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Hello Balmung!


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Hiiiii! I am a returning player soo happy to be back! I have just started a new character on Balmung and I am dieing to get back into roleplay! If anyone has any suggestions on RP link shells to join or any free companies I'd love some input! My characters name is "Calemvir Lucin" and I can't wait to see you all in game!

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Welcome back! Nice to see another person with such excitement, haha.


If you haven't seen it already, you can go to the Hall on the forums to see various linkshelsl and free companies. The layout is fantastic and does a great job of having the shells or companies explain themselves and what they're all about. You can find it here if you haven't already!

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Welcome back person! You have returned to our house of addiction! I mean...<_< no...RP can't be addictive at all


Anyway heh, welcome back, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask, we are all happy to help, if you want connections for RP, don't hesitate to ask about that either!

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