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Looking for a thaumaturge teacher

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Hello there,


I am a newcomer on Balmung and I am actually meeting a lot of interesting people ^^

The thing is...I'm also new on FF14 and I really want to learn more about the lore. I have played a dark knight on cerberus but now as I'm playing a highborn ishgardian, I wanted to (and must) change a bit.


I'm curious about magic and the different ways to use aether. I thought thaumaturgy, in its destructive power, was more likely to fit my revengeful elezeen (well, her soul is a raging fire and she seems cold-hearted, what magic could be best fited? xD). 


I was wondering if someone might be interested to teach her thaumaturgy?


I really wanted to join a wizard group to learn more about aether and the magic theories and practices in FF, but as I've got a huge time difference (I'm UTC+2 - EU time zone), it is difficult for me to meet people from the US time zones, outside the week-ends at about 00:00 or 1am for them. 


This is mainly why I'm starting a thread - to find someone with compatible playing times who would be interested in having an apprentice. Please take in consideration that, for RP reasons, it must definately not be an au'ra (as she is strongly xenophobic).

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I fear at the moment all I could do with Vi is give her books on the subject, and many do some very casual teaching due to being pregnant; she would love to get more inquisitors on her good side after all, and wouldn't mind helping out. However it wouldn't make sense to go any further then that (Unless you are willing to wait a half year, but... :P)

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Ashe is a vengeful, cold-hearted black mage who would be able to~

My lore speciality is in aether and Allag, so I could help with some stuff!  (By speciality I mean what I know most about because I made a crazy black mage obsessed with reverse engineering Allagan technology >>)

I stay up late on weekends and weeknights 'cause I am weird.  I am US pacific time.... -8? or something like that? I donno.

Ashe's wiki is in my signature though, if you're interested.

Read up and send me a pm if you want!


...I'm in the same LS as you btw if it's Ishgard RP >>

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I'm also new on FF14 and I really want to learn more about the lore.

I'm curious about magic and the different ways to use aether. I thought thaumaturgy, in its destructive power, was more likely to fit my revengeful elezeen.


I can't really help ICly because I don't play any magic-users really. But, figured I could drop some lore on the topic for you!


-THM Lore Compilation


Hope this helps! ^^

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Septha is an adept thaumaturge, also someone who digs at the darker arts out of the need to know rather than to use and has actually taught someone the basic elements (hehe elements) of thaumaturgy before. Bare in mind she's quite a grumpy lady outside of magical things and tea. She's actually known in the thaumaturges guild to be the "go-to" when it comes to lessons and if you have trouble with magical locks. She has a past time of messing with magic locks. 


I'm in the UK so I also think our times are quite well matched, I'm happy to roleplay whenever (really most days I do my dailies and then sit around picking my nose or something not productive) so just boop me when I'm online (Septhaja Hellebore) if you're interested. 


Oh and she's a midlander. Forgot about that.

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Thank you for all your kind answers!


Virella> I think I should quote a certain newcomer on the LS about Ishgard, duty and pregnancy xD


Ashe> Our time zones will ne difficult to match =( And I'm really looking for thaumaturgy, not black magic, as I've understood it was something really rare, forbidden and not at the grasp of anyone. I don't think my ishgardian would be able to learn something like that nor would want to right now.


Sounsyy> Thank you, I will take a look at that =)


Trent> Thank you ^^ I have to meet someone first but will definately contact you if it doesn't work.


Septha> Thank you! The fact that you are in UK is great for me, it's just 1 hour of time difference. As I wrote for Trent, I have someone to meet first but will come back to you if this meeting doesn't happen/work for us : )

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