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Some obnoxious falderol


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Heya. I don't have anything very interesting to say about who I am, but I'll say everything I can think of just in case.


I'm a 30-year old Australian who occasionally draws. I've been roleplaying since I was 10 with Dungeons & Dragons, playing Final Fantasy games since I was 16 with VII (the first to be released here), and playing MMOs since I was 23 with Guild Wars. In fact, I've played many tabletop RPGs, the majority of Final Fantasy games (and a bunch of other JRPGs) and heaps of MMOs. I love all of these things, but I missed the boat with Final Fantasy XI.


I bought the collector's edition of FF XIV on a whim, even though I was unimpressed with a lot I was hearing about it. To be honest, I have trouble resisting Amano box art and it was surprisingly affordable, probably because it looked like it was one of a few pre-orders cancelled at the last minute. Anyway, I found that I really loved the game aesthetically (it seems to borrow a lot from the Ivalice games) but I struggled with the gameplay. So, I left for a while, but when I heard about the big changes in the development team and saw how earnest they were about fixing the game, I decided to keep an eye on it. I've popped back in on occasion when I've been able to for free, but now I feel ready to dive in properly.


I've started from scratch, with a Hyuran Midlander (but probably going to change her to Highlander come 2.0) named Rhostel Donlan. I'm levelling her as a Lancer first (currently level 19), partly because it's the only combat class I didn't get around to trying before, and partly because Dragoons are frickin' cool. I consider myself a medium roleplayer; I act in character as much as I can without it getting in the way of having fun with the game.

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Me too! In the meantime I've been figuring out Rhostel's identity, and starting to draw her. Just an anatomy sketch, because I really don't have any RP gear for her yet. That's important, though, because as a Highlander and a fighter she's much bigger and stronger than her ingame model. ;)

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Yeah. When I disconnected almost instantly after getting back in, I figured I should just turn everything off and step away for a little while. Then RL stuff happened and by the time I got back you were gone and everything worked fine thereafter. *sigh*

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  • 4 months later...



So I got sidelined by GW2 at a time when I was getting frustrated with FFXIV. Now, I can't join you all in these last days, but I figured I should poke my head in and say that I'm not dead! I shall return for ARR, and probably start getting active in the community in the lead up.


Anyway, stuuuuuff.

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So I got sidelined by GW2 at a time when I was getting frustrated with FFXIV. Now, I can't join you all in these last days, but I figured I should poke my head in and say that I'm not dead! I shall return for ARR, and probably start getting active in the community in the lead up.


Anyway, stuuuuuff.

WB! Excited to see you again!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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