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Am I doing this right...?

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Ok so, it is my observation that threads in this section are more long-term or formal than this one, but... this seems the place where this kinda thing belongs the most, so if I'm doing it wrong... sorry xD


So... the important part... and the tl;dr part (at the same time): I'm currently sat in-game looking for RP. In essence, I figure since I'm not in any LS and randomly asking around is somewhat awkward, imma just put it out there that I'm seeking some RP if anyone is interested in the near future. That said, it wouldn't hurt to extend this for a long-term request to hook up with some guys and get whatever is necessary in place for future RPs via this thread too.


So yeah, if anyone happens to be browsing the forum right now waiting for some RP to show up and fancies the idea of meeting a shy lalafell somewhere in Eorzea for some sort of exchange (I have literally no plans so I guess spontaneous meeting will do? xD), look for Riku Toiiku (or make me look for your if you really must x3).


And if anyone wants to hook up on the long term here is my character wiki page. (As a side note, I will add that I do not and will not ERP... partly because I'm not a fan of that stuff and partly because of my character's age). Check it out and see if I'd make a good RP partner for you, I guess. xD


Naturally, for the short-term part (if anyone even wants to RP like right now), it'd be best to leave a reply here regardless of whether you're gunna send a message in-game or something, because then others will know that that part has been seen to and I don't get messages going off when I've already gotten RP (although I doubt I'd get that many hits for this post, but ah well xD). And if nobody does... well... you can pretty much tell if I've given up waiting because either I'd be offline or in a dungeon if you do a player search in-game (and if I've found something in-game before then, I'll post a reply here so people know not to follow up).


So yeah... that's about it. Also sorry in advance if thing get a bit socially awkward OOC... my character's not shy just because I want a shy character... (I'd actually struggle RPing a confident character, my anxieties are that strong xD). I mean it'd explain why I'm asking via the forum rather than giving a shout or a say or a tell or whatever.

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I'm always down to meet new people! Though I'm currently goofing off at work... as is usually the case when I'm browsing the forums. I should be around a lot this weekend partaking in various All Saints Wake shenanigans, so just say hi via tells or wave if you see me.


Gara is... very much not shy, but I like it when characters contrast off one another, so it should be interesting!

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I'm not on during peak US hours and my playtime is mostly early EU evening.

If you're ever in during my usual hours, I'd love to RP with you.

I really want to get a little something done with my young xaela lady, but no biggie if you'd prefer rping with a character that's already pretty much developed.

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I'm online and in-game right now... might be here for a few more hours... so if anyone wants to set up an RP or just get in contact, I'm open to /tells etc... if you find me in the Quicksand sat alone by a wall or something, I'm OOC (but ready for RP... just hit me with a /tell). If I get bored enough I may nip over to the Gold Saucer, but if you decide to player search me after reading this and find me there, I'm still open for RPs, just passing the time.


Any moments I'm slow to respond, could be I'm AFK, browsing the web (and this forum) or simply feeling shy and taking my time with an answer. xD

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I'm always all for meeting new people. ^^ Also given you mentioned Gold saucer .. there was a thread floating around somewhere saying people rp there. You might have good luck near the bar or card sections. I know personally I get dragged there a lot ic'ly.

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I'm always all for meeting new people. ^^ Also given you mentioned Gold saucer .. there was a thread floating around somewhere saying people rp there. You might have good luck near the bar or card sections. I know personally I get dragged there a lot ic'ly.


Heh... well Riku doesn't have any reason to be there ICly, but... there's nothing stopping someone taking him there... still, it's good to know all the same.

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If you ever need an interesting character to rp with feel free to give me a tell! Ventus is establishing himself pretty well so I'm sure we can improvise something to meet up. Currently he's in an 'obtain friends and allies' phase; as he is looking for others to join his cause and ambitions. 


There's plenty of rp events you could interact with him in too. Feel free to check out my wiki if you're interested o/.

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