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So, As of this weekend I've been trying to get on Balmung and after s taying up an entire day the servers are still locked for me.


Is there a good time during the day (EST) to try and create a character on Balmung? I just kind of feel confused and hopeless as to going about this.

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With the recent expansion, it's gotten really hard to many new characters on Balmung.


You're best opportunities are probably right befire/after any maintenance notices.


Other that that, typically early morning EST has a decent chance. I would try between 6-9 in the morning on weekdays, which will have the highest amount of other people sleeping.

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The window typically opens up sometime between 2AM - 10AM EST. However, that's speaking normally. Considering Heavensward just launched, now is not exactly an ideal time to try to make a character on Balmung, but hopefully things will calm down soon.

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Though budget wise it wouldn't be ideal.. Making a character on a different server and transferring over would be the least stressful way of going about it.

Sadly I was just looking to make a much-desired alt for a storyline that recently caught my eye, and of course it seems that won't be the case. I did some research and it seems like Balmung is not available - period - to make characters as they try to direct the flow of fresh faces into specific low-pop servers no matter the current population status of heavy population servers.


I'll actually be using this method for the second time - I was forced to do this before - but I'll dip into my QoL budget. Thanks for the suggestion, for some silly reason I had already forgot I could do this!

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Though budget wise it wouldn't be ideal.. Making a character on a different server and transferring over would be the least stressful way of going about it.

Sadly I was just looking to make a much-desired alt for a storyline that recently caught my eye, and of course it seems that won't be the case.


Can you dress up your character and use them in the storyline like that (NPC them, basically)? Or would it require a more dedicated character?

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