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Hail and well met, and other nerd stuff.


I'm Griffith! - punctuation compulsory - and I'm new to FFXIV. In fact, I'm still struggling to get the race names right. I keep calling everything by it's FFXI name - I've already been scolded for saying 'Hume' more than once. It's Hyur. I'll learn.


I used to be in a fairly active RP LS in XI, and a long time ago, I ran an RP guild in WoW. So, y'know. I've been Rping for awhile. And that's just in MMOs. I've been playing tabletop RPGs since I was eleven. So... 16 years.


I'm also all kinds of into anime, fantasy, sci-fi, music and movies. Just all kinds of nerd stuff.


And that's basically everything I can ramble about right now. Nice to meet ya'll and hears hoping we all have fun. :thumbsup:

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My name is Griffith. Middle name. It's on of many things he and I have in common.


... actually, we both have blue eyes and that's the whole of the resemblance


But, if you look to the avatar, you'll note that Griffith! isn't a name - it's what Guts is screaming. Rest easy, for I am merely the anthropomorphic personification of an exclamation made by a fictional character. Nothing treacherous or confusing there. :lol:

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