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TK Hikaru

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So um, Hi hello there! I'm TK Hikaru, but just call me TK.

I've been playing mmos for years, and ffxiv for a few months now.


If we're counting the entirety of my rp experience, it's a little over two years. Most of my platforms have been tumblr, facebook messaging and the occasional forum. I've never roleplayed in an mmo.


I play on Mateus currently with a main and a few roleplay themed alts, but with my alt's nonroleplay guild going tits up, I feel like a fresh start is desperately needed.


Gilgamesh and Balamug are currently out of the question due to a lack of funds for a server transfer. Are there any other servers with roleplayers on them?

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If you can bear to wait, you should be able to get a character in on Balmung after maintenance. The window opens up for about 5 minutes, so just have everything you want to do ready to go, and you can get in.


That being said, there's a few people around from different servers: I think Siren has an RP community.

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If you can bear to wait, you should be able to get a character in on Balmung after maintenance. The window opens up for about 5 minutes, so just have everything you want to do ready to go, and you can get in.


That being said, there's a few people around from different servers: I think Siren has an RP community.


I actually do have all my character's details saved, I'm just worried about the state of my internet currently. My area's going through a bit of an internet outage. Balamug's such a busy server I'm afraid I'd have no way to get in. Thank's for the advice about Siren though!

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Welcome! :D


One thing to note about the transfers is that the one $18 charge applies to up to 8 characters, so if you have lots of varied ideas for alts (even if you think you won't play them all right away) it becomes pretty cheap if you look at it per-character. Plus, we get zero gold-farmer spam messages on Balmung, which IMO is worth $18 all by itself! :3

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Welcome! :D


One thing to note about the transfers is that the one $18 charge applies to up to 8 characters, so if you have lots of varied ideas for alts (even if you think you won't play them all right away) it becomes pretty cheap if you look at it per-character. Plus, we get zero gold-farmer spam messages on Balmung, which IMO is worth $18 all by itself! :3


also adding just another note regarding transfers, they are currently closed for transferring but will be available again the 20th of this month.

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