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Group looking for Mature RP contacts (optional recruitment)

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Please check out our mission statement and "Our Story" on our site to see if our kind of RP would suite you. The FC is chaotic neutral but we encourage characters with different views and walks of life to bring conflict and depth to our sessions. We are also look forward to contacting outside FCs to RP with. 


Our style is that we want stories to be created around each character with no pre decided direction to keep things interesting and organic. The fun for us comes from leaving room for everyone to bring their own creativity to the table, for our members and those that just want to join in. After all, we understand the every character is the main character in their own story.


Our goal is to make long time contacts. If you're a member and favor a more active group, or a different style we encourage you to come and go as you please. It's hard to burn bridges with us. Most of the folks we RP with are outside the FC anyway, and it works out just fine.


This is a new project for us and I'm looking forward to meeting new folks and enjoying bring all our characters to life, and by extension, the world of Eorzea. Since this is new, we are on the look out for contacts outside our circle and perhaps new members along the way. 



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While our roleplay group has nothing to join in terms of membership, we do have a heap of Ala Mhigan sellswords within our group. Sadly enough I am not one of them, but everyone loves making connection in our merry band of people.


So if you wish to roleplay with us someday, I am sure we can figure something out all together if you are up for it :)

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While our roleplay group has nothing to join in terms of membership, we do have a heap of Ala Mhigan sellswords within our group. Sadly enough I am not one of them, but everyone loves making connection in our merry band of people.


So if you wish to roleplay with us someday, I am sure we can figure something out all together if you are up for it :)

Thanks for the reply! We are not exclusively looking for just Ala Mhigan sell swords. We want a diverse group to interact with. Even if you have characters who don't fit into their niche we love to have folks of different values. Though many groups like to be of like mind and even race, we enjoy the diversity and the unique RP opportunities that come from it. Recruitment for us is secondary to just finding great folks out their to RP around with. Just wanted to let people know that we are. I'll keep an eye out for you! As for me my character's full name is Dianerro Marcalous.

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While our roleplay group has nothing to join in terms of membership, we do have a heap of Ala Mhigan sellswords within our group. Sadly enough I am not one of them, but everyone loves making connection in our merry band of people.


So if you wish to roleplay with us someday, I am sure we can figure something out all together if you are up for it :)

Thanks for the reply! We are not exclusively looking for just Ala Mhigan sell swords. We want a diverse group to interact with. Even if you have characters who don't fit into their niche we love to have folks of different values. Though many groups like to be of like mind and even race, we enjoy the diversity and the unique RP opportunities that come from it. Recruitment for us is secondary to just finding great folks out their to RP around with. Just wanted to let people know that we are. I'll keep an eye out for you! As for me my character's full name is Dianerro Marcalous.

I will keep an eye out for you :)!

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If you are ever in need of a healer who likely won't ask too many questions, Selahdis runs a clinic/soup kitchen out of an old building in the Brume. The FC I'm a part of is small but between us we have a wide range of characters that might be of use. I'm usually, at least lately, on Selahdis the most and usually through out the day/late at night pst. Like I said, we are small and have leveled together since launch so we won't be much use for recruiting but its always nice to make contacts.

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If you are ever in need of a healer who likely won't ask too many questions, Selahdis runs a clinic/soup kitchen out of an old building in the Brume. The FC I'm a part of is small but between us we have a wide range of characters that might be of use. I'm usually, at least lately, on Selahdis the most and usually through out the day/late at night pst. Like I said, we are small and have leveled together since launch so we won't be much use for recruiting but its always nice to make contacts.

Wonderful! I would definitely like to include Selahdis' clinic\soup kitchen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello~ Good Evening~


I'm currently tight in RP contacts and would definitely benefit from meeting and interacting with new people to take RP in new and interesting directions.


Barbarccia Herself is a Lawful Neutral aligned character who's looking to advance in her world and to come into her own. She plays a "Role" one needed and that she finds mutually exclusive especially for keeping her ear to the ground.


I'm up for some meet and greet!

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