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Returning - Dear Gods seriously?!

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Vanishing then re-appearing is something I'm epic for ><. I can say I left to Leviathan to try to drag the rp out of players homes only to fail as they horded into my home. Then I left game for a few good months, now to return. I admit I missed Balmung's open rp all over the place and have been content just reading all I see. 


If those of you remember Surilian Blu & Liana Blu, they are now MIA(since I didn't have the heart to kill them). I have closed that rp book for them and am content to play a new person. Feel free to walk up and wave ooc or ic. Dun matter to me ^^. As usual I'll lurk forums like always :P as well as in the game..(habits and all). YES I still draw..and it was actually a commission of late that had me return to the game. (Will update my art post/ revive once done with my commission and open doors.)

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It's Suri again.


Nat Mcbeefers died, so if Evangeline runs into you we can start over :3.



course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P

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It's Suri again.


Nat Mcbeefers died, so if Evangeline runs into you we can start over :3.



course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P


Evangeline is huge she will crush u like sparrows egg.

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It's Suri again.


Nat Mcbeefers died, so if Evangeline runs into you we can start over :3.



course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P


Evangeline is huge she will crush u like sparrows egg.


(with hugs)

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It's Suri again.


Nat Mcbeefers died, so if Evangeline runs into you we can start over :3.



course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P


Evangeline is huge she will crush u like sparrows egg.


(with hugs)

...Hmmmm ..I'm huge too...wonder what crushing hugs will be like...*ponders idea of Natalie touching* .......mmmm....

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Welcome back Suri!


We never RPed, but that's because Unnamed Mercenary was too busy trying to end Kage's life and avoiding certain other villain characters or something. :P

 LOL!!! I remember! But we did do fast ooc waves xD and nice talks. Maybe we can catch up! And ty ty ty

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It's Suri again.


Nat Mcbeefers died, so if Evangeline runs into you we can start over :3.



course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P


Evangeline is huge she will crush u like sparrows egg.


(with hugs)

...Hmmmm ..I'm huge too...wonder what crushing hugs will be like...*ponders idea of Natalie touching* .......mmmm....


Oh wait I see profile picture!!!


Are you spikey like lizard?

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course, baby ;) I'm waiting to have a rival with you all over again :P


Evangeline is huge she will crush u like sparrows egg.


(with hugs)

...Hmmmm ..I'm huge too...wonder what crushing hugs will be like...*ponders idea of Natalie touching* .......mmmm....


Oh wait I see profile picture!!!


Are you spikey like lizard?

 I am now a male lizardman...YAR! -stares at self in mirror- MMM...very nice...

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Welcome back!






ROEN!!!!! My secret love!!! I mean ...HI!:blush:



/heart broken


Suuuuriiiiiiii /flyinglalaleghug



KAGEEEE!!! *dumps Roen and clings*

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..*ponders idea of Natalie touching* .......mmmm....


Mel wants dem touches too! This expac made me appreciate Elezen hotness all the more. :thumbsup:




Ok maybe a little touch of the merchandise is ok.

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..*ponders idea of Natalie touching* .......mmmm....


Mel wants dem touches too! This expac made me appreciate Elezen hotness all the more. :thumbsup:




Ok maybe a little touch of the merchandise is ok.



WOOT!! :)

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Holy crap! I knew I should be checking RPC more often!


Welcome back, Suri!




ROFL! It's cool..I enjoyed watching you strut the quicksand while I looked down on you...and you didn't notice. MUAHAHA

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