it impossible as the greatest of minds.




Just to note, The Red Wings are open to new players and have a system in place to make even the shyest person feel welcomed. For more information please see me in game or here for further information.

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Erik, you're making me re-evaluate whether or not it'd be worth it to sacrifice close to 2m gil of Allagan furniture by taking Chao out of my current FC.


... Can't you pick it back up? :?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! I am a new player who already has found a close-knit FC but would like to eventually RP my character as an apothecary/healer type and I like the military theme of the Red Wings FC to toughen up my character who is too new to adventuring IC right now. Would it be possible to RP with the FC without joining? I am hoping to develop my character through RP into a better healer.


Thank you. : )

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