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Seeking RP - Miqo'te Huntress

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Hello, and thanks for looking at my thread!


I'm looking for RP on my character Y'rhel Tyaka.


Y'rhel is a tribal miqote, part of the Jaguar tribe out in Eastern La Noscea. She's excitable, eager to please, and even more eager to prove her abilities. A little bit naive, she's traditionally-minded, and fiercely loyal to her tribe. (Note: I am NOT looking to leave the tribe, so the 'get the tribal kitten out of the tribe RP' is not what I am looking for) She's not afraid to get down and dirty, and as long as she's not violating the rules of her tribe, she's not averse to less savory jobs, with a little convincing ;) 


She can be found in Limsa and Uldah, handing out handmade flyers trying to drum up mercenary and odd-job work. This is the most likely scenario for her to encounter new people.


I'm more interested in in-depth RP and plots than I am in casual encounter/tavern RP, but I will take what I can get.


I would describe myself as a Medium/Heavy Roleplayer, with an RP style that is just this side of paragraphs, though I tend to adjust my style to suit the mood and the people I am RPing with. I try to stick as hard as possible to the established lore.


As a note, Y'rhel is not my main, but I spend a good chunk of time on her, esp since I am leveling her through the 2.x patches to get to 3.x content.


I am East Coast US, but my schedule is weird, so I can be found online anytime between 8 AM and 2-3 AM depending on what work looks like for the week.


If you are interested, you could comment here, or shoot me a message in game if you see me online, or you can direct message me here as well.


Thanks! <3

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