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Last moments before the beginning

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So this was my last few moments, I have to work Thursday and Friday but I am going to stay up very late playing. 


The thing I need to ask is: Are any of you prepared? I got paid recently so I went out a bought some nice TV dinners of my favorite food (and some healthy at that) and got some juice, water and a single gallon of soda. I am also planning on getting what little sleep (I work from 4pm- about 11 and up to 12am) I can before Heavensward launches.


Are any of you doing some preparation for the release?

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I wake up early every day cause my roommate gets ready for work so I don't got to worry about oversleeping and I work nights so time isn't a problem. 


Today im off all this weekend so ima sit back, play Bloodborne or some first half of the day. Then go with my friends to a basketball game or the movies or something last half of the day.


I made sure I texted everyone in my phone "fuck off tomorrow" this morning too lol


Im ready bby

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I'm an oddball I guess, I'll be playing the same way I always do, nothing fancy, no time off from work etc. And I'll enjoy the new stuff as I get to it :)


Admittedly I will make dinner to just heat up when I get home from work tomorrow to not waste time! ;)

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A thermos with a twelve hour cold rating to keep ice for my several bottles of water.  And a plan to make some food that I can eat cold or quick prepare while gaming.  Other than that, nothing special planned or prepared, except making sure I wake up late so I can play for a while.

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I'm an oddball I guess, I'll be playing the same way I always do, nothing fancy, no time off from work etc. And I'll enjoy the new stuff as I get to it :)


That's... kinda how I'm working it. I might not even get to play much this weekend because Sunday is Father's Day - so I'm going to go visit the folks. I might play some when I get back but it won't be an all-day thing like it could be on Saturday.

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