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Time to Introduce myself!


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~I'm new to the forums, and I thought I should introduce myself! ^_^~

(I'm totally going to use parts of the introduction template)


  • FFXIV is my first MMORPG
  • I have RPed before! I have experience from;


              -Other Video Games


              -Random RP's with friends

  • I hope to be a medium RPer! 

Now to tell you a little bit about myself!

  • I like to cosplay

I started cosplaying when I was 12, my costumes are very simple, but I aim to get better and eventually cosplay; Tali'Zorah (Mass Effect), A female Twi'lek (Star Wars), and other "difficult" cosplays.

  • I like anime

I don't watch anime as much as I use to, but if a series happens to capture my attention, I'll watch it. Some of my faveorite animes are; Beyond the Boundary, Puelle Magi Madoka Magica, Evangelion, and Mirai Nikki

  • I'm a console gamer!

Just thought I'd say that, since I know some people like to know.

  • I'm creatively challenged.

I'm not good at drawing things, and i'm an o-k-a-y writer. I'm good at making characters though!

  • People say I have a nice personality!

I try my best to be kind, so if I somehow offend you, know that I don't intend to! I'm also pretty terrible at starting conversations.


~That's basically everything about me, I didn't go into too much detail, so if you would like to know more about me, please feel free to ask!~

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