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Lighthearted Friendship and Adventure

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Hi everyone!


With everyone's heart breaking into pieces about the sad storyline of Heavensward I thought it would be good to ask if anyone would like to RP with me in an old-fashioned and lighthearted story of new adventurers. 


If you have some time please send me a /tell or friend request whenever you like. I have a very kind-hearted and feel-good kind of character who would get along with basically any kind of character. If you like old-fashioned JRPG stories or heroic fantasy stories that's a +1 and if you like RPing while doing in-game combat that's a +2! : D


Just an open offer for any time. I hope you are all enjoying Heavensward greatly.

Edited by Kamome
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Also if you have any suggestions for good RP spots (aside from Quicksand) or events please let me know how you started RPing on Balmung server. I have noticed a lot of places while wandering through the Goblet but I admit I am a little scared to just walk right in and start RPing without giving notice.


Thank you! : )

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Hi hi! And Welcome to the RPC and to FFXIV.


As to RP, you can always find folks in the various cities. I would recommend making sure you can get into a good LS (as listed on the Linkshell tab) and see about trying to find some rp that way. Literally in the one I am in, Hugs and Cake, people will literally just say "RPing at (insert location here) and someone usually will show up. Also don't be afraid to check the search info for players and if it says walk ups are okay, then walk up and ask ICly where they got their shoes or something. :) 


You can find RP and most are willing to go with it. If you happen to see a red head or black haired (depending on the day of the week sometimes lol) Miqo'te Yellowjacket in Limsa, feel free to poke and say hello.

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Thank you!


Your character (and forum title) are wonderful. I will look for you in Limsa! And I know what you mean about hair color... the aesthetician is my addiction. T_T

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I'm not a new player but I've been outta the game for a couple of months so kinda lost my way. I'd be up for this, a thousand times. The Quicksand is the main random rp hub here and where I spend a fair bit of my time but off the top of my head you could also try Bronze Lake or the other major cities (Gridania! I vote for Gridania because it's prettier and Limsa smells.)

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Hey guys! I tend to switch between PDT and GMT+2 (France) depending on the time of year. Right now I am PDT but on break so my sleep cycle is crazy. X3


I'll add you both when I am online later! Hope to RP soon. : )



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Thank you Faye! 


Where do you usually RP? Is it ok for non-FF members to come RP with FC? It would be great to meet another group. : D


I RP in the Quicksand, FC house, little bit of everywhere. You're more than welcome to come meet the FC! :D

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Going to be online for the next while until maintenance! :3


Checked for all of you, no luck, but when you come online I'll be here and a /tell away. Leveling Alchemist and doing some MSQ. :3


See you all soon. : )

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Haha I love Tierney's wiki and the rumors so much xD


Yes I would love to RP with a cutting character with some harsh-type of personality. Sorry I missed this! Is it okay if I add you to my friend list?


Also, want to give a lot of thanks to those who found me and who I found today online. Maintenance is a hard day to start RP, but I had a lot of fun learning about your characters and roleplaying in Coerthas. So much variety from serious stories to laughter and backstory to danger.


Hope to meet more of you tomorrow. I'll be online after 12pm PDT. : )



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Hey guys! I've been trying to go online for the last four hours and have been foiled by the PS4 PSN troubles today... :,(


Yes Z'lei it's always annoying that it's when right you wake up for EU maintenance times!


At least with USA hours you can just go to bed early xD


See you soon (when is the question xD)

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If you're still looking for people to RP with... I've been away for a bit, but I'm making a comeback and need some more people to RP with, too! Something lighthearted is exactly what I'm looking for, and I'd love to meet you IC if you'd have me! :moogle:


Dren's coming back from some... troubled times, and is looking to make some friends and be happy! If you're alright with a shy, awkward and strange Lalafell tagging along, add me! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bontee and Tale!


Sorry it has taken me a while to reply. I will add you when I am online tomorrow!


Last week my work year began again so my schedule got a little messed up.


I play from about 4pm-8pm PST every weekday and all over the place on the weekends from now on with work back.


Also if anyone is in a somewhat time-restricted situation as I am and is working their way through 2.0 - 2.5 content (and wants to watch cutscenes and/or static stuff!) please let me know. I am currently Lv53 WHM and hoping to bring WAR and NIN up to 60 and then decide my raiding main.


Love to everyone—thank you to those who have become my friends and RP'd! I have enjoyed my time this past month so greatly. : )


- M'isha

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Hi Bontee and Tale!


Sorry it has taken me a while to reply. I will add you when I am online tomorrow!


Last week my work year began again so my schedule got a little messed up.


I play from about 4pm-8pm PST every weekday and all over the place on the weekends from now on with work back.


Also if anyone is in a somewhat time-restricted situation as I am and is working their way through 2.0 - 2.5 content (and wants to watch cutscenes and/or static stuff!) please let me know. I am currently Lv53 WHM and hoping to bring WAR and NIN up to 60 and then decide my raiding main.


Love to everyone—thank you to those who have become my friends and RP'd! I have enjoyed my time this past month so greatly. : )


- M'isha


I'm in the same position, working until 4pm, but I'm in the EST timezone! And I'm doing 2.0 - 2.5 content right now, too! (I'm only level 51 on my highest class (MNK)) I'll add you when I get a chance, if it's ok with you, and I'm open to RP or doing anything else too, if you have time! :D

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Hi Bontee and Tale!


Sorry it has taken me a while to reply. I will add you when I am online tomorrow!


Last week my work year began again so my schedule got a little messed up.


I play from about 4pm-8pm PST every weekday and all over the place on the weekends from now on with work back.


Also if anyone is in a somewhat time-restricted situation as I am and is working their way through 2.0 - 2.5 content (and wants to watch cutscenes and/or static stuff!) please let me know. I am currently Lv53 WHM and hoping to bring WAR and NIN up to 60 and then decide my raiding main.


Love to everyone—thank you to those who have become my friends and RP'd! I have enjoyed my time this past month so greatly. : )


- M'isha

It' ok. I'm on 9pm-1am EDT and weekends.

Ashile is a bit behind at level 43 as a NIN.


look forward to playing with you~

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Hey Ashile!


My Warrior is exactly Lv43 now too, so maybe we can dungeon up together. : )



See you this week! Couldn't catch either of you this weekend due to sporadic play times. : (

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