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Mercenary Looking to Expand Contacts (Friends IC and OOC)

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"A tall Roegadyn woman enters the Tavern, from her Skin tone you can ascertain that she is a Hellsguard. She finds a place in the back corner and a thud can be heard as she drops her pack to the floor. She places her massive sword leaning on the wall next to her. By her seemingly grim demeanor and beat up armor you can make a guess the woman is a mercenary. Asking around the room can confirm your suspicion, and as it turns out she's looking for work."


(A drawing by an anonymous Ishgardian of the Hellsguard Mercenary War Siren rumored from a few moons ago.)

OOC Intro Bits: 

Hello all I'm looking for new friends with a need to ICly hire a Mercenary/Sellsword. I'm up for anything whether it be - bodyguard, infantry, security, etc. 


OOC wise I'm looking for people to talk to about fun stuff like FF14 lore, other FF14 things and non FF14 things like Comics, movies, cartoons and anime etc. I'm pretty laid back and can turn anything into a pun or joke, and appreciate others that can do the same!


IC wise I'm looking for really anything, I just want adventures and hi-jinks and a steady (pretend) paying gig for War Siren. I have no qualms whether I join a military unit, get brought on for security to guard a merchant caravan, or to be the body guard of well who ever. I'm just repeating myself a bit here. The levels of RP doesn't matter as I can fluidly switch between light and heavy like turning lights on and off.


A Bit About Me:

I've been playing these games for too long now, I'm a 30 something lifelong art/comic (as in superheroes etc.)/gaming/anime nerd, and I've been into table top RPing since I was 13 years old. I've done MMO RPing since the days of EQ1. As I stated earlier "I'm pretty laid back and can turn anything into a pun or joke, and appreciate others that can do the same!


About War Siren:


(This sketch of War Siren was down a month before the Battle of Carteneau)


She's a 38 year old Hellsguard Roegadyn, she's a veteran of the fall of Ala Mhigo and Carteneau. She is mercenary for hire. She has a strong sense of justice, and tries to defend the weak when she can. She can be rather sarcastic and at times cynical due to the experiences of her life (Think Lin Beifong from LoK mixed with Barga from Rat Queens.). She's loyal to her contracts and will see them to the end. When she does make friendships, she is fiercely loyal to them and will lay her life on the line for them without question. (You can gleem a bit more of her backstory on my FFXIV Lodestone blog it is a WIP though.)


Hire-able Skills include: Giant Monster Slaying, Monster Slaying, Man hunting, Bodyguard, Security, Militia, Arms Training, Void Sent Hunting* , Mentoring*

(This list will be updated as skills are added via RP.)

* = Skills added thanks to RP events or associations.

So if I and War Siren sound like a good fit for your friends list, or Link Shell contact me here by replying to this thread, or in a PM  and let's see if we can make a connection!


I'm also game for random walk ups.

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Ooh, you and your character sound really fun! I'm an RP noob, and haven't really started yet (trying to sort out relevant lore and a name) but I plan on RPing a fairly snobbish lalafell noble that just might be interested in hiring a bodyguard for some adventuring! 


She's named Aramina Rose at the moment, although that should change soon as I'm using this maint time to come up with a lore-friendly name...

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Ooh, you and your character sound really fun! I'm an RP noob, and haven't really started yet (trying to sort out relevant lore and a name) but I plan on RPing a fairly snobbish lalafell noble that just might be interested in hiring a bodyguard for some adventuring! 


She's named Aramina Rose at the moment, although that should change soon as I'm using this maint time to come up with a lore-friendly name...


Hello there! I'd be glad to role-play sometime! :)


Ill be happy to RP with you.



Awesome I'll try to add you all to my friends list tonight. ^_^


EDIT: I'm usually on weekdays after 8pm est!

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"A tall Roegadyn woman enters the Tavern, from her Skin tone you can ascertain that she is a Hellsguard. She finds a place in the back corner and a thud can be heard as she drops her pack to the floor. She places her massive sword leaning on the wall next to her. By her seemingly grim demeanor and beat up armor you can make a guess the woman is a mercenary. Asking around the room can confirm your suspicion, and as it turns out she's looking for work."


OOC Intro Bits: 

Hello all I'm looking for new friends and even a possible FC with a need to ICly hire a Mercenary/Sellsword. I'm up for anything whether it be - bodyguard, infantry, security, etc. 


OOC wise I'm looking for people to talk to about fun stuff like FF14 lore, other FF14 things and non FF14 things like Comics, movies, cartoons and anime etc. I'm pretty laid back and can turn anything into a pun or joke, and appreciate others that can do the same!


IC wise I'm looking for really anything, I just want adventures and hi-jinks and a steady (pretend) paying gig for War Siren. I have no qualms whether I join a military unit, get brought on for security to guard a merchant caravan, or to be the body guard of well who ever. I'm just repeating myself a bit here. The levels of RP doesn't matter as I can fluidly switch between light and heavy like turning lights on and off.


A Bit About Me:

I've been playing these games for too long now, I'm a 30 something lifelong art/comic (as in superheroes etc.)/gaming/anime nerd, and I've been into table top RPing since I was 13 years old. I've done MMO RPing since the days of EQ1. As I stated earlier "I'm pretty laid back and can turn anything into a pun or joke, and appreciate others that can do the same!


About War Siren:


She's a 38 year old Hellsguard Roegadyn, she's a veteran of the fall of Ala Mhigo and Carteneau. She was a Warrior, and has recently taken up the training and mantle of Dark Knight. She has a strong sense of justice, and tries to defend the weak when she can. She can be rather sarcastic and at times cynical due to the experiences of her life (Think Lin Beifong from LoK mixed with Barga from Rat Queens.). She's loyal to her contracts and will see them to the end. When she does make friendships, she is fiercely loyal to them and will lay her life on the line for them without question. (You can gleem a bit more of her backstory on my FFXIV Lodestone blog it is a WIP though.)


So if I and War Siren sound like a good fit for your friends list, Link Shell, or FC contact me here by replying to this thread, or in a PM  and let's see if we can make a connection!


I'm also game for random walk ups.


PM me, there's points in here where Hammer and War might well know eachother.

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ohhh gimmie a poke sometime, if possible i'd like to see of we could set up some sort of past contact between the two of them :3

Oh that would be cool! I'll try to give you a friend request when I get home from work tonight or give me a PM here and we can try to work something out here too, incase we miss each other!

Asmo might of hear of her in passing. Feel free to poke me if you see me online... >.> currently having to reformat due to problems so yeah... might be a while before I can get any rp going on again.

Will do I'll try to add you to my friends list when I get home tonight! Or as above PM here if you want to work something out here if it's easier (I'll still through you a friend request in game :D)

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ohhh gimmie a poke sometime, if possible i'd like to see of we could set up some sort of past contact between the two of them :3

Oh that would be cool! I'll try to give you a friend request when I get home from work tonight or give me a PM here and we can try to work something out here too, incase we miss each other!


sounds great :D i'm usually on in the evenings so we should be in contact pretty easily

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ohhh gimmie a poke sometime, if possible i'd like to see of we could set up some sort of past contact between the two of them :3

Oh that would be cool! I'll try to give you a friend request when I get home from work tonight or give me a PM here and we can try to work something out here too, incase we miss each other!


sounds great :D i'm usually on in the evenings so we should be in contact pretty easily

Awesome I'll be on around 10:00 - 10:30 est tonight have some RL stuff to do! I'll add you then!

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I have a character that is looking for a bodyguard. He is not the most pleasant person but he needs a bodyguard from time to time whenever I do RP as the fella! I'll be on the lookout for your character, Rurulaki Tutlaki is the character name, he is usually spotted @ Ul'dah however though he is an alt. I might contact you as Thyren Orbanis or Elaris Strywin as they are more so my mains. 8-)

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I have a character that is looking for a bodyguard. He is not the most pleasant person but he needs a bodyguard from time to time whenever I do RP as the fella! I'll be on the lookout for your character, Rurulaki Tutlaki is the character name, he is usually spotted @ Ul'dah however though he is an alt. I might contact you as Thyren Orbanis or Elaris Strywin as they are more so my mains. 8-)

Oh sounds good I'll be on the look out for you! Feel free to friend me.

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Just throwing it out there.


Jaoltim's a hunter and he's been around Eorzea a good while, albeit mostly under the radar.


Feel free to add me

Oh cool, will do!


It just donned to me that I never gave my TZ or available times. (Never post 3 a.m. in the morning, kids)


I'm EST bound and my work days part time tends to be very sporadic. But I'm usually available during the evenings.

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While I got no idea what the heck an Ishgardian would have in common with a Hellsguard, I'm sure we could roleplay one day if you like!


That said, Virella does have a reasonable amount of contact with mercs, so that may eventually lead to something in the long run if your char were to find out :)

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While I got no idea what the heck an Ishgardian would have in common with a Hellsguard, I'm sure we could roleplay one day if you like!


That said, Virella does have a reasonable amount of contact with mercs, so that may eventually lead to something in the long run if your char were to find out :)

War Actually spends a lot of time in Coerthas, so it's feasible to run into her! Feel free to friend me we can brainstorm some things if you'd like!

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While I got no idea what the heck an Ishgardian would have in common with a Hellsguard, I'm sure we could roleplay one day if you like!


That said, Virella does have a reasonable amount of contact with mercs, so that may eventually lead to something in the long run if your char were to find out :)

War Actually spends a lot of time in Coerthas, so it's feasible to run into her! Feel free to friend me we can brainstorm some things if you'd like!

I will keep an eye out onto you :)

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