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Street Thief / Burglar in need of marks or contacts!

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Because massive invasions of privacy are just great RP icebreakers.


About Me:

-I'm over in the EST timezone and keep normal hours, so I'm hoping for those with similar playtimes preferably. 

-I like my RP heavy, if I'm being honest; long-term plots that really explore or test a character are just my favorite thing. Of course, I'm open to lighter RP as well-- short, amusing encounters are built into my character's skillset and personality and are thus always enjoyable.

-I'm most available via PM or skype


About my character:

With all the boring stuff out of the way, I'm looking for contacts for my character, Wander Atwood, an 18 year old Midlander. The short version is that she's a criminal out of Ul'dah with a lifetime of pickpocketing and burglaries under her belt, and also dabbles in fraud and confidence schemes. She's conceited, childish, shameless, and whimsically impulsive. Her theft borders on kleptomania-- if you're looking to be friends, expect to be stolen from anyway. Perhaps even moreso, honestly. Other skills include lockpicking, safecracking, climbing, drinking, and talking (or running) her way out of trouble.



What I'm looking for:

Wander is in need of contacts of just about any kind. Friends, marks of any kind, homes to burgle, enemies to run from, rivals to screw with, bosses to work for, jobs to do, or even a mentor or partner if we really click. Conflict or cooperation is welcome, so long as there is fun RP to be had! Finally, if there are any IC Wood Wailers out there, I have a specific plot that I could use you in at some indeterminable point in the future; please PM me for more details.



Thanks for checking out my little thread. Looking forward to RPing with you all!

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What a coincidence, my own (former) Ul'Dahn thief's in need of some connections.

She's currently based in Limsa Lominsa pretending to be a locksmith, so we could potentially go from there?


Absolutely, a locksmith acquaintance would be a pretty valuable acquaintance for Wander! May I have your character name? I'll try to catch you online.

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  • 4 months later...

Bumping this. 


So, I'm beginning to find that some people really don't like being stolen from as walk-up, so instead I'm hoping to establish a sort of whitelist for thievery. Anyone whose open to the idea of thefts or attempted thefts against their character or home, please let me know your characters name, general location, as well as your timezone so we can initiate something! And if you only want specific things taken or any such rules, please feel free to let me know.

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*stumbles into thread*



My character Kanako Moonweaver is a merchant and always keeps her gil on her. Sometimes she'll have a small box in her satchel that holds gems, necklaces, etc. Since she makes a good amount of profit off of goldsmiths, she will more often than not, have this box.


Would be more than willing to RP in-game or via PM. Just let me know if you're interested.

Hope things work out. ^_^

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Hi there,  

My character, Savo, is an opportunistic thief (aspiring musician) who lives in a sewer drain on peal lane.  If your character prowls the lane and the quicksand it is likely that these two characters, yours and mine, would know of one another.  Also, there is a pretty decent and established community of thieves, lowlifes, cats with fleas, whores and general miscreants (+Ul'dah's unofficial village idiot) active on pearl lane lately.  More would be merrier...the place has a reputation to ruin.


As far as RPing robbery, I agree it is supremely difficult since so often one of three things happen, 1) you are immediately put into a fight for your character's life...which is always a little over the top for a mere pickpocket.  2) you get caught and pitied...which for some character's is the goal, but kinda annoying if you want to play an unrepentant thief.  3) completely ignored.  I find the process works best if you just goof your way through it, because if you are amusing about it...they are less likely to hit you with an axe.  Assume everyone is the chosen one, every character is the center of the universe and you are moving into their space.  Starting with a /tell message kills it for me too, I like to walk up and just drop the text on them, but for best results I have to scour the place looking for some one who wants something bad happen to their character...and there are always a few (usually the innocent and cute types...who will use the event to ingratiate themselves with a stronger character and come back and kick the crap out of you...which is kinda the fun part anyway).  


good luck with the larceny.



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Bumping this. 


So, I'm beginning to find that some people really don't like being stolen from as walk-up, so instead I'm hoping to establish a sort of whitelist for thievery. Anyone whose open to the idea of thefts or attempted thefts against their character or home, please let me know your characters name, general location, as well as your timezone so we can initiate something! And if you only want specific things taken or any such rules, please feel free to let me know.

I tend to do a lot of my RP via PM or Skype since i can't be on balmung much but im always down to RP with  whichever you prefer. You can steal anythin off her as shes one of those law abiding mercs with actual standards.


Stone Hanaku's a 7'0 FemRoe always cladded in heavy armor but her coin purse can be snatched by a thief or if you wanna trick her into bein an ally that's fine too. She has a small group of mercs with her so i mean..There's that.

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@Ghostly Maiden: Excellent! I'll look out for you ingame or send you something soon!


@Savo: All of this sounds great. Yea, I've been having the exact same problems with my walkups. Fortunately, some have been really great, while others are extremely touchy with the idea of theft. I'm 100% down for the possibility of Wander and Savo knowing each other or at least of each other, too. I'll look out for you ingame. Are you on Skype by any chance?


@Whisper: I can work with that. More prospects when I'm not strictly ingame are always good. I'll PM you soon for details.

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Well, random stroll on the RPC, here I am.


Just gotta add Simeon name on the robbery whitelist. Got already well... Thrice, never managed to caught one (in fact, caught one, but laughed with it and finished by drinking together)


So... Well, guess I'm open to robbery of a character always with a good purse of gils and some jewellery if you want. Hanging around all Eorzea for his own duties to his House.


Got a skype too. And a to update wiki. So take your pick if you fancy so. Good day.

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Qhora's also okay with being stolen from, so can add her to the whitelist. As an ex-burglar/trained Shroud bandit, she's a bit too savvy to carry real valuables or even stand out from the crowd enough to be that great a mark, but a bump in the marketplace and suddenly missing coin purse is more likely to make her laugh than rage, and getting involved in any sort of skullduggery is A-OK in my book (less in hers, since it's supposed to be behind her, but more than happy to run with it).


While she technically still does the lockpicking/safecracking/climbing up drainpipes thing on occasion, these days it's in the interests of upstanding moral clients as an investigator, so not sure what sort of contact she'd make, either. But fun is fun, doesn't have to be the best fit. :D

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Aya's a barmaid at the Quicksand, and a pretty well know figure around Ul'dah and its markets (for her own shopping and on behalf of Madame Momodi). She also has her own discreet ties with the Ul'dah underwold - I'm sure we could do something with that :)

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Aya's a barmaid at the Quicksand, and a pretty well know figure around Ul'dah and its markets (for her own shopping and on behalf of Madame Momodi).  She also has her own discreet ties with the Ul'dah underwold - I'm sure we could do something with that :)

Ah ha, that's where I recognized the name from. Seen you in the Quicksand before. I'm going to stalk your wiki then get back to you.


Hiya! Arietty Moonfall, my character, is blind and usually hangs around her home at the Wayfarer's Rest which is a bar + Inn. Your welcome to steal from her if you want to come and try.

I'm pretty sure its bad luck to steal from a person with a disability, but hell, Wander is kind of a jerk that way. I'll pop in to the Wayfarer's rest some time :D

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I'm okay with it, though my character is not terribly common in Ul'dah. 

Keep in mind a few things though:

1. She doesn't carry much other than spare cheap iron hora and snacks, and she looks both poor and unsavory. Not the most promising mark in terms of risk vs reward. Any smart thief would look elsewhere unless particularly desperate. Fitting, since that is the same scenario that jump started her "education" from feral child.

2. Due to her background the direct, "sticky fingers" approach is unlikely to work. She is wary, one might even say paranoid, with good reason. But in conversation Virara tends to easily get overwhelmed. So conning is effective. It may take her a while to realize she's been had. I love those kinds of scenes, myself, and I'll often play along to the best of my ability. 

3. This is kinda like bull baiting if your thief either cannot fight or run very, very fast...

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Hey there! 


I'm looking to start getting back into RP in FFXIV and contacts like these are right up Mina's alley. As a bit of a street thief herself, located in Ul'dah, it would certainly be very beneficial to know and collaborate with others like her. She aspires to band together with those of a like-mind and start something of a thieves guild/group of treasure hunters. Time will tell whether or not her dreams will come to fruition.


Feel free to add me, or give me a shout sometime and maybe we can work on a few things together!


Mina Kyunei

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