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First draft

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Hello all,


I'm working hard - well, as much as my time schedule allows me to - on my character right now and set up a wiki page


I know of the lore only what I have seen so far ingame (MSQ up to lvl 50), as well as what I have read here or on the FF wikia. I took the time to read in detail everything I could on the Keepers too since I really, really want to to portray individuals that feel like part of the world customs and culture, and not just RL projections. Pretty nice discussions to be found on that racial lore by the way!


As such, that is of course only a first draft and many details are missing. It is before everything the bare concept and idea exposed here, and I would be glad to get feedbacks, or advice if you have any...

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I don't know much about the Twelveswood as a location but it all looked pretty good to me.


You mentioned in another thread you're playing in EU time, but that shouldn't stop you from finding random world RP. I know most any city's got RP happening seemingly around the clock (check your adventurer's guild!) which makes for a good place to give a new concept the test drive; See how she responds in public and see how you can really fit into her skin and personality.


I don't visit that way often, plus I'm a filthy Yank, but you seem pretty good so far to me!

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I read over your wiki and just had one timeline continuity note to bring up:


Her coming of age saw the apparition of two events that were to change her life forever. The first, her family welcoming one of the wandering Keeper males and trying to set her up with him for his stay, just for the poor guest to inexplicably fall off a cliff, leaving him with only half of his senses. And the second, the following fall of the city state of Ala Migho, after which Suen inconspicuously freeloaded into a garlean magitek armour near the brand new Castrum Oriens, eventually leading her native village to be burned to the ground.


Perhaps I'm just misreading this, but the fall of Ala Mhigo occurred twenty years ago in the Year 1557 of the 6th Astral Era, a year after Suen was born. Castrum Oriens was not constructed until shorty after the Calamity, five years ago, which seems in line with Suen's coming of age, supposing she was 15/16 or so? So there's a fifteen year gap between those two events. So that bit confused me.


Other than that it looks pretty solid. You may find some of these links useful and feel free to post up more questions if you have them! ^^


-Race (Keeper) Lore

-Conjurer Lore Compilation

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I read over your wiki and just had one timeline continuity note to bring up:


Her coming of age saw the apparition of two events that were to change her life forever. The first, her family welcoming one of the wandering Keeper males and trying to set her up with him for his stay, just for the poor guest to inexplicably fall off a cliff, leaving him with only half of his senses. And the second, the following fall of the city state of Ala Migho, after which Suen inconspicuously freeloaded into a garlean magitek armour near the brand new Castrum Oriens, eventually leading her native village to be burned to the ground.


Perhaps I'm just misreading this, but the fall of Ala Mhigo occurred twenty years ago in the Year 1557 of the 6th Astral Era, a year after Suen was born. Castrum Oriens was not constructed until shorty after the Calamity, five years ago, which seems in line with Suen's coming of age, supposing she was 15/16 or so? So there's a fifteen year gap between those two events. So that bit confused me.


Other than that it looks pretty solid. You may find some of these links useful and feel free to post up more questions if you have them! ^^


-Race (Keeper) Lore

-Conjurer Lore Compilation



Ah indeed... I must have made a mistake with the timeline... Somehow I thought Ala-Migho fell right before the Calamity... I will have to reword it, thanks!


And.. err, yeah, while i'm at it, it may deserve its own thread, but what do we know exactly about racial senses, like smell, hearing, etc? Is it different for Mi'qote? Do they hear and especially smell very well? Or is it just on par with everyone else? Just so I know how to play those attributes properly...


I usually only play humans in most RPGs, and since I want to try something else for a change... better to do it good..



I'm always eager to see more conjurers to RP with (PS: we should RP!) though I do have one question: what's this about 'the Corp?' Is it an expression of delusional paranoia or is something else going on there?


Feel free to contact me ingame...! My only problem currently is that I do not have access to many outfits due to my age ingame, but I can try to cope with that and patch up something pretty quick.


For "The Corp" it's related to her paranoia mostly. She is not crazy, but she can be a bit enthusiastic about many silly things she can make up on the fly, or think they are true... The most obscure something is, the most excited she gets about it.


And well, maybe it's true, who knows...

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And.. err, yeah, while i'm at it, it may deserve its own thread, but what do we know exactly about racial senses, like smell, hearing, etc? Is it different for Mi'qote? Do they hear and especially smell very well? Or is it just on par with everyone else? Just so I know how to play those attributes properly...


This post compiling known race lore has lore on racial traits and senses under the spoilers. Here's some relevant quotes:


The ancestors of the Miqo'te made their way to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost' date=' traversing the frozen seas in pursuit of the wildlife upon which they subsisted. Adaptation to a hunting lifestyle has fashioned them with a keen sense of smell, powerful legs, and a tail which provides them with exceptional balance.[/quote']


The nocturnal among the Miqo'te have dubbed themselves the Keepers of the Moon. Shying from the garish light of day, they revel in the shroud of night, with most offering their piety to Menphina the Lover, goddess of the moon.

They are distinguishable from their diurnal cousins by their darker fur, larger ears, rounder eyes, more pronounced canines, and longer, skinnier tails. The ritual application of war paint to the face is still regularly practiced, as it is believed the vivid colors grant lunar powers.

The Keepers are known for their reticent and brooding personalities, but are also respected and sometimes feared for their tenacity.


Midlanders do not possess the endless stamina of the Roegadyn, nor the hawk-like eyes of the Elezen, nor the hound-like noses of the Miqote, nor the deer-like ears of the Lalafell, nor even the muscle-bound builds of their cousins, the Highland Hyur.


Then how, you ask, is it that they became the most prevalent race in the realm? Why, I believe it is their creativity and craft, combined with their intrinsic ability to adapt and borrow from other cultures.



These are just a few examples. More lore can be found in the above linked post. Hope this helps! ^^

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Alright, I updated the wiki quite a bit and fleshed it out, while correcting the timeline mistake...


Thanks for the help, and if you still see blatant errors or whatever advice to give, feel free!

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  • 1 month later...

Alright, so more than character development proper now, I am having a puzzling issue with the wiki proper, where I just uploaded a new file for my character portrait, even smaller than the older one... The image works perfectly fine on display everywhere on the wiki except in the character infobox, where it's a broken link...


Any idea? I'm a a loss there... I tried to refresh web browser cache... Still nothing.



Edit: ok weird, it now seems to work correctly... Maybe it takes time for it to process that...

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