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Use of Houses


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An idea born of a rather strong need occurred to me as I was typing this out the first time: A lot of players/FCs don't own a house, and the current state of selling/trading houses is, last I checked, either up in the air or against SE's terms (I could well be behind on this).


However, even if it turns out that it's all well and good to sell a plot, there's still that rather pronounced shortage, both of actual plots and people/FCs with enough gil, and so... the idea.


Would people be willing to list their house as 'rentable' or able to be borrowed for an eve should, for example, a FC or personal story require the use of a building?  Or better yet, are you aware of anyone who owns a house but left the game, and wouldn't mind it being put to use?  Or have multiple plots that may well be unused, and not mind the others being given a purpose?  Or... well, there are lots of possibilities and ways to word it, but the idea is the same.  A plot that could be requested for use at a specific time for a purpose, or is no longer used and available for 24/7 usage.


If the idea appeals to you, shout out down below with the owner and location (and theme of the plot/building if applicable) and I'll update this post with the details.


(Also, that great need mentioned in the first line?  J&H would be looking to borrow a location tonight *Nod*)


Edit, because people are getting confused: The idea for this thread is to find entire buildings that don't have a purpose. For instance, a player left the game (Or rarely logs on) but wouldn't mind their home being put to use on occasion should someone require a plot setting that can't be provided by the game world (Case in point, J&H are looking to borrow someone's home for a night for an internal murder mystery-like event.). Players with multiple plots, players who own a home but really don't find much use for it, so on and so forth.





Owner's Name: Ardent Dawn

House Name: The Eventide Tavern & Inn

Location: The Mist, Ward 8, Plot 36 -- take the NW subdivision aetheryte.

Size: Medium

Theme: Tavern & Inn

Album: http://imgur.com/a/0tNjV#0

Note(s): Please send me a tell as soon as you know that you're looking for a venue. I can do public or private events and help with them if you wish, or just let you have use of the premises. It remains open as a public RP spot unless it is reserved.

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Owner's Name: Ardent Dawn

House Name: The Eventide Tavern & Inn

Location: The Mist, Ward 8, Plot 36 -- take the NW subdivision aetheryte.

Size: Medium

Theme: Tavern & Inn

Album: http://imgur.com/a/0tNjV#0

Note(s): Please send me a tell as soon as you know that you're looking for a venue. I can do public or private events and help with them if you wish, or just let you have use of the premises. It remains open as a public RP spot unless it is reserved.

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I pondered linking that, but decided against it.  The purpose of that thread seems to be promoting RP in other places that have an established purpose (Bars, crafting houses, shops and workshops, etc).


The idea for this thread is to find entire buildings that don't have a purpose.  For instance, a player left the game (Or rarely logs on) but wouldn't mind their home being put to use on occasion should someone require a plot setting that can't be provided by the game world (Case in point, J&H are looking to borrow someone's home for a night for an internal murder mystery-like event.).  Players with multiple plots, players who own a home but really don't find much use for it, so on and so forth.


Eorzea is a wide and varied place, with some stunning vistas to take in, but when it comes to buildings to explore and put to good use?  There it could use some variety, and I'm hoping this might solve that.

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Perhaps I have misread. Is the purpose of this not the same as this thread's http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=7491

I'm sure that is terribly outdated by now though? I'm not quite sure! But it seems to be having the same intentions yeah :)


Nahh it's current. If you check the rest of the post you can see the last date the OP updated it.

So it's pretty much the same thing.

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Added some clarification to the OP for additional... well, clarity.  Again, not looking for houses or FC buildings that are in use, or have an active purpose, but buildings that currently have no purpose, no active owners, or are able to be borrowed for a night, and are thus free for people to put to good use for one-night plot events.

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