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The new guy

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Recently made it on to Balmung; looking to make connections for RP. Maybe a FC linkshells ect. 


I work on EU time but would be happy to work around NA. 



Welcome to Balmung!


I recommend Hug and Cake linkshell, I can see if there is space for new person ^^

For FC.. I can recommend one where I am in.. We aren't heavy RP FC, but some of us (Like me) are really active/obssessed roleplayers... :D


We do end-game content and other stuff together too and help others when we aren't busy with something else. I recommend to try out ^^

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If you're stuck for a RP FC, I'd liiike to juuuust pimp the Crimson Wolves, or at least chuck the idea your way and hope it sticks. I'm personally GMT, and we've a few americans, though it's pretty regular that we're all online at the same time. If you're interested, we'd love to have you!

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I'm online right now, albeit tied up IC! As for a free company, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Thank you fey. I might poke you in game for a chat before applying.  


Secondly,  as I am completely new I wad wondering if anyone would like to teach a conjurer apprentice,  doesn't have to be regular rp but it could be a great chance to make connections and start some stories going.  


If anyone is interested poke me in game or here

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I could do some shameless self-promotion for the FC I am in. The Pathfinders are always welcoming new folks whether you RP all the time, or whether you do it on occasion and just like to be social otherwise.


The Pathfinders is an adventurers guild that resides at the Everyman Guild, an open tavern in the Goblet, Ward 8, Plot 59. You can always pay us a visit for roleplay, though giving a heads-up before arrival might be better lest you fail to catch anyone there IC.


And if you already found a FC, I'm still more than happy to meet up sometime! Maariya is no dedicated master conjurer, but she knows a fair bit about it due to past studies and being a glorious Paladin. They might have something to talk about!

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