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Free Paladins


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After going through the paladin story line, I think that my character's personality would work well with being a free paladin.


From what I remember of the first paladin quest, the Sultansworn recently decided to teach non-Sultansworn the art of being a paladin, so there's lore reasons this is possible.

However, the reward for the level 50 paladin quest is a set of armor that I'm told has only been given to Sultansworn until that point. So I'm guessing that I couldn't use that armor in-character (without glamouring it).


My question is: Are there any other details I missed/haven't seen that I need to know about free paladin lore? (bolded to get to the point)

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I found two ways to get around this: The i50/55 quest line armor is lore-wise a "restricted" style of armor - If you look around at the other Paladin NPCs, even the Sultansworn themselves, you rarely find anyone actually inside of it. Pieces, yes, but not the whole kit and kaboodle barring your big Roe friend from the questline.


However... the i90 armor you get from either trading in Antique item drops or from completing the 2.1+ main story (only after the Heavensward launch) is stated to be replica armor done in the style of the jobs as depicted in history. The other solution I found it to find a crafter to make you the Augmented Gallant Attire pieces (or just buying them from the Market Boards, but price and availability will fluctuate) and dying your armor to stand out. That's what I've had Warren do for... a long time, since basically those things got added to the game.


So technically, no, you can't wear that specific lore armor, but you absolutely can if you give yourself a reason to be wearing that style.

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You know why they call them Free Paladins?


'cause you don't have to pay 'em!


Thank you, thank you, try the veal. This has been your regularly scheduled post making fun of ul'dah greed.


* * *


Essentially what they said - I'd personally aim for your own style to distance yourself from the Sultanate visually, calling attention to your free paladin status.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly I've never counted what someone is wearing as lore or not lore. Maybe I'm just selectively seeing. But if I see someone running around with a zeta weapon, I don't comment on how it looks like a legendary mythical sword, and I don't expect or approve of the player who holds it to actually say it is.


I also don't see things like Cloud or Lightning's outfits as their outfits. They are just clothes to me.


Is that just me? Or is this a whole train of thought about what I'm wearing that I've been completely oblivious to for years?

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Honestly I've never counted what someone is wearing as lore or not lore. Maybe I'm just selectively seeing. But if I see someone running around with a zeta weapon, I don't comment on how it looks like a legendary mythical sword, and I don't expect or approve of the player who holds it to actually say it is.


I also don't see things like Cloud or Lightning's outfits as their outfits. They are just clothes to me.


Is that just me? Or is this a whole train of thought about what I'm wearing that I've been completely oblivious to for years?


For the most part you're correct; Most people aren't going to give a care about what you're wearing as long as you're not walking around claiming that you're in Allagan Mark V Ironman armor. Paladins get it strange, though, because they've sort of got a uniform that's steeped in lore.

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I will second Warren's thoughts. For the most part I ignore most clothing and weapons that people wear as being their artistic choice. But when there are items that are clearly meant to be lore faction uniforms, such as the level 50 Vermillion set "Brass Blade" armor, it feels strange to walk around looking like an NPC yet not playing the part.

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