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Hey there!


I'm Kurtis - decided to get back into the world of FFXIV after almost a year long hiatus. I'm thinking of starting a completely new character and just going from there. I'm fairly new to the concept of RPing in an MMORPG (though I've done my fair share of table top, tumblr-like Rping in the past). I'm also not the best in the MMORPG genre because once I start working towards end game stuff, the struggle begins lol. And though I usually don't partake in these kinds of games much, my love for Final Fantasy and it's world (this one in particular) brought me back.


So yeah, I'm ready to buckle down, learn some detailed stuff about the game and hopefully dip my toes in this strange world of RPing. And, if I'm really lucky, get to know some of you lovely people ^_^


Just two questions: 


Is Balmung still an active RP server from what I remember (about a year ago)?




Is there a particular class that seems to be lacking in the community and could use a little more support? (ie. not enough healers, etc.) ?

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I haven't been around that long, but it seemed like there was a lack of tanks and healers before Heavensward went live. It seems like the proportions have shifted a bit. I would say play whatever class you enjoy playing, regardless of role. Fortunately the game makes it easy for you to change your mind down the line.


Welcome back. I'm getting introduced myself, but it seems like a pretty diverse community overall.

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Dully noted! Now if only I can get past the world restriction for Balmung....:frustrated:


Regardless, nice meeting ya!


The world restriction is rough. You may have to try very late at night or very early in the morning (With a US timezone in mind), and a little persistence.

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Dully noted! Now if only I can get past the world restriction for Balmung....:frustrated:


Regardless, nice meeting ya!


The world restriction is rough. You may have to try very late at night or very early in the morning (With a US timezone in mind), and a little persistence.


 I'll have to just make my characters, save, take a nap, then try again in a couple hours then lol

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Greetings Lililove, greetings Faye. It's good to be back!


Just a small update - I've decided to start my brand spanking new character, Cydena Fawkthern, on the Gilgamesh server staring Lima Lominsa (although, sadly, I was unable to slip my Male Archer into the server before restrictions came back into effect). I'm doing some research and trying to decide on a RP-based group to place my character in; I think I fall more into a Heavy RPer, but I still like to level up and play thru what content the game has to offer.


But would I be looking for a LS or a FC when it comes to Roleplaying? 


If there's a separate part of the forum where I can apply these questions, I'd be more than happy to bring them over there so I don't clutter the Welcome Desk with inquiries.

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Hey there, welcome to Gilgamesh! If you're looking for an active LS to perhaps dip your toes in before joining a full FC, I would suggest taking a look at the Adventurer's Guild LS or The Crossroads LS. Both are fairly active, though the Adventurer's Guild LS tends to get filled up pretty quickly.


I would also suggest taking a look at our server-specific community site at gilgamesh-rp.com. It's where a lot of Gilgamesh folks communicate outside of the game (aside from the RPC).


I'll be keeping an eye out for your name ingame as well. Still a bit busy with the Heavensward expansion but I'm usually open to RPing with new folks so feel free to say hi. :D

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