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mysterious knight looking for companion

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Hello, my character Miune Steadhal has just transferred to balmung and is looking to get into the Rp scene. Miune is a young knight, having just attained the rank. his past is shrouded in mystery but with the right companion he'd no doubt open up and perhaps try to confront his past. as much as I am a sucker for romance, if the rp doesn't develop that way and remains a good friendship, that would be just fine with me. at the same time i'm also looking for contacts just people I can have fun and rp with, as well as possibly finding a guild for my knight. I also have two friends who have transferred over with me, and no doubt would like to find the same guild with me. 


Miune is a soft-spoken naive person who tries to see the best in people, he know's he's not the strongest, or the fastest, but he does his best  regardless. he's friendly beyond the norm, and will go out of his way to help anyone. 


on a side note i'll be posting a character story/background in the near future. 

thanks for taking the time to read this!

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well if your character spends any time in the shroud, look for Kailia Mewrilah. Chances are he could find that little druid girl roaming about :). As for FC, currently the only one I could suggest is the one I am in, as I don't have experience with many FC's. But despite being a miqo'te FC, Morbolvine Clan does have a few non-miqo'te as employee's.

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Well I suppose a welcome to the server is in order ^^ 


Aside from that if you catch me online feel free to poke me or walk up. I can't really help ya with the knight guild bit but if you ever need armor or weapon repair ic'ly I'd love to help.

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I've mainly been bouncing between three characters (my main and then actual rp characters) though Caelia has been getting a bit more love lately. However, two of my rp characters are based in Ul'dah right now (Caelia Silverarch and Lune Vormold) so shoot me a /tell if I'm online and Miune is around Ul'dah :D if I'm not on those two, shoot a /tell to Alair Valaias (my main kinda-rp lala) and we can discuss stuffs there, I can switch over, etc.


Edit: derp, should mention that Cae and Lune's wiki links are in my sig, so give em a lookover, see which one would ping him more? :D

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thanks again everyone i have a question. is there a channel that people connect to so they can start rping? i see alot of people standing around and wondering if they have a special channel they are on and if its free to join for everyone.


oh and if you see me online, please feel free to send me a tell i've got no problem dropping what i'm doing to rp with all you wonderful folks :) otherwise i'll do my best to find you all!


EDIT: I posted a beginner story of sorts in town square. have a read if you'd like, let me know what you think!

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