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Scholar and Explosives Expert Seeking Contacts

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This ad has been cleaned up and updated as of 3/17/2016. I'm wandering back into the role-play scene after a short break, and I'm looking to make some more connections so that I'm not just sitting in my free company's house being driven mad by Pa-paya.


So, without further interruption!





The Characters:


Kiipa Nulstat - (Wiki)


A formidable Keeper of the Moon, Kiipa maintains a place of leadership not only as the newly reinstated Matriarch of her clan, but as one of the officers of the mercenary company Might and Magitek. Often found at her desk with her nose in a book, Kiipa keeps her personal and professional clinics open to all those who need care - regardless of their allegiances or bonds. Her abilities are more attuned towards medic-like care, but with her faeries, she is a powerful healer when emergency calls for it.


I am actively seeking:


  • Patients, both old and new.

  • Clanless Keepers searching for a clan to call home.*

  • A teacher to help Kiipa learn how to control her emotions, which are negatively affecting her magic.

  • Freelancers looking for short- or long-term work in an entertainment capacity.**


I am not seeking:


  • Romance: Kiipa's romantic life is stable and comfortable for her. Flirty friends are fine, but she won't accept anything further.



* - Kiipa's clan is in the process of rebuilding after a devastating betrayal by her own kin. She is tentatively opening her own to those who lack a clan, or even family. Participating in the clan opens up interaction with other characters of mine, and is intended to help create a social network for players who play, well, Keepers.


** - As the Tavern manager for Might and Magitek, it is her responsibility to make sure the tavern is staffed properly for large events. Entertainers, hosts, and other types are welcome to contact her for openings - you are not required to join the company to participate, and Kiipa is a generous employer!


Note: Kiipa is my PvE and RP main, and I can be found on her more commonly than not. My duties as an officer of my company come before all role-play, and there can be times where I am wholly focused on a project and unable to bounce to another character - to me, I am wasting someone's precious and valuable time if I cannot fully dedicate my attention to them. I am, however, always happy to talk OOC via whispers or Skype!



Katja Hoax - (Wiki)


With the sands of Ul'dah in her blood and the pride of Ishgard in her stride, Katja is a tempest born of an incredibly free spirit with no filters to hold her back. She comes on strong and isn't known to back down unless she deems it proper to do so. An incorrigible flirt with a heart of gold, Katja has made a name for herself in the city of Ishgard by not only inheriting a local shop and forge, but for being one of the fairest traders - employees and clients know that the woman will always come through, and she never lies.


I am actively seeking:


  • Hyuran (Midlander) relatives.*

  • Forge, Shop, Trade clients - both past and present.**

  • Friends and enemies in the city of Ishgard, and perhaps rival merchants/traders.


I am not seeking:


  • Monogamous relationships: If monogamy with a fireball is what you're looking for, Kat isn't your girl - but she's fine for close friends with perks.


* - Katja was born in Ul'dah to a fairly large family of all boys. While her parents are dead, she has not had contact with her siblings since they were parted when she was young. I am open to rebuilding family - which means you may win more contacts than just me!


** - Katja is not an experienced combatant by any means of the word. She's functionally a brawler, with some rudimentary experience with firearms. Her character concept is more focused on crafting and trade, where her strengths are in armor- and weapon-smithing with a focus on Ishgard-related arms. She's picked up more intricate work lately, and excels with it. I'm looking to grow connections for both back-grounded artisan work, and foregrounded tradework - you need a bunch of flax? She'll get you the connections to get a steady stream of it until you don't need it any more.


Note: Katja is far more an RP character than a PvE one, and I am currently focused on progressing her through the MSQ to get her into Ishgard. More than that, it is exceedingly important that you understand upfront that Katja's past and present are littered with unsavory topics, and while it is perfectly possible to never see these things come up in conversation, they are a possibility and can be discussed so that I know, personally, where lines are drawn before making someone uncomfortable.



The OOC Information:


If you are interested in these characters, please take a peek at the OOC section just to give you a heads-up on what I'm looking for in a player, and my general play times. I can work with a variety of character types, but if we are grossly incompatible as players, I don't want to waste our time.


That said, I encourage players of all skill levels and types to contact me. Please do not let anything hold you back - if you are willing, I can and will work with you to help you create something wonderful. It's my hobby and my passion, and I'd love to see it be yours as well!




I'm looking for those rare players who are all about the growth of their character. For them, the game isn't about what lies at the end, because there is no end. I want the players who aren't afraid to kick their precious character down a flight of stairs, see if they pick themselves back up, and repeat the process. I'm looking for those players whose focus isn't just what their character likes, but considers why their character likes it, as well. The ones who are always questioning how something might change - perhaps even the ones who think a little too much!


I want players who want to weave stories that leave us with that giddy feeling of accomplishment even after we've logged off. The ones who know how to play with tension, how to leave a character wanting, and have the patience to see the fruits of their labor, even if it might take days or weeks. Those rare players who, when a goal is reached or an obstacle is in the way, find the next goal or search for ways around that obstacle.


I want players who are fun and friendly, but who know and understand that life sometimes kicks people when they're down. I want players who have a social net, and who are happy to fall back on that net when I'm not available. I want players who flirt and tease, joke and laugh, but know where the boundary lies so that hurt is never had.


I want to feel like I'm not asking for the impossible.


What you, as a player, must understand is that I am a college student who acts a live-in nanny for two younger sisters. I do have homework, and while it is sometimes quite easy and finished in a couple hours, there are days where the load is far more taxing. My schooling and my family will always be first in my priorities, no matter how much I love a story.


I am a private person. I happily talk and flirt with people, but ultimately I keep a good part of myself and my life hidden away from the general populace. I do not ignore people, I do not avoid people. I have very little tolerance for people who act as though the world revolves around them, and I have an equal lack of tolerance for people who simply must have attention 24/7 to feel satisfied.


If you are:


Someone who needs constant attention/validation;

Someone who goes straight for the smut;

Someone who gets bored or distracted easily;

Someone who cannot commit to an idea/character to play;

Someone unwilling to try something new.



... then we will not work together well, and you are better off closing this ad out and not continuing further. I thank you for your interest, and hope you do find someone who you can enjoy the game with!


However, if you are:


Someone who craves creativity and development;

Someone who can function independently of a person;

Someone who can communicate;

Someone who is just as happy to play in groups as they are one-on-one;

Someone who lives for the sappy as much as the hot and heavy;

Someone who isn't afraid to punch their own character in the jaw;

Someone willing to be patient with a player who is new - both to the game and the RP in it.




... then you are exactly the type I am looking for, and I welcome you further. Hopefully, we can find something that makes us both happy!


Please Note: I'm pretty up front about the fact that I do, in fact, participate in erotic roleplay. At absolutely no time should you feel forced into it, and fading to black is totally cool (and sometimes honestly the best thing to do). I write smut both as hobby and for extra cash, so erotic things are something that I'm perfectly comfortable with. It is not, nor will it ever be, a requirement to participate or even include such. I just don't want anyone blindsided.


Also, I'm an altoholic. When I talk about committing to a character/idea, I'm not trying to say you can only have one idea and one character. What that means is that you should be able to commit to a character so that there actually is a character, not an idea that keeps getting changed every few days. I've had characters stagnate for months because key players in their stories just couldn't decide what they were doing. That's no fun for anyone!


My Current Schedule:


I attend college, and my courses roll over every 14-ish weeks. Right now, I am unable to play from 5:30 PM PST - 10:30 PM PST on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


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Known Kiipa here for about.. I think almost six or seven years? Her writing is sublime and I highly encourage you seek her out for a sample. She's a perfect treat to spend some time with.


And unlike her, I will glow about her.


'Cause baby, I'm a firework. Gunna show you what I'm worth.

*rubs temples* Damnit, Erimmont.


*flips him*


--on topic---


I welcome more IC healers! We need more! Hit Kaguya up anytime. She is trying to perfect healing salves and needs assistance!

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Hey there! It seems we're looking for the same things. I'm also an altoholic and have a few characters to choose from. Between all the characters, I'm sure we could get something interesting going. As for an FC, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Watch out, she bites! Well, I mean, unless you like biting...


But really, like Monty up there, I've known this crazy lady for a while now. Great to play with, when the opportunity arises! Plus, she's got plans within plans, and they almost always end up with something better than you expect by a large margin.


But really though, she's got sharp teeth. >.>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've only recently begun RPing but I already have like 5 characters that I'd like to RP at some point and would love to get involved with. Buuut since I've only just started playing FFXIV in general (Only been playing like a month, not including release x3) all of my characters are still very low level. My highest actually being my main at level 32, a Xaela warrior.



The characters I've planned (And already made on another server, just waiting for the moneys to transfer them all in one go. I made them all in one big go to save money) are a dark skinned, slightly eccentric Female Hyur Thaumaturge with more than one screw loose in her head. A blue-haired Seeker of the Sun who prefers the company of books and herbs to the majority of people unless they too are of a more scholarly nature. My male Hyur pugilist, blonde of hair with the best damn mustache ever, cocky, arrogant, vain. Essentially a very shallow character who does as he pleases and takes what he wants, confident that he can win most fights before the other person can draw their weapon. Lastly muh Lalafell. If you ever fancied a giggle at a little, elderly bundle of rage, I got just the character for you :P Have been thinking about having a tomboy bandit/piratey type character but haven't decided yet.



Like I said though, most of my characters are like, not even at a level I'm comfortable to RP them at yet so I'll get back to you at a later date :3

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  • 7 months later...

Say hello someday if you like. My character Selahdis Gharl runs a clinic in the Brume and tries to do what he can for the children there. I'm afraid I never made him a Wiki as of yet but his shared tumblr is in my signature if you wanted to get an idea of what he is about.

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Say hello someday if you like. My character Selahdis Gharl runs a clinic in the Brume and tries to do what he can for the children there. I'm afraid I never made him a Wiki as of yet but his shared tumblr is in my signature if you wanted to get an idea of what he is about.


I'll do that! Kat's made a name for herself in the Brume area due to her habit of hiring the people there for work so they don't feel shame about getting a meal for free, so she's probably stopped by clinics and the like to see who needs the most help.

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Could always have her meet my male keeper, Misha'to! Might have some interesting interactions or even conflicts, with keeper traditions and such.


I'll keep eyes peeled! Kiipa comes with a couple other Keepers, so there's options there as well. Don't be afraid to poke me if you see me about!

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