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Seeking Contacts: Elezen Scholar-Botanist

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Syranelle gnawed on her lower lip, sliding the book aside.  "What am I looking for in a contact?  Well, first and foremost, I am currently doing research on all the various races and city-states of Eorzea, both present and past.  I'm especially interested in the ruins in the Black Shroud and their ties to Gelmorra.  Oh, what's that?  Why...?  Well, I'll only divulge my reasoning to the right contacts.  We must all have our secrets, you know."


The Elezen maid smiles faintly, emerald eyes hooded briefly by a fringe of dark lashes as she lowers her gaze.  "Growing up in the wilds of Gridania, I haven't had much opportunity to explore the world-at-large; I stayed close to home, especially after the Calamity.  It's only been recently that I've gone out into the world, perhaps to rediscover it.  I'm no soldier, though, no warrior.  I could probably do with someone to watch my back..."

Notable Affiliations

These can be used as points of contact.


  • Syranelle is seen often at Mealvaan's Gate in Limsa Lominsa, coming and going as she borrows various books.  The same can be said for the Azzarneth Ossuary in Ul'dah.  
  • Having done extensive healing-work for the Order of the Twin Adder, characters may have encountered her.
  • She has only recently undertaken the study of plants with the Botanist's Guild in Gridania, using the knowledge found there to augment her healing ability.
    For more on Syranelle, visit her RPC Wiki Page!

What I'm Looking For...


Mostly just friendly folks to Roleplay with.  I'm not particular as to character race or background, though their interactions with Syranelle and how she reacts to them will ultimately determine their fate.  I'm wholly an "organic" roleplayer; I've never liked the idea of scripted relationships or allegiances, rather letting them grow as they will based on what happens in roleplay.


Long-term, short-term, I'm perfectly content with whatever time a person has to donate.  I'm more than happy to play a bit part in plots and personal stories.  However, don't expect me to play a villain, that's not in Syranelle's personality.  (Nor am I fond of playing the villain, because I'm bad at it.  xD)


Edit:  Oh!  I forgot to add... I'm also interested in a large, RP-friendly Free Company.  My current FC is one I followed a friend to, but it's small and usually empty/dead during the times I play.  XP


What I'm NOT Looking For...

I'm not looking for drama or people who can't keep Characters separate from Players.  What happens in roleplay is just roleplay; it has no regard or reflection on you or me as people behind the keyboard.  Please, keep that in mind.


Exclusivity; I don't expect to be attached at the hip to anyone.  I enjoy playing the game on my own at times, as well as being a social butterfly.


I am OKAY with...


  • In-character Romance.  So long as you remember the aforementioned caveat of keeping IC separate from OOC.  In Real Life, I'm a happily married woman.  Roleplay is just roleplay.
  • In-character Conflict.  Again, see the IC=/=OOC caveat.  Just because my character doesn't like or get along with yours doesn't mean I dislike you on a personal level.
  • In-character Dungeons/Questing.  I thoroughly enjoy mixing PVE and RP!  I like using all of the world instead of just the city or specific taverns.

I'm NOT OKAY with...


  • Roll-based Combat.  I find it boring.  I'm sorry!  That's just how I feel.  If I want to play roll-based combat, that's what my D&D nights are for.  xD

For more about The Player Behind the Keyboard, see my Introduction Thread.


If you have questions or would like to add me to your Friends List, please don't hesitate to contact me -- or leave your in-game contact below and I'll contact you!

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Oh? Healer working for Adders! And fellow Gridanian citizen! Well, that gives a great possibility for RP! ^^


Jerciex serves in Adders' rank as medic (not really healer, just soldier with First aid skills.. just making sure wounded won't die before healer gets there)


Let's have encounter someday and see how it will advance ^^


See you around!

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The word "Scholar" in the title prompted me to click on this.


Lekka is a Abalathian born lady who within the last year moved to Ul'dah and came into the employ of AIM.(Artifice, Invention and Manufacturing)

While working for the company, she studied hard and eventually founded her own business venture; a publishing company. They've published a few books so far, and I'm approaching the point where I will advance the plot to involve more books and authors and all sorts.


So should your lady have authorly ambitions, there is a promising new publisher whom is always seeking independent authors.


Other than that I suppose I should also plug AIM in general, should she be in need of manufacture or invention at some point. Business RP is always fun.

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Let's have encounter someday and see how it will advance ^^


See you around!


I'm completely down for random encounters!  Or even "assigned" encounters by the Adders.  :D   


I'm usually around for ungodly amounts of time in the evening, overnight, and early morning hours.  You can add Syranelle Ironleaf to your Friends List, if you like for ease of finding me in-game.


I look forward to crossing paths!

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So should your lady have authorly ambitions, there is a promising new publisher whom is always seeking independent authors.


Oooh, now you have the writer in me curious!  I could definitely see Syranelle penning some things for you, if she's found to be an acceptable writer.  ^_^


Is there an actual website/blog of publications or is it just hand-waved into existence?  Inquiring minds want to know!  :D

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So should your lady have authorly ambitions, there is a promising new publisher whom is always seeking independent authors.


Oooh, now you have the writer in me curious!  I could definitely see Syranelle penning some things for you, if she's found to be an acceptable writer.  ^_^


Is there an actual website/blog of publications or is it just hand-waved into existence?  Inquiring minds want to know!  :D


The way I've handled books and collected works so far is to have the authors come up with a brief for the kind of story their character would write. So if you wrote a romance, you give a brief description of what the story holds.


These are then accepted as "IC" once the printing and such is done, and collated on a forum threat on the AIM(shivtr) forums. The idea is basically that other characters who know Lekka or the authors can include this in their RP; And the books do not need to be excessively described in detail as I figure every character who reads them has their own slightly different take-away.


It's honestly almost purely flavour, but it gave Lekka a good purpose as a business woman.

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These are then accepted as "IC" once the printing and such is done, and collated on a forum threat on the AIM(shivtr) forums. The idea is basically that other characters who know Lekka or the authors can include this in their RP; And the books do not need to be excessively described in detail as I figure every character who reads them has their own slightly different take-away.


It's honestly almost purely flavour, but it gave Lekka a good purpose as a business woman.


Ahh, I see, so more just a synopsis, like what you'd find on the dust jacket or back cover of a book.  Fair enough!  A very interesting means of adding flavor and immersion; I approve!  ^_^

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If you are still in the market for new friends feel free to track me down with a PM. ^.^


Rini loves meeting new people and your values in RP are very similar to mine. :D


I will certainly endeavor to add you to my Friends List or send you a PM the next time I'm on, Rini!  I appreciate you (and everyone else for that matter) stopping in and tossing your hats in the ring.  ^_^

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If you are still in the market for new friends feel free to track me down with a PM. ^.^


Rini loves meeting new people and your values in RP are very similar to mine. :D


I will certainly endeavor to add you to my Friends List or send you a PM the next time I'm on, Rini!  I appreciate you (and everyone else for that matter) stopping in and tossing your hats in the ring.  ^_^


:D I'm looking forward to it! I'm usually on anytime after 6 central on weekdays.

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I am new here but Okhi is from a family of craftsman adopted by a loving MiQo'te family and is looking to strike out into the world. So if you ever need a body guard I'm your gal.

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I am new here but Okhi is from a family of craftsman adopted by a loving MiQo'te family and is looking to strike out into the world. So if you ever need a body guard I'm your gal.


Duly noted!  :D  Syra's been lurking around Ul'dah at the moment, trying to worm her way into the Azzarneth Ossuary without having to become a Thaumaturge but so far her attempts haven't gotten her very far.  xD


That said, for anyone on the lookout for me, I'm currently online working on my Botany and will probably be here for the rest of the night -- unless I stop off in Ul'dah and the Quicksand for some RP later.  :3


I'll be searching for some of the names listed here, so keep an eye out!

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Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I don't think any of my characters would fit the bill for any notable affiliations (though Faye has also done some work healing for the Twin Adders), I'd be happy to role-play sometime on any of my characters.

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Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I don't think any of my characters would fit the bill for any notable affiliations (though Faye has also done some work healing for the Twin Adders), I'd be happy to role-play sometime on any of my characters.


Thanks for the information, Faye!  I'm looking over HOD's information and website now.  I'm always happy to roleplay, regardless of affiliation!  I mostly list those as easy "ins" for people who might have some trepidation about breaking the ice.  ^_^

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Hi there!


I'd love to have my Raen run into Syranelle sometime. He's an alchemist by trade and has been doing general healing work--mostly among refugees--through the use of potions and poultices since arriving in Gridania several weeks ago.


They could talk botany! Or perhaps either character has heard of the other through their respective healing works in the Twelveswood.


Shoot me a PM, grab me ingame--anything really! I'd love to get a chance to meet your character!

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If your interested in exploration and doing IC treasure map's then you can always grab Sarnai for some good ole advanture.


Shes an IC treasure hunter, but when she's not digging for treasure, shes looking for other work so if your looking for an IC bodyguard or just want to go get some riches, Sarnai would be a good choice.


She's also an IC DRK, though she wont openly admit it or acknowledge it.


Anyways, if your interested, /tell me when you can. Im always online or doing something in game most days.

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Hi there!


I'd love to have my Raen run into Syranelle sometime. He's an alchemist by trade and has been doing general healing work--mostly among refugees--through the use of potions and poultices since arriving in Gridania several weeks ago.


They could talk botany! Or perhaps either character has heard of the other through their respective healing works in the Twelveswood.


Shoot me a PM, grab me ingame--anything really! I'd love to get a chance to meet your character!


That'd be awesome!  I'll be sure to keep a lookout for you!

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If your interested in exploration and doing IC treasure map's then you can always grab Sarnai for some good ole advanture.


Shes an IC treasure hunter, but when she's not digging for treasure, shes looking for other work so if your looking for an IC bodyguard or just want to go get some riches, Sarnai would be a good choice.


She's also an IC DRK, though she wont openly admit it or acknowledge it.


Anyways, if your interested, /tell me when you can. Im always online or doing something in game most days.


This sounds like fun! I do so very much enjoy open-world RP, so Sarnai sounds like she'd play right into that.  I'm typically online from evening until the wee hours of the morning, so I'm sure I'll be able to catch you at some point!

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My FC has a few people who are ICly researchers.  We've run IC dungeons together and are now plotting to ICly explore Dravania and even run some HW dungeons ICly. I know my character would be interested in meeting another smart person who isn't trigger happy.  I can think of a few others I could introduce you to too! Namely a miqo'te and a Duskwight who may or may not see this hehehe.


Actually surprised the Duskwight hasn't jumped on this thread already...hmmmmm...hehehe.


Send me a tell in-game if you're interested/ever want to RP!

Asheloux Thalantos.


Not sure how up to date my RPC is. Ashe has changed a lot recently...he's nicer now and not exactly a villain. Now just a researcher studying aether currents in Dravania/Coerthas and seeking to revive Allagan tech because he's a poop made out of curiosity and no common sense xPP I tend to drag my IC contacts into some pretty crazy stuff though (IC dungeons, long term crazy), so be prepared!

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