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New to Balmung - Looking for roleplay!

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As the thread name suggests I just swapped to playing on Balmung after a friend recently got me into Final Fantasy. I have eight years rp experience behind me so am keen to get stuck into roleplay as soon as possible :D


I'm from England so running on GMT+1 at the moment I think it is due to some daylight saving nonsense. Hopefully there are some of you awesome North Americans out there who can rp at times suitable for both of us! Also if there are any Europeans out there definitely feel free to give me a shout :D

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I know a few Europeans in my FC but sadly I am a californian. :)


I believe there are some EU FCs as well as linkshells for EU RP!


I believe Europa is the EU RP Linkshell, however I may be wrong. I suggest taking a looksie through the Linkshells tab!

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Fellow UK'er here! *salut in rp*


My Roegadyn would love to meet you; she gets on well with pretty much anything and you can't have too many Thaumaturges on your side as an Adventurer.


Feel free to drop me a line on Heathcliff Alfhart (She only goes by Heath) and we can go from there.


Thanks when I'm online tonight I may send a friend request to get in touch. I find the tell system harder than other games due to the need to remember and spell correctly the entire name! Don't even get me started on Miqo'te names :D


Also to Kage thanks for the tip on the linkshell I'll definitely check that out.

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Suggestion about the names, if you know one of the first names or the last names you can use the player search function and then use the result to send a /tell.


Issue is if they're offline or in a dungeon/duty they will not show up. Send a PM here or coordinate in a forum post for the best results what times to meet up!


Edit: I forgot to include this http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=9233 Nailah's European Directory

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Thanks for the awesome fun roleplaying with me today and welcome to Balmung!!  I should have invited you to my linkshell before you logged so I'll try and catch you tomorrow!  The linkshell is the Heavy OOC RP LS that's good for finding contacts and discussing lore.  TTYS!


- Sashana Star

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