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An Introduction Two Years In The Making..


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Greetings and good evening, everyone. My name is Ryanti Veanysus. I'm sure the lot of you are expecting Italian inspiration behind that name, but I assure you, I wasn't thinking about that when I came up with it. xD I know the join date on my profile says October 2010.. been two years already? Sorry to say, I was going to end up doing things on here, but the .. not so great launch of FFXIV didn't help. I think I was probably out of the game by Halloween time that year. So now I've come back with.. a little bit of hope I'm holding onto, that FFXIV:ARR will finally be the game for me.. we'll see.


I'm from Miami, Florida, though now I reside in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm a broke college student trying to get by, trying to deal with my late-teen, early twenty angsts and feelings, and being smart by still living with my parents at a tender 20 years old. Before you ask, I don't don any hipster glasses or drink Starbucks, hehe.. I look pretty normal, from the outside.


Inside, however, is a boy with his head up in the clouds, and his eyes in the sky. I've always been a day dreamer. Reality never satisfied me. I craved that escape, a chance to vent all of my fantasies into a reality. I've been roleplaying since 2003, which means I started when I was 11 years old. I started with forum roleplay, and, my most proficient form of roleplaying, IM roleplaying. My talent at introspection attracted me to what people now know it is 'Paragraph Posting'. During my years roleplaying, I befriended a select amount of people, and I believe myself to practice a really, interesting form of roleplaying, collaborating with those select others to go beyond characters in a world, to actually co-write what would pass as novels. Sadly, I believe my kind of roleplaying, paragraph and in third person, to be a dying breed. I consider myself old school in that aspect.


I have only recently dabbled in tabletop RP. And while it is fun, I don't consider it my forte. Character sheets, stats, and numbers, lead to more roll-play, then roleplay, to me. However, if you are curious about that, I play 3.5 and 4th D&D. (Even though I do not like the universe, because I prefer a solid background vs. concepts).


Beyond what RP I do outside of MMO's, I also RP in them. My first MMO was Phantasy Star Online, and from there I played Star Wars Galaxies. I have also played EQII, Phantasy Star Universe, a little bit of FFXI, WAR, AoC, Aion, WoW (ugh..), FEZ, TOR, GW1, and GW2, just a whole bunch of things. What is most unusual about my MMO tastes (and my tastes in general) is that I gravitate towards a western gaming mindset (An emphasis on PVP, RP, and Dynamic Content), with Eastern art and atmosphere tastes, finding a perfect MMO for me very difficult from a writing standpoint. I like the romance, the idealism of the East, and the gameplay philosophies from the west, I suppose.


My character is undecided at the moment between a male Hyur midlander and a Male Miqo'te. I've always wanted to be a Male Miqo'te, but I am unsure of stepping out of human skin. However, I am leaning towards Male Miqo'te. I also have always enjoyed roleplaying a connection to nobility in my characters, as most of the time in a social setting, I love introducing the benefits and flaws of being born with privilege (and/or forsaken or cheated out of it), and I have a general love for beauty and preciousness. I've always been able to avoid stupid things when it comes to creating backstory, let's see if I can keep that streak alive.. but yes, what you see as my name is going to be the name of my character.


Final Fantasy to me, is something I have always idealized and looked up to, mainly because of the storytelling style. My kind of fantasies, the kinds that I write about and practice, lean very much to JRPG's. My favorite series (The Tales series) is a perfect example of this. I prefer a fairy tale, a bed time story, something unfamiliar to our realistic perception as human beings, living our lives so grounded to earth most of the time. I feel that, Final Fantasy, and JRPG's in general, is the finest expression of creativity and escape I have ever seen, and I will try to utilize my gift of creating to its ultimate potential when and every chance I get.


What I am most looking forward to in FFXIV: ARR are two things. The first is figuring out how much the game has evolved, and whether or not the Japanese can overcome their biggest flaw (having issues evolving with the times). The second is the PVP. Frontlines especially. I want to see what they have to offer with large scale PVP. I want to see if it'll live up to Final Fantasy expectations and no doubt my character will play a large part in that all.


I am also looking forward to how well the RP community can co-ordinate and plot with each other to create truly masterful experiences that will be remembered.


And to wrap things up with something less serious, things I do in my spare time: Video Games, Designing Ideas and creating my world for my life's work =p, Anime (Serial Experiments Lain, DBZ, Black Butler, Eden of the East, Noein, etc.), Spending time with my Father, An obsession with fine cuisine, Some reading (not as much as I'd like unfortunately), and... making friends.


So please, help my last hobby come true. I assure you, come to expect nothing but what would be found in books from me. And if you managed to read this wall of text.. I appreciate your kindness.

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Welcome to the community! :cheer:


It sounds like you have quite a lot of background and a good head on your shoulders.


If you need anything just ask. Most everyone here is eager to help out, and sometimes when starting out a new character (assuming it will be new and not a revamp) it's always helpful to kind of throw out some ideas at the wall here and see what sticks or meshes.


I'll be looking forward to meeting your character in ARR!

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Hello and welcome to the RPC! That's quite the impressive background you got there, friend. (+1 for PSO, that was my first step into MMO's too! <3 )


I can relate with you on the Hyur and Miqote male thing. I'm still on the fence about wanting to switch or not... Hoping I can come to a decision through playing around with both during the Beta, so you're definitely not alone in that aspect! It also sounds like you got a lot in common with my style of RP too! I always enjoyed being the watcher type. One of my character's biggest features is wanting to explore the world and try to understand why people do the things they do. Something about taking in the beauty of the surrounding area and then expressing it in an IC form has always been fun for me.


As for the style of gameplay. I can't really say I'm much of a PVP person. I've always went towards hardcore PVE (Strong bosses and dungeons etc.) but that definitely doesn't mean I won't jump in and try it. Hopefully we can become sparring allies or perhaps even enemies. I'm also quite looking forward to the player housing and making an RP hub of sorts. However, it does seem that a lot of players have this intention too, so maybe the chances of a player housing instance designed for RP may not be too far out of the question with a little bit of coordination.


All and all, it's wonderful to meet you, Ryanti. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Keep in touch and hope to see you in ARR!

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Oh my goodness. I hope we can be good friends! It sounds like we have a lot in common. I too started to RP when I was very young and prefer an IM/paragraph style of writing. I'm also deciding between a male miqo'te and male hyur, though the leaning is strongly with the miqo'te. I guess we won't know until we get more details.

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Thank you all, for the kind welcome. It's nice to feel so at ease around here. I did not expect I would have things in common with anyone here. To hear that I did is a good sign, and it's quite lovely.


I appreciate the compliments on my background! I was wondering if I was typing too much for an introduction... hehe. I usually ask myself that question - this time, I decided to wing it and just say everything all at once. ^^;


Most everyone here is eager to help out, and sometimes when starting out a new character (assuming it will be new and not a revamp) it's always helpful to kind of throw out some ideas at the wall here and see what sticks or meshes.


I could say right now that the ideas are rudimentary at this point in time. I have the personality I still have to fiddle with, though I'm about 80% done with that thought process. The rest has to do with, getting familiar with the lore. I do have a question, is there a timeline of sorts that I can look up? I know that, reading history is the most efficient way I can learn the way of the world quickly.





I can relate with you on the Hyur and Miqote male thing. I'm still on the fence about wanting to switch or not... Hoping I can come to a decision through playing around with both during the Beta, so you're definitely not alone in that aspect!


It's a good thing I padded that fence, because I've been sitting on it for a while, in regards to what race I'd like to be. I really want to see character creation before I make a decision. And I still have to look up lore stuff regarding race origins, though I can already say that if I decide to go with Miqo'te.. I'm definitely going to be avoiding the kitty trope. He'd be more.. sophisticated. I'm thinking about having him be a writer himself, though I still want to mix in family history and, fighting prowess. I'm not really sure what the soup tastes like that. It sounds a little bit like a Samurai? How they paint, and write, and yet still fight, and I love the SAM class, but.. I'm not seeing him as a Samurai in the sense of, the warrior mentality. I see him more as .. someone who fights because he must? That's why I want to make his family name very .. involved.




It also sounds like you got a lot in common with my style of RP too! I always enjoyed being the watcher type. One of my character's biggest features is wanting to explore the world and try to understand why people do the things they do. Something about taking in the beauty of the surrounding area and then expressing it in an IC form has always been fun for me.


Asking why is a great philosophy. About anything, really. And trying to understand others, trying to project empathy. It sounds like you emphasize imagery. That is something I also try to focus on. To paint a picture with every post, I'd always say... if you can't close your eyes and imagine the scene, the moment, as if in a movie or a manga, I'm doing something wrong.



As for the style of gameplay. I can't really say I'm much of a PVP person. I've always went towards hardcore PVE (Strong bosses and dungeons etc.) but that definitely doesn't mean I won't jump in and try it. Hopefully we can become sparring allies or perhaps even enemies. I'm also quite looking forward to the player housing and making an RP hub of sorts. However, it does seem that a lot of players have this intention too, so maybe the chances of a player housing instance designed for RP may not be too far out of the question with a little bit of coordination.


Sparring allies, hm? Sounds wonderful. I don't expect that many RP'ers to many interested in PVP, but conflict is a very significant part of life, one must at least acknowledge it.


The player housing instancing system sounds like a dream job if we can manage to coordinate RP neighborhoods. Believe me on that from SWG. It's unreal how fun it can be.



All and all, it's wonderful to meet you, Ryanti. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Keep in touch and hope to see you in ARR!


And wonderful to meet you too! <3





Oh my goodness. I hope we can be good friends! It sounds like we have a lot in common. I too started to RP when I was very young and prefer an IM/paragraph style of writing. I'm also deciding between a male miqo'te and male hyur' date=' though the leaning is strongly with the miqo'te. I guess we won't know until we get more details.[/quote']


Ho mai gewdness. :3


Start RP'ing when you are very young and it becomes more like a lifestyle then a hobby, y'know?


And yes, I must see character creation now! Hackers, go time!



Hi Welcome!


Excited to meet you~









Guys, I gotta admit, I have a huge problem fitting in with groups. I just can't seem to find my niche, so to experience you guys having things in common with me and everything.. it really means something to me. Thank you.


I hope I can be friends with all of you too! Good news is you don't have to wait until ARR to see me, as I'll be around on these forums. :D

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We para-RPers are a dying breed. You'll notice it's quite rare in XIV, mostly due to the fast pace of RP here. I've adapted quite well, but still enjoy when I can go into para-mode with people. :)

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We para-RPers are a dying breed. You'll notice it's quite rare in XIV, mostly due to the fast pace of RP here. I've adapted quite well, but still enjoy when I can go into para-mode with people. :)


Yeah, I'm used to hearing it being rare. I can adopt quite well, but normally I stinge a little bit every time I just write dialogue in the chat box and nothing else, lol.


But I do understand the fast pace side of it, the reasoning and all.


Normally in group roleplay, I would adhere to that. I still have para-mode roots in more private, secular roleplays and especially important plot points.

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Welcome Ryanti! Glad to have you aboard!


I've done quite a bit of IM para-RPing as well (saying it like that kind of makes it sound like I'm RPing with a parachute.) It's not always easy to do in FFXIV, but I do it when the situation fits.


It's nice to know that a decent amount of people dabble in it. It makes me more comfortable about initiating it. :cheer:


Also, do parachutes.. exist.. in Eorzea? :?

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Welcome Ryanti! Glad to have you aboard!


I've done quite a bit of IM para-RPing as well (saying it like that kind of makes it sound like I'm RPing with a parachute.) It's not always easy to do in FFXIV, but I do it when the situation fits.


It's nice to know that a decent amount of people dabble in it. It makes me more comfortable about initiating it. :cheer:


Also, do parachutes.. exist.. in Eorzea? :?


Well they've never been directly mentioned but since we have airships and I think in some cut scenes the NPC, Cid Garlond would use a grappling hook... So I'd say they probably exist or aren't too far out of the question. I don't think anybody would harp at someone for saying they have a parachute... At least I sincerely hope they wouldn't lol.

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Welcome Ryanti! Glad to have you aboard!


I've done quite a bit of IM para-RPing as well (saying it like that kind of makes it sound like I'm RPing with a parachute.) It's not always easy to do in FFXIV, but I do it when the situation fits.


It's nice to know that a decent amount of people dabble in it. It makes me more comfortable about initiating it. :cheer:


Also, do parachutes.. exist.. in Eorzea? :?


Well they've never been directly mentioned but since we have airships and I think in some cut scenes the NPC, Cid Garlond would use a grappling hook... So I'd say they probably exist or aren't too far out of the question. I don't think anybody would harp at someone for saying they have a parachute... At least I sincerely hope they wouldn't lol.


I can imagine some Leonardo Da Vinci guy trying to build one, lol. "Guys, I have this INCREDIBLE DEVICE! Someone put it on and jump off that airship."


Which makes me wonder. You'll be able to fly in airships, but can you shout to the people below? Jump off? Oh, the possibilities.

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Which makes me wonder. You'll be able to fly in airships' date=' but can you shout to the people below? Jump off? Oh, the possibilities.[/quote']


Mn, I think Yoshi said that airships will be an instanced zone when you ride on them. (Think like FFXI's Airship and Ferry.) So I doubt we'll be able to talk to people below... It would be cool though, but I don't think it'll happen. Um, I do however recall Yoshi mentioning that he wanted to have airships get attacked like with the ferry. So you can probably be sure to expect the airship to come under attack by Garlean Dreadnaughts and other Imperial warships. As for jumping off? ...I doubt they'd let us do that in actual game play but that's what RP and stuff is for.


Also we'll have trains as another form of transport, though they haven't said much else on the them... So it's all mostly speculation on that subject


I guess a list of what to expect in my opinion from transports would be:


Ferry: Gets raided by Sahagin, could probably expect to see giant sea monsters appear too. Fishers will probably spend a good chunk of time on them fishing for legendary fish too.


Airship: Probably a safe cruise for the most part but will probably get attacked by Imperials every now and then.


Trains: I can only speculate that it would get attacked by Bandits or maybe the Amal'jaa.

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  • 3 months later...





[align=center][it's a beautiful, sunny day. Not too cold, where one feels cold. Not too hot, when one feels hot. But just right. Where one feels nothing. In the middle of the bastion of nature, I have set on this bench, ever watchful of events around me, but through the perception of my eyes, I have seen nothing.[/align]



[align=center]In that time, I found myself at peace, the moving clouds above my gaze reminding me of the passage of time. Thus I sat, and I waited, for the right time to stand up from this bench. The right time to spread my wings, and move away from the safety of this tranquility, and into the world in which I will have a purpose.][/align]






[align=center]In other words, hi! My name is Ryanti Veanysus! You might remember me from the oh-so-not-long-ago-golden-years-maybe which, if I'm correct, tallies up to a season ago. 


I know I have been gone for quite a while, possibly forgotten, possibly dismissed as someone who'll never show up again. But here I am, again.[/align]



[align=center]This place has changed. In a big way. I come back to see everything is different, and possibly everyone. Granted, I expect something of that nature while I was away. [/align]



[align=center]Feel free to read my introduction that I posted initially. I do believe it's still relevant. I may or may not resurrect old conceptual threads of mine. [/align]



[align=center]I will be participating in the beta test starting from phase one. Expect some writing from me before the game officially launches. I look forward to the experiences I will have from the people I will meet here. [/align]





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Inside, however, is a boy with his head up in the clouds, and his eyes in the sky. I've always been a day dreamer. Reality never satisfied me. I craved that escape, a chance to vent all of my fantasies into a reality.


Final Fantasy to me, is something I have always idealized and looked up to, mainly because of the storytelling style.


Wb, Ryanti~


Agreed here, except insert *girl*. I am also a college student who spends way more time day dreaming in class than paying attention to the core content..I like to live by the quotes, "Feet on the ground, head in the clouds." and "She's a dreamer and she knows it." ^^ Once a day dreamer, always a lover of fantasy.


I too, have always held Final Fantasy at a high standard. Growing up watching my brother play the games and then playing through them myself brings one to a whole other world. It feels more comfortable. 


You sir, seem like such an interesting individual. I look forward to meeting you in Eorzea~

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Inside, however, is a boy with his head up in the clouds, and his eyes in the sky. I've always been a day dreamer. Reality never satisfied me. I craved that escape, a chance to vent all of my fantasies into a reality.


Final Fantasy to me, is something I have always idealized and looked up to, mainly because of the storytelling style.


Wb, Ryanti~


Agreed here, except insert *girl*. I am also a college student who spends way more time day dreaming in class than paying attention to the core content..I like to live by the quotes, "Feet on the ground, head in the clouds." and "She's a dreamer and she knows it." ^^ Once a day dreamer, always a lover of fantasy.


I too, have always held Final Fantasy at a high standard. Growing up watching my brother play the games and then playing through them myself brings one to a whole other world. It feels more comfortable. 


You sir, seem like such an interesting individual. I look forward to meeting you in Eorzea~



I'm very pleased at the direction this place is going, and the new members it has attained in the process. 


As for yourself, Taltale, you seem to enjoy the word 'Tale'. That reminds of my favorite series of mine.. fills my head with positive thoughts.


You sound like a very attuned, pleasant individual, and I am pleased that you posses empathy of me. It really works towards making me feel I belong here, that this is my family.


I look forward to any endeavors we experience together. 




Oh, and as for you, Kerr... 'sup.

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I'm working on Tales of Graces f "Lineage and Legacies" at the moment. Great game. The plot is overall on the juvenile side, but that doesn't mean it's inherently bad.


Welcome~ I enjoy many Tales of games myself.


Tales of Graces is kind of a... side thing, really. It's not really up to standard with the mothership games.


Tales of Vesperia changed my life, it was that significant for me. It allowed me to figure out exactly what I wanted out of stories, which had been a huge passion of mine for all of my life. It was also a very highly well-done story, written by a genius. 


I could say most Tales are something else. On a higher plane. 


I look up to Mr. Saguchi. I want to be like him.

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