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Miqo'te male sun raised in Doma? Appropriate naming conventions?

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I wanted to make a male Miqo'te sun seeker who was raised in Doma; orphaned.


Is there lore appropriate naming conventions for this?


Would it make sense for this character not to use a tribe name/letter distinction? Should I use Au ra naming conventions for the last name but keep a Miqo'te first?(minus tribe)? [This is so far what I'm planning].


I don't want it to look like I just race-changed and didn't name-change my character - but it doesn't make sense with the backstory for him to follow Miqo'te tribe conventions. I want him not to have really known his bio-parents well, or maybe have been given a Miqo'te name but he or his parents abandoned the tribe? Does that seem viable?


Any help/opinions/suggestions entirely appreciated!

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It largely depends on his backstory. If he's a native of Doma, I imagine his name would follow strictly Doman conventions. If his parents fled there, he would have to be fairly advanced in age (I think) to have arrived before the Garlean occupation of Othard, and then you have a bit more freedom (false name, Miqo'te first name with Doman last, etc).

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We know there is Lalafell from Othard at least, there are Highlanders from there too. I like to pretend that there are race clans from outside Eorzea that aren't playable. So there might be Miqote from Othard, just neither Keeper or Seeker, but something else.

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It probably doesn't help you any, but I have a Doman seeker. Girl, though. She uses a strictly Doman (well, Chinese in her case) name.


No, no, that helps plenty! I appreciate being able to see what others have done with their character(s) in similar scenarios. Thank you.


If you don't mind my asking/don't mind sharing, does she have any particular backstory/reason she or her family ended up in Doma? Always nice to have inspiration!

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I wanted to make a male Miqo'te sun seeker who was raised in Doma; orphaned.


Is there lore appropriate naming conventions for this?


Yes, actually! Meet Yamimi Farwalker, a plainsfolk merchant and traveler hailing from the Far East. Her first name reflects Plainsfolk Naming Conventions while her last name reflects Doman Naming Conventions and is reminiscent of other Doman NPCs of note, such as Yugiri Mistwalker or Karasu Redbeak.



Would it make sense for this character not to use a tribe name/letter distinction? Should I use Au ra naming conventions for the last name but keep a Miqo'te first?(minus tribe)? [This is so far what I'm planning].


Yes, and yes.

The names of these tribes contained many sounds which were difficult to represent with the existing Eorzean alphabet; but the fact that there were the same exact number of tribes as letters in the Eorzean alphabet was taken as a sign that they were destined to make the new realm their home, and so assigned each tribe with a letter/sound that was closest to its name. Over time, this resulted in the changing of the pronunciation to more closely resemble the pronunciation of the Eorzean letter than that of the original word. The tribe names are originally based on traditional beastkin, scalekin, or cloudkin totems, which are said to protect the tribe.


So the alphabetical, tribal suffix is an Eorzean adaptation. So it is unlikely that a Miqo'te whose family hails from the Far East would have adopted these tribal letters. Alternatively! Tribal letters consistent with characters from the Othardian or Doman alphabets may have been adopted by Miqo'te migrating from Meracydia to the Far East 3,000 years ago. So that is another possibility.


If you wanted to have a tribal designation, the possibility that your character's family/tribe came originally from Eorzea and settled in the Far East some time in the past would be an acceptable thing as well. Limsa Lominsa has traded with the Far East for hundreds of years, it's likely Miqo'te are no foreigners to their shores. There's even a Miqo'te NPC who deals in Far Eastern goods named S'gnayak. Whether she's Far Eastern herself or not is unknown.


Greetings' date=' my lady. I bring exotic goods from lands far to the east.[/quote']



Hope this helps! ^^ Lemme know if you have more lore questions! If you have more racial lore I'd recommend checking out this background compilation post. While there's not too much on abnormal conventions, it should help piece together which bits of your character you'd like to adopt and which you think would not make sense for your setting.

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It largely depends on his backstory. If he's a native of Doma, I imagine his name would follow strictly Doman conventions. If his parents fled there, he would have to be fairly advanced in age (I think) to have arrived before the Garlean occupation of Othard, and then you have a bit more freedom (false name, Miqo'te first name with Doman last, etc).

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks! I'll have to look more into the lore following the Garlean's take over - I'm not very familiar with the time line. Definitely something to keep in mind.


We know there is Lalafell from Othard at least, there are Highlanders from there too. I like to pretend that there are race clans from outside Eorzea that aren't playable. So there might be Miqote from Othard, just neither Keeper or Seeker, but something else.

Yeah, I know the NIN story line features Doman Hyurs, so it makes sense there are races other than Au ra. Thank you very much! It does give a sort of freedom to imagine outside tribes, at least until we know more about it.

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Ah, thank you so much! That's all very helpful/informative. I will look into that post, as well.


This all gives me plenty to work with. I'm excited!


Thanks again everyone !


Haha, I'll spend too much time day dreaming this character. I'll have to get to writing.

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I have a Watsonian and a Doyalist reason why my Doman miqo has the name she does.


Watsonian: Her family has lived in Doma for, hell, probably ever since the miqo'te fled Meracydia.


Doyalist: She's an expy of a character from another series, using the same name, and I made her a miqo'te because someone pointed out to me that I could use their face marks to emulate one of her notable visible characteristics.

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It largely depends on his backstory. If he's a native of Doma, I imagine his name would follow strictly Doman conventions. If his parents fled there, he would have to be fairly advanced in age (I think) to have arrived before the Garlean occupation of Othard, and then you have a bit more freedom (false name, Miqo'te first name with Doman last, etc).

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks! I'll have to look more into the lore following the Garlean's take over - I'm not very familiar with the time line. Definitely something to keep in mind.


Othard has been under Garlean rule for at least 25 years. Territories which willingly surrendered to Garlean occupation were allowed to remain relatively untouched and maintained much of their lifestyle and customs as prior to Imperial rule. Nations which resisted domination or rebelled were razed. (See: Doma Discussion ) Rulers and liege lords were allowed to keep their rule and land but answered to Garlean ambassadors and consuls within the city. Also, worship of idols, eikons, or "false gods" was outlawed in all Imperial territories.


Several references state that Eorzea continued to (and still continues to this day) trade with Imperial territories and with Garlemald itself until the Calamity. Lolorito Nanarito's famed East Aldenard Trading Company became rich off of trade with lands to the east as well as Garlemald. Arcanist Assessors from Mealvaan's Gate even boarded Garlean trade vessels from time to time to ensure the quality of goods coming into Eorzea.


I've been assigned to a small trading vessel hailing from Garlemald which is due to arrive in less than five bells. Until then' date=' I must review assessor logs pertaining to goods recently confiscated from imperial soil. We would not have any of their unauthorized technologies falling into the hands of unscrupulous individuals... and this city has more than its share of those.[/quote']


So travel to and from the Far East does not appear to be closely regulated on the Othard side of things. Getting through Mealvaan's Gate into Eorzea nowadays might be a little more difficult after Limsa Lominsa established blockades around Eorzean ports.

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