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Lalafell SMN seeking connections

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Hello! Shopu here... seeking to expand my RP circle a bit, essentially. I'm not new to FFXIV, I've been playing for almost a year (just a couple weeks shy), RPing for most of that, and I'm fairly experienced in RP in general, having RPed in GW2 for a couple years before I moved to FFXIV, and forum/IM RP long before that. In FFXIV most of my RP has been within my Free Company and my circle of friends within it, but as of late I've been wanting to stretch my limbs a little bit and experience what else is out there!


I get kind of fluffy sometimes, but I don't make emotes paragraphs long. I can para RP but I don't ingame. I see RP as a collaborative activity and often like to embellish emotes with a little insight into what my character's feeling, as emotional hooks for other players to pick up on- not because I'm trying to be that guy who just narrates his character's internal monologue and nothing else. I know that guy and I try to avoid being that guy. I've been told my RP has an "emotional/reactionary bent to it". I like the feels. I also like action, especially if it results in some feels. Epic feels, happy feels, sad feels- I'm game for all of it!



So I have two characters who are out there in the world doing stuff. They are:

[align=center]Shoshopu Shopu




Native to Eastern Thanalan, born to a large family that travels with giant tortoises. Currently lives somewhere in La Noscea. She's an arcanist, and also a summoner. She uses a Leviathan-egi. She also has the Echo, but keeps that on the down-low. She's sociable, passionate, excitable, and kind-hearted. She can also be a bit reckless. She loves the adventuring life... most of the time.


[align=center]What I'm Looking For[/align]

  • Other mages, especially summoners and arcanists. Shopu's been self-taught most of her life and wants to learn as much as she can from other practitioners to round out her own abilities. Really this could extend to anyone who fights using aether; I've got some ideas that a monk or other aether-inclined martial artist might suit...
  • Other wanderers. She likes explore the world and talk about exploring the world. She has a semi-permanent home in La Noscea now but loves going on short term adventures for loot and knowledge.
  • Bad guys! Danger! With some extended plot behind it! Shopu's only been attacked once IC and she got her arse handed to her and it was a lot of fun. IC drama is fun and she gets, like, none outside of overarching FC plots. Rarely any personal stuff.


[align=center]RP hooks![/align]

  • Shopu spent some time in the Arcanist's Guild between 1576 and 1577.
  • She frequently visits the Sea of Clouds, particularly to visit Ok' Zundu.
  • It's often rumored in rural La Noscea by those not familiar with Allagan summoning that there's a tiny summoner running around for which tiny Leviathan does her bidding... but she doesn't seem dangerous, for some reason or another.
  • Thanalan traders or nomads are likely familiar with her family, especially before the Calamity, roaming eastern Thanalan in tents mounted on giant tortoises' shells.


[align=center]Awyrbyrt Fyrilsunnsyn




Awyrbyrt is a Twelveswood native. Born and raised in Gridania by his single mother, who had left his father and fled Limsa Lominsa under mysterious circumstances, and was killed in an Ixal skirmish just over a year ago. He's dedicated to work in the Order of the Twin Adder, and recently graduated from the White Wolves into an experimental cavalry unit, though his dream is still to become a Wood Wailer. He's hard-working, very superstitious, and a bit cocky- he was the biggest kid on the block for most of his life- though it's not hard to see he has a good heart.


[align=center]What I'm Looking For[/align]

  • Mounted combatants, especially on chocobo-back. He's pretty good at actually riding his chocobo now, but fighting? Aside from his training in the Grand Company, he could use some pointers from experienced fighters.
  • Peers in Gridania. He was born in Gridania and, being a Roegadyn, with an unmarried mother from outside the Twelveswood no less, he has always been something of an outcast. In spite of being alienated a lot of the time he considers himself a full-blooded Gridanian citizen and abides by all their cultural norms and superstitions. Other outcasts and kindred spirits would be nice for him to have. Maybe even some jerks who look down their noses at him to really flesh out his background.
  • Other Twin Adder soldiers. His involvement in the Order of the Twin Adder is the biggest aspect of his life right now, so naturally he'd be on speaking terms with a few of them.
  • A romantic interest...?
    Here's something he's really self-conscious about. Tall Elezen. Why does he get weird mushy feelings about them? He's a Roegadyn. Isn't that wrong? He's already got problems and this is one he doesn't like to think about, but I think it'd be pretty fun OOC to actually deal with this problem Eorzeans are supposed to have with mixed-race relationships. Romantic drama is old hat and cliche to a lot of people I guess, but it's something I've never gotten to do, so, yeah, uh... /scratches head. Also, he's technically underage, he turned 17 this year, but if whatever comes of it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me.


[align=center]RP Hooks![/align]


  • He's probably stuck out like a sore thumb his entire life among the Gridanian youths...
  • He's often seen lurking around Bentbranch with his green chocobo, Bramble.
  • He was in the White Wolves from mid-1577 to late 1578. He outsized pretty much everyone else in his class.
  • He doesn't seem to have any other significant hobbies outside of training. What is his deal?



Some other OOC info and other details that might be of interest:

  • My time zone is EST, and I'm usually around at night. Tuesday nights are my FC's weekly RP events, so I'll almost always be unavailable then.
  • I have Skype. Lemmie know if you want it.
  • OOC communication is important to me! Don't be afraid to share your thoughts with me and I'll try to not be afraid to share mine with you!
  • I don't mind some mature themes in my RP. It's not like I jump at taboo/mature themes or anything, but I'm not a very sensitive or easily offended individual myself. Please feel free to let me know in advance if you have any themes you're uncomfortable with or potential triggers we should avoid if you think it's something that might come up. It's just something I try to be conscious about.



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Jana is a Summoner ICly as well, but there are a few obstacles. For one, she tends to try and keep her habit of wrenching Primals out of thin air a secret, so she won't show any Egis if she's not in combat. Secondly, the other way for her to take enough interest in someone to show an Egi is to sense a Soul Stone (via her own unique Echo ability), so she wouldn't be able to find your character purposefully. And third... She loathes Gridania and avoids the Shroud.


It's not impossible that they could run into each other but it'd take a quirk of fate!

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Jana is a Summoner ICly as well, but there are a few obstacles. For one, she tends to try and keep her habit of wrenching Primals out of thin air a secret, so she won't show any Egis if she's not in combat. Secondly, the other way for her to take enough interest in someone to show an Egi is to sense a Soul Stone (via her own unique Echo ability), so she wouldn't be able to find your character purposefully. And third... She loathes Gridania and avoids the Shroud.


It's not impossible that they could run into each other but it'd take a quirk of fate!


I remember seein' you in the other thread, where the OP was asking about summoner lore :> Hi!

Shopu doesn't hide it but she doesn't jump to share it with people, either. Shoshopu tends to hang out in the Limsa Lominsa area (Awyrbyrt is the one that's stuck in the Shroud, Shopu doesn't visit the Twelveswood that often either), though it's much easier to find reasons for Shopu to leave her little region (especially if she's going to Ul'dah/Thanalan). We could always arrange a "chance" meeting with Jana and Shopu and see how it goes!


Jerciex is Gridanian and Serpent, so other serpent contacts are welcome ^^ collagues are nice!


Sure! :D Actually-- you're in Hugs and Cake, right? I was thinking of poking my head in there, if all goes well we may very well bump into eachother soon! /rubs hands together

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Hello there, I'd be glad to role-play sometime! I don't really have any summoner characters, but Faye does spend a lot of time in Gridania (she's a native of the Shroud) and has done some work alongside the Twin Adders.

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Sure! :D Actually-- you're in Hugs and Cake, right? I was thinking of poking my head in there, if all goes well we may very well bump into eachother soon! /rubs hands together

Yeah, I am in Hug and Cake LS. Great LS to be in. It is really popular so it is almost full, so they have only one character policy in it.


And lets bumb into each other! :P

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Hi there! Flick's icly researched summoning and has studied it but never practiced it in the sense of summoning egis. She's more of a researcher of Arcanima. She spends a lot of time in Gridania because of her family. Her uncle, Va'tan, is an adder and is pretty much always in the shroud because of it. If you ever want to rp with either feel free to shoot me a message.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm gonna give this a little bump because I've updated the OP some.


Something to note, my interest in Awyrbyrt waxes and wanes (right now it's waning a little bit, especially while I have less free time during the holidays, but I'm leaving him in the OP because it's less trouble for me that way) and as an alt I usually don't log in on him just to stand around and see what's up. But if anyone would still be interested in RPing with him at some point feel free to let me know and we could work out something when I have more time for him.

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I know I haven't been on much, but we seem to play well together. I'll do my best to be more available and perhaps you might take an interest in the background story I've been slowly building up to. If you are looking for villains and danger, just being around Virara might be life threatening enough in the near future. xD


As for ways we can meet, I think I've mentioned a few to you already. Virara goes to the Sea of Clouds to train, and they live relatively close. While already an accomplished martial artist, Virara has pretty limited instruction as a Monk in the sense of Fists of Rhalgr; however her innate failure at aether manipulation and internal control hampers her ability to make use of chakra training.

But more importantly than combat connection, I really do want Virara to build personal relationships with other characters so she can attempt to humanize a bit more.

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I know I haven't been on much, but we seem to play well together. I'll do my best to be more available and perhaps you might take an interest in the background story I've been slowly building up to. If you are looking for villains and danger, just being around Virara might be life threatening enough in the near future. xD


As for ways we can meet, I think I've mentioned a few to you already. Virara goes to the Sea of Clouds to train, and they live relatively close. While already an accomplished martial artist, Virara has pretty limited instruction as a Monk in the sense of Fists of Rhalgr; however her innate failure at aether manipulation and internal control hampers her ability to make use of chakra training.

But more importantly than combat connection, I really do want Virara to build personal relationships with other characters so she can attempt to humanize a bit more.


Are those failures something she could work through? Shoshopu's been looking for innovative ways to make bigger, badder -egis and learning new ways to manipulate one's aether seems to be the way to go. It could be something they end up working on together...

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I know I haven't been on much, but we seem to play well together. I'll do my best to be more available and perhaps you might take an interest in the background story I've been slowly building up to. If you are looking for villains and danger, just being around Virara might be life threatening enough in the near future. xD


As for ways we can meet, I think I've mentioned a few to you already. Virara goes to the Sea of Clouds to train, and they live relatively close. While already an accomplished martial artist, Virara has pretty limited instruction as a Monk in the sense of Fists of Rhalgr; however her innate failure at aether manipulation and internal control hampers her ability to make use of chakra training.

But more importantly than combat connection, I really do want Virara to build personal relationships with other characters so she can attempt to humanize a bit more.


Are those failures something she could work through? Shoshopu's been looking for innovative ways to make bigger, badder -egis and learning new ways to manipulate one's aether seems to be the way to go. It could be something they end up working on together...

She is looking for ways to fix the problem. I cant guarantee success but it could be fun trying.

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