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Greetings RPC,


In a constant effort to improve my online interactions and meet peoples and stuff, i decided to finally post here and maybe, just maybe, get involved in some stuff.


Since i have no idea how to start i'll use this handy template


--MMORPG background


I started RPing online back in the days of Yahoo groups, but my main experience on "real time" online RP was in the golden age of Neverwinter Nights and the persistent servers, was great, even ended up DM on one. Eventually WoW came by and kinda killed all that. Since then i RP'd in other games, mostly the dearly missed City of Heroes, but also quite a bit on Champion Online as well. That aside i played "end game" on several games, most notably FFXI.


--RP experience


I started pen&paper RP in Advanced Dungeon and Dragon when i was 14 with a group of guys several years my elders, and since then i've been completely swallowed by that hobby and i'm nearly 34. I don't play "actual" pen&paper as much as i used to but still daydreaming and writing and playing a solo campaign with a friend still occupy much of my mind and time.

My tastes greatly evolved over time, starting with DnD, then Legend of 5 Rings. My first big love was Planescape and since then i've been very attracted by games with a large dose of crazyness and/or philosophy, such as Kindred of the East and Kult. My "main" game is Exalted, but i grew to strongly dislike most of the aspects of the "vanilla" version of the game to make a "personnalized" version with my friend, that has only little in common with the canon anymore.



--Character ideas/info


My main (and only) character is Durga Shakti, a foreign miqo'te from very distant lands, maybe she come from the new world? Maybe from some remote island in uncharted seas? She don't even know herself. Here, she work as a mercenary, bodyguard and messenger, but her affinities for the darker things lead her more and more to deal with shady business and peoples.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Learning about the wiki, i eventually started making a page for it, and since it require a forum account to do so, i eventually paid attention to the forum and what it stands for.



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


I'm not a big fan of alphabetical labels. I RP my character, at the best i can, and go where my RP leads me, wherever that may be.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I'm a 34 years old french person, currently just about to start online schooling on 3D art and also trying to re-learn to draw (i didn't hold a pencil to draw in like 10+ years heh). I like "old school" fantasy (i mean the really old school fantasy, such as old pulp Sword & Sorcery though i'm no expert in the domain. I just don't like high epic fantasy that much anymore.), art and video games.

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