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Feeling Thermometer #1


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The feeling thermometer is a little exercise that will be conducted every few months. Its purpose is to give people a chance to "rate" how their character feels toward other characters at a given period of time. The ratings range from -5 (intense dislike/distrust) to 5 (intense like/trust). 0 is complete neutrality. Please note that this information should not be used for metagaming purposes. Since this data is the first of many future such exercises, the data is subject to evolve over time as well. This data represents only IC feelings and does not reflect OOC feelings.


Below is data for Kylin. Feel free to add your character's data as well!



Kylin's Feeling Thermometer:

The following criteria was used to include a character in my own data:


1. The character is not a member of Crystalline. Crystalline members have a separate feeling thermometer on their forums. I may edit this post to copy/paste their results at a later time if I feel like it.


2. Kylin has actually met the character at least once. If I have never met you ICly, I have not included the character in this data.


3. The character has had semi-recent activity. Characters who have been MIA for prolonged periods of time are not included in this data, despite the fact that their scores may be quite interesting...Hopefully I didn't miss anyone though!


[spoil]Ariel: {3} Holding a great deal of respect for Ariel, Kylin has had a difficult time winning over her good graces, or at least he believes so. Her being severely injured during the House Mavanix investigations has caused Kylin to feel a large amount of guilt for her present day condition.


Blade: {1} Kylin has only seen Blade person-to-person on two occasions. Blade is likeable enough, but Kylin remains somewhat jealous of his proximity to Gerik.


Deirdre: {-2} Kylin has only actually seen Deirdre person-to-person an entire two times, but holds little trust for her. Her interest in Gerik makes Kylin uneasy and even somewhat jealous. She's also endangered Gerik by being a target of Ysa.


Endemerrin: {2} An old Outer Heaven comrade, Kylin liked Endemerrin well enough. He found the hyur to actually be somewhat attractive, both in physical traits as well as the 'knightly' persona.


Gospel: {2} Another old Outer Heaven comrade, Kylin holds great respect towards Gospel and has positive views on him. Since Outer Heaven's fall, the two have grown quite distant however.


Leanna: {3} Kylin doesn't know Leanna too well overall. However, her dedication to and assistance in the House Mavanix investigations helped her gain great respect from the young man.


Remilia: {2} Same as Gospel, Remi is a former comrade of Kylin's from his Outer Heaven days. The two have grown extremely distant as of late though.


Riku: {3} Kylin doesn't know Riku very well overall. However, his dedication to and assistance in the House Mavanix investigations helped him gain great respect from Kylin.


Seohyun: {2} Kylin mostly liked Seohyun right off the bat. She seemed like the type of person he could see himself hanging out with on a regular basis, despite her 'mockery' of one of Kylin's outfits. She has since vanished though and the two have no contact with one another.


Shara: {2} Kylin likes and respects Shara well enough, but doesn't know her nearly as well as he'd like to.


Ysa: {-4} Having been "attacked" by Ysa, Kylin obviously hold no trust or like for the woman in the slightest. Having attacked his friends as well only adds fuel to the fire. Kylin has even considered sending the Felstar 'assassin,' Vertigo, after the woman but as of yet has not bothered to follow through.


Yssen: {2} Kylin respects Yssen a good deal for the most part, but is flustered easily by him anytime he's critical of Ky's father or family. He sees Yssen's criticism as hypocrytical due to Yssen's sister's behavior.[/spoil]

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I figure I'll just include people I know are currently active, as well as people who have had some form of a significant impact on Endemerrin's life. Won't bother to include the two alt characters that are controlled by me (being Popo and D.B). Going slow so I'll probably update it as I remember things and people.



Xenedra: [5] Other than Popo, Xenedra is the only person Endemerrin trusts 100%. She is one of the very few people that is aware of Endemerrin's original nationality.


Gospel: [3] Given Gospel's friendship with Endemerrin's best friend Popo, and their previous history together in Outer Heaven and the Blue Skies Adventuring Linkpearl, Merri has a fair amount of trust in Gospel. His secretive nature is a bit off-putting, though.


Oria: [?] Endemerrin isn't certain on his stance with Oria at this point in time. Though he has long since gotten over the abrupt end to their relationship, her subsequent disappearance has prevented him from making any ground on the possibility of repairing their friendship.


Myllor: [1] Endemerrin doesn't know a great deal about Myllor, but his concern for Xenedra's well-being has garnered some form of trust from Merri. His position as a Free Paladin helps reinforce that trust.


Kylin: [-3] Merri has very little trust for Kylin, mainly due to his alleged participation in the abuse and extortion of Oria. Outside of that, Endemerrin had little trust for Ul'dahn nobility to begin with. However, he was not above accepting a paycheck from the Mavanix family and learned to conceal his extreme distrust for the sake of the coin.


Remilia: [0] Given her extremely cold attitude towards Endemerrin that he has yet to figure out the cause of, Merri doesn't feel too strongly either way about the Miqo'te. She seems to simply tolerate him, and despite his attempts to figure out the underlying issues he is content with his neutrality.


Zolku: [-5] Bottom line, his attacks against Xenedra have driven him to be one of Endemerrin's most hated adversaries, and one he would do anything to see stopped for good.

Shurin: [0] Though he only briefly met Shurin, Endemerrin unlocked his final Chakra accidently while meditating to assist a deathly ill Shurin in Mor Dhona. He knows next to nothing about the man, but has an odd appreciation for the outcome of their encounter.


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Well, it's been so long since I've RPed, but I do have a hankering to get back into it. These are his general opinions, barring any new situations. To those in the negatives, It's Myllors opinions, of course. I don't dislike any of you.


I need to meet new people. lol


[spoil]Mtoto (4): Previously his commander, and skilled on the field, Myllor respects her. Also a prior love interest.

Xenedra (4): The woman he has the closest non-professional relationship. Closer in the past, recent events have created space.


Talulah (3): A prior love interest, that straight flat-lined. Respectable character, and skilled on the field.

Illias (3): A solid footed, righteous minded ally, one Myllor could relate to. Disappeared inexplicably moons ago.


Miname (2): A motherly figure with a good attitude and drive. One of few Lalafells Myllor knows and respects.


Tahrara (1): He is sympathetic to her plight, but is mostly in the dark as to her recent whereabouts.

Endemerrin (1): Originally believed to be a man of similar morals, he is slightly bitter about a recent turn of events.


Voltair (0): He knows little of him, but his attitude seemed favorable. There seems to be something darker beneath the surface.

Shurin (0): He remembers little of Shurin, asides the fact that he was a comrade.

Kneria (0): Fairly uneventful relationship. Nothing of note. Casual Acquaintances.


Oskar (-1) Previously a very pompous fellow Captain. Still an unfavorable outlook, but time has smoothed things over.


Endricane (-2): His limited experience with him mostly consisted of poorly worded japes, and ill-fitting humor.

Ceres (-2): Rough character, difficult to get along with.


Deirdre (-3): Very unstable person, of questionable heritage. Once stabbed him in the hand with a quill upon being woken up.


Zolku (-4): Betrayed his trust, and that of his closest friends. Truly screwed up after receiving so much assistance in his troubles. Likely Myllors closest male comrade before his fall from grace[/spoil]

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Though I actually keep something like this on Deirdre's wiki and update it quite frequently, I figured I would participate anyways~

I won't do everyone she's come in to contact with, just those in the last few months! Also please keep in mine Deirdre is a person of extremes, so don't take any offense!!!


[spoil]Gerik Aston (+2): Having spent much time with him recently due to circumstances, Deirdre has grown a little closer to Gerik, and he has started soothing some of the ferocious anger that was recently lit within her.


Navei Asue (+5): A man for which Deirdre has absolute trust in. Recent circumstances have parted them.


Eva Ianeira (0): And old friend grown apart. At a recent encounter Deirdre found her changed, and has decided to avoid her due to their past, though having wished to become friends once more.


Yssen Van (-5): Having previously started to warm up to Yssen, Deirdre has grown to loathe him because of his sister, Ysa, who he apparently has no desire to stop harming his friends.


Ysa Van (-5): Deirdre had zero intentions of getting mixed up with Ysa, but after she harmed Gerik while looking for her, Deirdre went along with the scheme and physically assaulted the woman in return. She will try to kill Ysa on sight.


Shurin Mizune (-5): Once her lover, now her enemy, Deirdre and Shurin are at odds after Shurin attempted to kidnap their infant son, Falke. Deirdre will try to kill Shurin on sight.


Aylis Crescent (0): Having previously loathed this woman for her part in Shurin's 'duty', Deirdre now holds no love or hate for her after a brief visit to her home.


Almaz Khaltamze (0): Having previously loathed this woman for her part in Shurin's 'duty', Deirdre now holds no love or hate for her after a brief visit to her home.


Blade Belisaire (+1): After their brief encounter, Blade is only a fleeting thought in her chaotic mind.


Kylin Felstar (0): After a few meetings with the man and a small conversation with Gerik, Deirdre continues to hold no love or hate for the man, though she remains cautious of him.


Vaelyn Nykah (-1): A few conversations with a man of her own origins has led Deirdre to believe that he is a naive fool, though she believes they may have a little in common with their past.[/spoil]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feeling thermometer for Leanna Milose:


[spoil]Kylin/Elza Felstar: 1


Leanna doesn't really know them that well. She just knows that they pay well, and she is scared of their family.


Aiden Belwick: -5


Aiden has been nothing but trouble ever since Leanna met him. From breaking into Chisana's house and taunting friends, to kidnapping her.


Chisana Doumoru: 5


Chisana is pretty much like a mother to Leanna. Leanna's currently staying with her, and Chisana has always been kind and caring to her.


Kalim Saliman: 4


Kalim has been pretty friendly to Leanna, even visiting her back when she stayed at the Corvus HQ, shortly before moving to Gridania.


Alothia Oakenwave: 5


Alothia was the first person Leanna met at Corvus Cinis, and her first friend. Leanna respects Alothia a lot.


Miyu Evans: -3


Leanna has yet to have an encounter with Miyu that went well. Miyu has taunted friends and even cheated in a duel, nearly causing a large amount of destruction.


Koumoru Doumoru: 5


Kou is one of Leanna's best friends. He has been responsible for a lot of good going on in her life, even helping her find a home/


Miyuki Tatsugawa: 5


Miyuki is another one of the first friends Leanna made in Corvus Cinis. She's been very kind to Leanna.


Sydalyr Fyrilblyssyn: 5


Syd is another friend of Leanna's from Corvus Cinis. He has been one of the kindest people Leanna has met. He has helped her quite a bit in difficult times.


Cartius Mavanix: -5


Castiel has caused a LOT of trouble for Leanna and many of her friends, responsible for several of her friends being injured, and Leanna herself getting injured.


Tessa Jalloh: 4


So far, Leanna's experiences with Tessa have been really good, but she still doesn't know her well enough to truly know how good of a person she is.


Nel Celestine: 4


Nel has been really kind to Leanna, and offering some help to her.


Dante Abigor: 2


Dante, normally, is pretty kind to Leanna. But lately he has been acting rather strange, and causing some trouble for Leanna and Trelose. She's beginning to not trust him, but has recently learned what's going on.


Riku Toiiku: 3


While Leanna may not know Riku a lot, he has shown to be a very kind, caring, and loyal person, which has led Leanna to respect him quite a bit.


Gerik Aston: 4


Gerik has been pretty kind to Leanna. Helping her with healing others (and healing her), and just been a good person to her.[/spoil]

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Since Dantes mind is currently in a state of chaos sadly all of the current scores pretty much reflect that. There will also be contradictions and possible downright lies.


[spoil]Trelose (-3): Dante has had an extreme dislike of Trelose since the aftermath of their very first meeting caused him to get attacked over a foolish misunderstanding. For the most part Dante just wanted to forget that Trelose even existed and move on, but became enraged again upon meeting him in Gridania. In his current state Dante is struggling between avoiding Trelose like the plague or "breaking" him for all the misfortune that he has(intentionally in Dantes eyes) caused.


Blade (2): Dante has only met Blade twice in passing, but each meeting seems to feel like a reunion of old friends. Dante enjoys "playing" with him just to pass the time, and takes delight in every one of his reactions. Due to the fact that Blade reminds Dante of Ventus Zeruel however, Dante has yet to spend much time with him out of cautious concern.


Kou (0): Dante doesnt like Kou because he feels impossible to read, but upon learning of his death he found that he was actually enraged that someone managed to kill him off. Unable to believe he "simply died during a random job" Dante randomly decided to help look for his body.


Eliza (?): Dante has been what is a seemingly endless mind game with Eliza since she attacked him during their first meeting. He appears to respect her while trying to mutually use her as company that he can accept during his jobs, earning them both more money and comfort in the long run. This led to Dante gaining a feeling towards her similar to a sibling, so he decided to trust her unconditionally. This proved to be a great mistake however, and her betrayal has given Dante a bitter reminder of his past fears and regrets. This feeling can be accurately described as one of the cornerstones that has led to Dantes current tattered mental(and physical) state, which possibly may lead up to his demise if not properly settled in time. He wants to be around her no matter what, yet he is still angry that his daughter is dead after Eliza pushed her off a cliff however, and cannot think rationally around her yet.


Leanna (0): Dante refuses to allow himself to feel anything for Leanna because of the way she makes him feel around her. Her personality triggers a warmth he wants to embrace but cannot understand, but her magic triggers an unending desire to fight her to the death. As such he has settled that he will treat her as if she were nothing more than a distortion in the water he so often runs into her nearby. If she were to stay around him, then he will accept it as if it were normal. If she were to reject him, then he would treat her as if she were nothing more than a passing ripple in the water, and let her be gone.


Trileyrel (1): Sees her as a possible companion, but cannot bring himself to actually show her his way of living yet. Dante struggles between wanting to bring her with him for his work, and wanting to travel and see wonderful things with her. Due to the recent mindstate of Dante however, he cannot bring himself to be around her at all, much less so after he accidentally caused her to cry(because he was threatening to cut her face with her own axe) and has since pretty much been avoiding her.


Miyuki (4): Miyuki holds a position as one of the most precious people for Dante. She was the first person he has ever shown his eyes after he resolved to hide them, and is willing to do anything she asks. Her current behavior that Dante cannot understand however has hurt him down to his core and is the biggest reason for his current state. Believing that he will be thrown away again, Dantes feelings of despair and loss have thrown him into a spiral. Despite that, he holds no conscious feelings of ill will towards Miyuki, only confusion.


Mnim (3): Mnim is one of Dantes first friends. It appears to him however that their relationship has become that of those who are uninvolved with each other. Sensing this, Dante decided to try introducing Mnim to his daughter so that she could both help him raise her with better results and so that they could befriend each other. After his daughters death however, he has not bothered to contact her. In truth, he feels too afraid of what she would say to him to even attempt to inform her of the current tragedy.


Chisana (1): Is entirely uninterested in Chisana as a person, but views her as an nonexpendable source of observation as one of the only references of a "mother". Being that he is interested in what a mother is like, Dante intentionally does things around her to see her reactions and recording them secretly. Perhaps because she is Kous mother however, Dante finds her extremely difficult to read, and this combined with the fact that she lives with Miyuki, and his "observations" cause Miyuki to cry, he has decidely given her a bit of distance. Due to his current state, he does not even want her to see him as he is unsure of how she will treat him.


Kalim (0): Dante views Kalim as a way to make sure that Kou is really dead. That said, his encounters with Kalim has often spurred interest, only for his true intentions for being around Kalim pushing those thoughts from his mind. Due to his current state, Dante has not appeared in front of Kalim again for quite some time...


Manari (5): The one remaining shining light in Dantes mind, Manari is the one person that has successfully not only stopped Dante from going beserk, but also made Dante feel at ease, accepting everything he has done and makes him uneasy as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Afraid of hurting her by being useless however, Dante has strayed away from her side, determined to stay away from her until he has the strength to never be thrown away again.


Tahrara (2): Dante wishes to be around Tahrara, but her recent rejection immediately after he decided to trust her put his mind in turmoil. Due to recent events however, Dante realized that things were not her fault and began to contemplate how to see her return to him as she was before. Because of his current state, he has lost his focus on this goal and is resorting to less humane tactics to accomplish this goal.


Diyne (-4): Dante has felt uneasy since his first meeting with Diyne, but his actions leading to Tahrara rejecting Dante have earned Diyne his seething dislike. Every sighting of Diyne leaves Dante with a very intense bloodlust, to the point that often Dante takes very dangerous tasks afterwards just to help him forget. Keeping in mind that he is the key to seeing Tahrara again, Dante has tried a logical and civil method of speaking to Diyne, trying to reason with him so that he could meet Tahrara again. Secretly however, Dante has already investigated Diyne extensively, and if he does not recieve the outcome he intended, Dante may impose an extreme "solution" to force Diyne to accept him. Thanks to Dantes current state he has decided to avoid the matter entirely out of concern for a less than logical approach to see his friend returned to him.


Akane (2): Dantes first meeting with Akane was a warm one(literally, the first time he met her he suddenly jumped into her lap as if it were the most natural thing in the world), and every encounter since has not failed to supply the same feeling. Dante cannot bring himself to feel any malice at all for Akane, and is terrified to allow her to see anything that may make her dislike him. That said, even in his current state he will still request to sit in her lap without hesitation for a few moments of respite and peace.


Nanami (1): Dante respects Nanami. He can understand the feelings that she bears and can see her ability just by looking at her. For some reason though, Dante can not bring himself to speak to her nicely, or much at all beyond a random provacation or off the wall insult. Truthfully Dante wants to become great friends with Nanami, but some unknown force seems to be getting in his way. In his current state Dante can not be of much use around Nanami, and as such has decided it would be best for everyone if he avoided her like he has just about everyone else.[/spoil]

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Guess I'll try to list them.


Mihana Zhralyia

[spoil]Aysun: [5] She finds that Aysun is a sister to her and deeply trusts her being the first friend she has truly made. Whenever Mihana needs help she knows she can come to Aysun. She is the first to know Mihana's true name is "M'hana".


Mnim: [4] Mnim is a close friend to her. Like Aysun she trusts her with a lot of stuff though with Mnim she has a great deal of fun teasing her.


Forra: [3] Forra is a good friend whom she also likes teasing. Although she doesn't have interest in Forra she does find his awkwardness cute.


Nanami: [-3] Mihana used to have an extreme hate and resentment for Nanami due to the Sun Seeker's habit of opening her mouth before thinking. She's since patched things up with her but still has a dislike of Nanami.


Navei: [4] For a brief time Mihana cared for Navei as the two were seeing one another. Eventually the Hyur moved on to find someone else and Mihana grew bitter towards him. As time went on however things were mended once more and Mihana still finds herself expressing feelings towards him even if they are no longer returned. She is unaware that he is now dead.


Lyriah: [0] Mihana has never had a strong opinion about Lyriah, at one time she thought more of her but that was lost when the Hyur woman lost control and stabbed Aysun. While she understands and has mostly forgiven her for it she still doesn't carry a truly favorable view of Lyriah.


Gustav: [-1] Gustav is Gustav, that's just about it. Mihana feels slight negativity towards him for threats against her when she threatened Lyriah. She cannot blame him as she did threaten his girlfriend, but she still doesn't like him.


Galvadan [4] Mihana cares about him a good deal even aside from his angry outbursts sometime. She counts Galvadan as a valued and close friend knowing he'd to just about anything to protect her too. She is saddened of his disappearance.


Oskar: [2] Her view of Oskar is peculiar. On one point she didn't approve of his ultimate plan, and found his attitude to be too harsh. On the other, she did meet another side of him that earned her respect for the Duskwight even to the point of having a slight interest in him. She was saddened to hear the news about his fate.


Manari: [2] Mihana hasn't had a lot of interactions Manari beyond discovering she's a forestborn too. While Manari can be too soft and insecure for her tastes she does find the girl as a friend. She go as far as to tell Manari she's a sister but not in the sense of a close bond.


Kailee: [0] Kailee is from what she knew a Hyur woman that liked other women. She lacks a proper view of her except her attitude can annoy.


Eva: [3] She sees Eva as a friend whom she can maybe trust with some things. The Elezen has really done nothing but earn her respect for being kind, caring, and respectful. From being a sane voice during her time Everwatch to giving her work and shelter when it was desperately needed there's not a bad thing she can say about Eva.


Alona: [2] Alona was her former boss in Sanctus Refero. She liked her, was a friend, but never saw much beyond that. Even if these days are long behind her she truly misses those days being a chef for the company and wishes to see her again.


Gospel: [3] Gospel has done a great deal and was really the first person to instill fear in her heart. He was also the first individual to set her straight on her path before Aysun. Who knew a little display of magic could really change someone? The feelings aren't mutual from what she does know but Mihana felt towards Gospel almost like a brother for his caring and protective ways when she knew him. She has not seen him since.


Karalie & Azular: [4] These two are the first Mihana had ever confessed her past two forming a deep bond and respect for. Azular had been her first crush for awhile and Karalie had made a deep bond as a sister. She was saddened upon losing Karalie to the realms beyond.


Sasha: [0] Initially Mihana absolutely despised Sasha for being the one whom she feels took her rightful place at Navei's side. She's come to accept that never was the case and has since dropped bitterness towards her. She's not a friend but no longer an enemy or rival.


Aveline: [1] Aveline was the leader of TALE though she really didn't know her very well. She was upset at seeing their leader meet her demise.


Diasee: [-2] D'a is plain annoying, loud. Her habits so very odd as is her desires to either taste everything or eat it. Mihana honestly believes there's some conspiracy behind D'a and her odd speech as if the Miqo'te isn't as dumb as she acts.


Diyne: [2] Diyne is a friend she's grown to like and even thankful for his aid in raising K'hallu. She trusts him enough, and would help him if he ever needed it.


Zeth: [4] Through some very odd, very peculiar way, Mihana actually likes him. Not in a sense of love but a deep fondness. She finds him very fun to tease in their strange relationship which can go back and forth. She has yet to reveal how she feels towards him but made an unintentional fit of jealousy to many upon hearing he already had a girlfriend.


Shien: [-1] Mihana doesn't hate Shien, but she definitely it not on the like list for her. A long time back there had been an incident that garnered a negative reaction from Mihana and along with it a view. That's since subsided but she hasn't really forgotten about it either. Still, any grudges against the Elezen woman are no more.


Ozak: [2] Ozak likes to giggle a lot, and can be fun to joke around with. The only thing she doesn't like is his like of pulling Miqo'te tails. Mihana can't actually be certain if he does this for real since she hasn't ever caught him in the act.


Rikitiki: [1] Riki is the new acting Doyen of TALE and for that she can at least respect him. But otherwise she hates his puns and jokes.


Zhaal: [2] At first she had been confused with Zhaal about what he view her as, downright to the point where she even thought he somehow liked her. That was cleared up later however and admittedly she did find some slight attraction in him for awhile. When he had been hurt it worried her a good deal but since then she hasn't seen him so these moments have passed.[/spoil]

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  • 2 weeks later...

My turn! With my first real event, I'm glad to finally be able to list some names here! My descriptions are a bit long, but it's usually because there's some good reasons for the level they're at. I don't think I'd consider putting 0's on the list, unless if it became so common to RP with them. Otherwise, to me a 0 would be 'just an ordinary person that you see once in a while'. I'll keep a small database of people who I RP with to keep track, just in case I change my mind =P


Since these members (aside from Shurin) haven't been heard from on Molt, they're seperate and reflect the last time Molt RP'd with them. These are all contacts from Order of the Stormguard:


Seraphine Cerius {5}: It took some convincing, but this fearless leader won Molt's absolute adoring trust. While there was no clear idea on where to go or what to do with the Order of the Stormguard, Sera pulled through and done right by Molt, instilling in the confidence he needed not only to continue with the Stormguard, but also with himself. Her near-fatal injuries almost cost the Order, as well, but because of this she was taken into hiding, without a clue left to Molt.


Arydin Cerius {5}: The other fearless leader. When Molt had problems or questions about Sera or her decisions, Arydin was there to explain it fully to calm the tempest. A great man, Molt had thought, though the near-death of Sera seems to have put him in disappearance, as well.

Aylis Crescent {3}: An interesting person, Molt had always thought. They met a couple of times at Thal's Respite and talked philosophy. Molt, never caring for such a thing, began to start thinking of the meaning of life and death on his own, inevitably changing his negative stance on the Twelve to be curious of Nymeiya, the Spinner. Otherwise, she was just an Warden, just as he was, and was in good with Sera and Arydin, so what else could Molt ask for? His only regret is not being able to get to know her before her own disappearance.

Shurin Mizune {1}: A former Sworn to the Order, Molt has no choice but to try to trust him, despite Shurin's mess off a past. After that fiasco, Shurin gave no reason not to trust him, and Molt is more or less satisfied with being able to sneak an Order conversation or status update here or there with him. After the Full Cold Moon Gala, Molt has yet to see Shurin again, and at what cost if the last time he only briefly mentioned details on Sera and Aylis' whereabouts?



These are recent RP's, though Sienna (to my understanding) is dead =(


Sienna Skye {1}: This woman seemed easy to get around with and break the ice with-- at least at death galas. Molt was able to lighten up at the party because of her, and wherever she is, he hopes she made it out of that ordeal alright.

Gerik Aston {3}: As far as Molt is concerned, this brute, though seeming shy of his size and eating portions, is Molt's hero. From what he can remember, he was attacked by one of those four-legged, winged beasts and struck back. When Molt recovered, he looked up and saw a giant splotch of grey he thought could have been the only thing to trample the beast so easily. Of course, they were all fighting the smae beasts, but it's easier to blame err, thank the most likely to save you.

Eva Ianeira {2}: She initiated and assisted in healing a lot of the injured people with Molt. Unsure of how you can label a person untrustworthy after watching them help mend wounds, Molt trusts her enough with his own wounds. Her demeanor seemed easy-going, though a bit proper, but with meteors crashing down, who can truly tell?

Shiro Armada {2}: Another person Molt worked with while healing others. She was great help and is glad to see so many people still compassionate enough to help those in need while in a crisis. Admitting, this person helped Molt reconsider to study the healing arts, if at least somewhat.


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Blade's list, updated for post gala event~



Amalthea (1) Blade helped save Amalthea's wife, Sayuri, when she was wounded after the gala event. He doesn't know much about Amalythea, but was impressed by Amalthea's devotion to the care of Sayuri, and seeing Sayuri out safely.



Aysun (1) Blade feels his relationship with Aysun has improved since when he started out, to something that is more of neutral territory. He doesn't know much about her yet, though, but would like to.


Elriche (1) Blade enjoyed watching Eldriche carve figures at the gathering Selene invited him to. As the son of a crafting family, Blade appreciates fine crafts. Eldricheâs training as a Dragoon, however, and his ability to do their famous jumps put a damper on things, though, as he thinks that there is something suspicious about Dragoons ability to jump so high. He thinks magitek may be involved. Still, he regarded him more positively than negatively.


Eva (1) Blade briefly met Eva at the social gathering Selene invited him to, and also at the storytelling event. Her story reminded him a lot about some negative aspects of himself, yet he doesnât hold it against her. Doesnât know her very well though. Regards slightly higher than neutral.


Gerik (3) Despite Gerik kind of creeping on Blade when they first met, Blade for one reason or another doesnât really mind him and regards him favorably. Even if Gerik eats his food. Perhaps itâs Gerikâs honesty that makes him approachable. They've had more interactions, between the events at the gala and also when Gerik had Blade over for dinner, which has boosted his score. Blade is very concerned whether Gerik will be alright with Kylin gone.


Gospel (0) Blade's only interactions with Gospel were at the gala event. Gospel was thrown against a tree, and helped the man up, but when Blade tried to help Gospel walk, Gospel rudely threw Blade off of him. When they came to a bridge, Gospel decided to stay behind, against Blade's urging (Blade thought he was too frail and weak to do much). When Blade saw Gospel manipulating a vanguard to turn it against the imperials, Blade figured he had the situation under control. Seeing Gospel alive later at Riversmeet, Blade was quite impressed, to say the least.


Isilme (1) She wasnât a fan of pirates. He was on the defense quite a bit in their first conversation. In the gala event, they had a chance to talk more and she helped heal them. Regards her positively, but doesn't really know her too well.


Kylin (1) Blade doesnât really like Ulâdahns in general. But he found nothing to complain about Kylin, though he wanted. The gala event, and Kylin's subsequent disappearance, left Blade in a state of regret, having not known him better. Blade considers himself friends with Gerik, and not having known Gerik's partner well makes Blade feel like a bad friend.


Sayuri (1) After she was injured in the gala event, Blade helped carry her to Riversmeet despite his own personal wounds, while Amalthea cleared the path of any foes that came their way. Regards her slightly higher than neutral, as he doesn't personally know her.


Selene (4) By and far the character that Blade has grown closest over the past moon, he regards Selene highly and is happy to have their romantic situation, or however you would call it. Yet Dalamud keeps him uneasy, and difficult to really allow himself to grow as close as he sometimes wants with her. The potential that it could all end in the near future leaves him unsettled, and Blade has a history of losing people he cares about. Despite this, Blade wants to see their relationship grow, and should they both make it out of meteor event alive, well, he figures he can think more carefully about what they are then. For now, not what they are, but the potential for what they could be, will help him fight that much harder against the Imperials when Dalamudâs lands.


Selene's recent disappearances have left Blade anxious about their relationship, but more importantly, her personal safety, given what she has told him over the aether about the reasons for her disappearance. Seeing as she seems committed to not telling him, he is trying to just look past it and not dwell on it, however it remains there in the back of his mind.


Vaelyn (-1) Blade knows that Vaelyn is a former flame of Seleneâs. That didnât sit well. His Dragoon training compounded things, as Blade is prejudice against Dragoons and regards them all suspiciously, and believes they use magitek technology to perform their jumps, because when Blade has tried to jump so high on his own, he just looks silly. When Vaelyn jumped without the use of his armor, Blade silently believed he must have ceruleum-injected bones. Aside from the preconceived notions he had about Vaelyn from Selene and his baseless prejudice against Dragoons, Blade didnât really have anything to complain about Vaelyn, which bugged him.


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