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A little idea for an adventure!

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So yeah, I'm still unable to fly in the hinterlands. I mean I could do it the boring way, yanno by myself using the aether compass.


But then...


...an idea hit me so fast and so hard outta nowhere!


What if I rp it all out. The hunt for the aether currents, then it goes from by myself with the aether compass to a group of minions adventurers helping me find it with an aether compass. And, as every zone requires a dungeon run to 'complete' the flying process what about the Arboretum? 


So there, an IC expedition to the Hinterlands to find the aether currents, crowing with an IC run of the Arboretum to either find the 'hidden' aether current in the zone or treat it like a sidequest because X person wants Y thing in the arboretum then they can go teach Nifie how to harness the Hinterland's brand of aether currents. 


I know, Arboretum, i170 reqs, it's a compromise. I don't know how plausible it really is to use the Library as the crowning run instead of the Arboretum. 


This is going to be a long shot isn't it?


Anyway as to how people get in, post your interest, we set something up, Nifie approaches you with a deal ICly of course. Hits two birds with one stone since I can also figure out the rest of the party's schedules for when they're available for RP and find a common ground.

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Oooh, this sounds fun as fuff! And since Steel's a sellsword by trade, she'd be up for helping out.


And probably calling you a nerd for doing all the research-y things. :P



TIMES: Fri-Tue after 12:30am EST, Wed-Thu anytime after 7pm-8pm EST

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Oooh, this sounds fun as fuff! And since Steel's a sellsword by trade, she'd be up for helping out.


And probably calling you a nerd for doing all the research-y things. :P



TIMES: Fri-Tue after 12:30am EST, Wed-Thu anytime after 7pm-8pm EST


B-but I'm not a nerd nor researching. I just...whip out the compass like so, sneak around whatever's near the current or kill whatever's near it.


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Now I just have to find you all one by one and get you on board with the idea ICly!


Which is sort of an adventure in itself!


Though I should probably point out that I live in a weird timezone. Take EST and then add 12 hours to it. :<


But I guess I'm not opposed to staying up stupidly late to make it happen. 



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Well then she'll cheer for you. Quietly. <3


So for reference where would I find Steel loitering around. (damn I better learn to distinguish this Steel from my cousin's character xD))


Id be down to help you as well.


Awessooomme but yeah where might I find Okhi..come to think of it I may have seen her once or twice around the Quicksand, still where's a good place to poke around? :>


Well you can reach me in game or just send me a pm here on the forums. /nod nod


Any place Mufasa S'imba frequents? And PM, like uhh just planning OOC stuff or... >.<;;


*Please bear with me I'm crazy new to this thing :3*

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Id be down to help you as well.


Awessooomme but yeah where might I find Okhi..come to think of it I may have seen her once or twice around the Quicksand, still where's a good place to poke around? :>


Limsa is the best spot to just catch her walking about. But if you send me a ingame message I can be wherever since she tends to roam a bit.

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I'm thinking of splitting this into two parts.


The first one which really is an IC tour of the Hinterlands, nabbing aether currents as we go along.


The second one is the IC arboretum run.


You can choose which part you want to show up for too :>


She'll go around recruiting people twice. First for the Hinterlands gig, second for the arboretum gig in case we don't meet the whole 2 deeps, 1 tank/heal quota. Since i170 really is steep of a req.

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If you'd like a SMN for both (although she's an ACN ICly, so I'd like to at least argue for a carbuncle presence if only in spirit :P) then I'd be happy to offer.


If so, the best way to find her would be via Melvaan's Gate, who'd probably give you a location in Mist (4-46). Failing that, do feel free to send a tell.


Sounds like fun!

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The idea for Nivie was also to be a DRK/NIN at this point and not just using the darkside as a device to let her use her own brand of ninpo. Basically channeling all those mudras but saying dark aether fuels it.


So I'm just stuck at NIN for the moment. If Steel's on board that means we have an excess on tank and dps department counting Sahb as well.


Though most of it hinges on when the stars and our time align 



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Well if neither of my classes work our I can always do the outside journey...though I figured those would be best saved for the new 60s that don't have the ilvl requirement if you don't have room for a dungeon...though I'd love to come to the dungeon cause it kinda kills two birds with one stone.

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I'm not discounting anything yet Mufasa :>


I think we should figure out availability and when we can realistically do the dungeon run and then agonize over the classes afterward.


So as I've said, EST evenings are literally the best times for me if not mornings.

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