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You know the game needs to get its stuff together when.....

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Odd glitches, weird NPC behaviors or dialogues, objects or characters defying gravity when they're not meant to be, or outright signs of nonsense. We've seen lots of them, and we always will. Post here for any "THIS MAKES NO SENSE!" moment you might have captured a screenshot of while gaming!



I'll start with.... this, right here.


This needed healer needs a hand at being needed...



Note: This is not a thread for odd behavior of other players. Just keep it related to game mechanics and NPCs and stuff.

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And this is the last one I have for now. Wasn't taken by me, but I feel I have to...


I'm going to put it here because it's not for everyone to see. If you don't have a strong stomach, you should probably skip it.




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And let's not forget of this vendor complaining for the lack of festivals... during a festival.




Unless I'm totally reading this wrong, the merchant is saying he's closed, and complaining that every day should be a festival, because then he could be closed for one every day.

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And let's not forget of this vendor complaining for the lack of festivals... during a festival.




Unless I'm totally reading this wrong, the merchant is saying he's closed, and complaining that every day should be a festival, because then he could be closed for one every day.


Except, he says that even when not on festivals too. So yes, I think he's complaining because he's out of business till a festival comes.

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I'd need to do the correct leve but there's a Necrologos levequest in Costa that has floating parchments. I'm getting ready to go to bed since I gotta get up early tomorrow, but if I remember I'll post it.


It drives my boyfriend insane since he's QA for another game. xD So naturally in every game we play I purposely pick out assets that aren't placed correctly.

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