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New transferee to Balmung

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Hi I just transferred over from Leviathan to Balmung after playing on Levi for a year in order to actually RP. I've been doing forum based RPing since 2004 but since my old forum went down the gutter I haven't been as active. I make a lot of OCs, however. I main DRG and also play BRD and NIN sometimes. I have all crafting classes to at least 50. (and 2 gathering classes but one day I'll actually wrap up fsh) 

I'm pretty new to MMOs as a medium for RP but I'm a pretty fast learner.


So uh hi.

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Welcome to Balmung, and to the RPC. MMO RP is pretty basic stuff, and with your experience I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.


Enjoy your time in the community!

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