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LF Followers of Azeyma: Share story/song & receive people post celebration

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Getting ready for the 12th and final pilgrimage which for this month is for Azeyma the Warden.


Azeyma, keeper of the sun and goddess of inquiry, commands the element of fire and is tied to the Fifth Astral Moon (ninth month). She is depicted as a noble lady holding a golden fan, and her symbol is the radiant sun.


RPC Wiki Entry


Azeyma the Warden, part of the Twelve pantheon of Eorzea, is the goddess of the sun. The miqo'te Seekers of the Sun's devotion to her pervades their culture.


Azeyma is keeper of the sun and goddess of inquiry. She commands the element of fire and is associated with the ninth moon of the Eorzean calendar. Azeyma is the daughter of Althyk, and the elder sister of Menphina. She is most often depicted as a noble lady holding a golden fan. Her symbol is the radiant sun, and may have a connection to truth as a whole, as she is said to console all who would confess to their crimes.


Checking in if anyone has a character, Seeker or not, who relates to Azeyma and wouldn't mind sharing a story of how the goddess has impacted their life, their culture, a song inspired by the warden, etc. Also if anyone wants to stick around afterwards for role players to approach them with confessions, ask for guidance, give blessings, etc that'd be fantastic.


Aiming to have the pilgrimage event either the 26th or 27th of September. It's still up in the air until I can find some people interested and see what day works out best for the majority of them.  Event will be Saturday the 26th ^_^


Started asking around online and have one possible person already, if anyone else would like to be part of it please PM or reply here. Thank you so much!

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I do believe I can give you something for Azeyma.

:lol: Fantastic! Nathan can make hearts soar in a different light than last time.




Can't help it those gifs just make me laugh


Aiswynd has a story he could give...a couple...and that ties into his devotion to The Warden.


Lovely! I'll PM you about it.


I also got the chance to ask Leanne who said she can pass on some Seeker love. :love:


I know not everyone is on RPC in particular so even if there's a friend out there that might want to partake I'm online most evenings to meet up with other interested folks.

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oh good i should be able to make either of those days, don't wanna miss the last one! D:

also i can help where you need me x3 maybe pass out little gold paper fans with questions on them or something. (or not, just thought of it when writing this :blush: )

Paper fans! Those sound great. I'll have to brainstorm on what kind of inquiries they could have on them.


Or maybe people can write a confession on it and kind of 'let it go' that way. :blush:





Id be interested. My character is a seeker and Azeyma is her birth guardian


Fantastic! I sent you a PM!


Talking with others we've settled on afternoon for Saturday the 26th. There's possibly four people sharing songs and stories which is great number. 


I don't know if anyone would like to just interact with people after the stories and hear confessions/talk/give blessings. Otherwise I think those fans will really be nice.

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Maariya here is a Seeker. While she is not a traditional Miqo'te she is a very pious individual and serves all Twelve gods. Azeyma however is one of the few she involves herself with a bit more than others.


She is also known to patrol the routes towards Final prayer where Azeyma's stone is located, keeping it safe for pilgrimage.


I'll definitely try to attend this event!

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Maariya here is a Seeker. While she is not a traditional Miqo'te she is a very pious individual and serves all Twelve gods. Azeyma however is one of the few she involves herself with a bit more than others.


She is also known to patrol the routes towards Final prayer where Azeyma's stone is located, keeping it safe for pilgrimage.


I'll definitely try to attend this event!


Wonderful ^_^ I'll get it posted by the end of today give everyone about two weeks of notice.




oh yus! i love that confession idea!!!! OuO

Looks like we've got a plan ^_^


Hopefully it'll be a magical night in the desert.


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