Kawa Posted December 8, 2015 Share #1 Posted December 8, 2015 Hey peeps, last weekend i finally decided to give FFXIV a try and guess what, i really like it! I quickly found my way to this page and wanted to briefly introduce myself aswell as ask a short question So... here goes! --MMORPG background: I've played multiple years of WoW (6 years or so?) but eventually got bored of it. I played every expansion for a little while to see if i can reignite the spark but at this time it seems to be gone... and i doubt that it will come back. I played some GW1 aswell, but only for a short while. That already sums up my MMORPG expirience, although i played tons and tons of other games. (LoL, Halo, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fall Out... the list goes on). --RP experience I used to do a little RP in WoW once i got bored with progress raiding. I was annoyed by the fact that the game shifted more and more to simply rushing to the max level and then farming some bosses to get gear, to then farm the same bosses at a higher difficulty. The spirit of the early days had vanished, guilds no longer were places for friends to have a great time, they became simple meet up groups to raid. I remembered how much time it took me to level the first time i played classic, how i was amazed by every new area i discovered, how i played to meet people and expirience stories. That was when i got into RP. I switched servers and started playing a little Night Elf. It was great fun and i had some casual RP, but i never got into a "serious" RP guild... mostly because the entire WoW atmosphere didnt feel right to me anymore. I must say, i really like the setting of FFXIV and felt right at home in the first few hours of play, so i decided that id love to give serious rping another go! --Character ideas/info I don't really have a character fleshed out yet as i am still busy getting into the lore and soaking up all availabe information like a sponge It is propably going to be a Gladiator, Midlander Hyur, thats about the only thing i know so far. I'll happily provide more information once i am content with a decent back story --How did you learn about the coalition? After my first few hours of play i quickly realized how much id love to RP in the FF setting and started to google if there was any RP on any server... and well, i ended up here rather quickly! --What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? I'd say medium to heavy. I don't have to be IC all the time though, in the end i am just looking to have some great fun while meeting new people . Also i am really open minded and not picky when it comes to RP (considering im still quite a newb myself). --Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc) Im 21 years old and currently study Audiodesign in Berlin. Whats Audiodesign? Well, basically everything sound related, from cinematic scores to footstep recording In my free time i read a lot, i recently started watching Animes and i love sports, mostly Snow-/Wakeboarding. Im a big racing fan aswell, but as the real life racing is too expensive for me, i had to settle with a simulator and online racing Hmm... that got a little longer than i expected, sorry for the wall of text! :blush: If anyone read that far, thanks for taking your time! Id also have one short question before i wrap this up: I started playing on Midgardsormr as character creation on Balmung was always restricted when i checked. Now i was wondering if i should try and wait for a server maintainance or try it at odd hours... otherwise i guess i'd be willing to do a character transfer. Now i was left wondering how strict the naming requirements of characters are. I obviously cant test it out before transfering and i wouldnt want to spend more money on a name change once im on the server. So far my name is first name is "Kawa", a name ive used for a long time and therefor am a little reluctant to let go. The second name would be something japanese influenced. Does that name combination make any sence? I've read that the Hyur names should be somewhat Anglo Saxon or similar... is this very important? Would a japanese influenced name break the immersion for other players? Ok, now i really need to wrap this up before this gets the length of a fantasy novel. Cheers and thanks for reading, hope to meet a lot of friendly people and character in FFXIV! Kawa Link to comment
S'imba Posted December 8, 2015 Share #2 Posted December 8, 2015 Hiya if you're ever looking for people hit me up I love meeting new people. Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted December 8, 2015 Share #3 Posted December 8, 2015 Hi! Welcome to the RPC! Balmung is almost always locked, unfortunately. ...lots of dicussions on it. Your best chances are getting in for free are usually tied to the occasional server crash or trying to get into the server the moment maintenance ends. (And it ends early OFTEN!) Otherwise, there are some growing communities on other servers and there's also server transfers. If you're paying monthly subscription, you can transfer up to 8 characters from one server to another under the same server transfer fee. ...so if you like alts or want placeholders, I'd recommend doing a mass-transfer instead of a single character. ...better use of money. There are a few old linkshells that were based on Midgardsomr, although I can't vouch for how active they are, if they still exist. (They were all pulled from our archived Linkshells section) http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=13425 Highwind Skybandits http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=3116 Coalition OOC [OOC Hub] http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=6613 An Unshakable Faith http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=5582 Society for Eorzean Archaeology Regarding Gladiators, these here's a little bit to go on to help get you started. -Gladiator Lore -Gladiator Roleplayer Directory -Race Lore (if you need it!) Regarding your character's name, you might be interested in Doman lore. They are Edo-period Japanese-themed, and you should be able to get away with a Japanese-sounding name. ...I'll have to dig for a link at a later time if you're not able to find any threads. (there should be many). I do know a handful of people that have in-character names different from their in-game nameplate. Don't feel like you are required to have them be the same, although many people tend to do so. 1 Link to comment
voidVirago Posted December 8, 2015 Share #5 Posted December 8, 2015 Welcome to the RPC! *confetti* If you ever are looking for someone to RP with, come say hi! I'd love to RP with you whenever ^^ Link to comment
Faye Posted December 8, 2015 Share #6 Posted December 8, 2015 Hello there, welcome to the RPC! From the sounds of it, I take it your character is a Hyur? Doma is pretty much the equivalent of Japan in FFXIV, and there are in fact Midlanders from Doma, who use old-fashioned Japanese names (names from/based on modern anime and whatnot may not exactly fit the bill, but then again, most people won't know the difference). It would be very easy to write off your character's name as the character being from Doma, or having parents from Doma. Otherwise, your character's in game name could always be a nickname or an adopted name while they have a different birth name that's more compliant with the lore. 2 Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share #7 Posted December 9, 2015 Thanks for the warm welcome and all the help! By now i created a couple of characters on Siren, waiting for the 72 hours to pass so i can transfer them over to Balmung Oh and i've got another short question: Does it sound reasonable that the parents of my character moved from Doma and he therefor has a rather uncommon, asian-influenced name? Looking forward to join all of you on Balmung! Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted December 9, 2015 Share #8 Posted December 9, 2015 Thanks for the warm welcome and all the help! By now i created a couple of characters on Siren, waiting for the 72 hours to pass so i can transfer them over to Balmung Oh and i've got another short question: Does it sound reasonable that the parents of my character moved from Doma and he therefor has a rather uncommon, asian-influenced name? Looking forward to join all of you on Balmung! Yes! ...Although history should be taken into consideration. Doma is (more like was at this point) under Garlean imperial rule. For the first few years the game was out (1.0 -> 2.X until Doman refugees showed up), things were rather peaceful. Domans kept living their lives and had a degree of freedom. We saw them visit for the Heavensturn (New Year) events. As you progress through the 2.X storyline (post first credits roll), you'll get more information on Doma. I'd also recommend going through the Ninja quests for lore (whether reading them or playing through if you like the job!) It's highly likely that your character would have moved from Doma to Eorzea, although that is still considered "fairly recent" at this time. Link to comment
Swashbuckler Posted December 9, 2015 Share #9 Posted December 9, 2015 Welcome to the RPC fray, and yay for the fresh blood! If you finally get yourself into Balmung and want some RP, hit me up! Especially so if you have a Doman-esque character! Link to comment
Luzia Dawn Posted December 9, 2015 Share #10 Posted December 9, 2015 Hey welcome! I just recently moved to Balmung (I got in after a server crash a couple days ago) and the RP is AMAZING! Def worth it Link to comment
Accendie Posted December 9, 2015 Share #11 Posted December 9, 2015 *waves* Welcome fellow WoW Convert! I can honestly say the server transfer fee was totally worth it. Though looking back I almost wish I had made a few more alts to go with my main but oh well! Hopefully we'll see you around! If you decide you want to play a ninja feel free to poke me or you might see me around the 'guild hall'. As for a Hyur from Doma, that is perfectly legitimate. In fact the ninja class quests are all run by Hyur and deal with a Hyur ninja clan. In fact, I think I've only encountered one Au Ra ninja NPC. Don't quote me on that because I haven't finished the ninja questline yet. You could play someone who was born in Eorzea from immigrants, or possibly play one of the refugees after Doma was put down. It would be tricky to play the latter but there would be soo much fun RP available because of it. There is a LOT of culture differences as you find out in the ninja quests, very much exactly like translating from japan to america or europe. It would also make any Lore knowledge shortfalls totally IC! Look forward to seeing you around! Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share #12 Posted December 9, 2015 Hihi, once again thanks for the warm welcome Couldnt you do me a favor and all log in at the same time so the server crashes? Its properly difficult to wait 3 more days till i am allowed to transfer Link to comment
Accendie Posted December 9, 2015 Share #13 Posted December 9, 2015 Hihi, once again thanks for the warm welcome Couldnt you do me a favor and all log in at the same time so the server crashes? Its properly difficult to wait 3 more days till i am allowed to transfer Don't sweat it. Use this time to grind up your MSQ. Also, higher level = more gear to wear for RPz! I swear I'm going to have to level up a bard just for the cool outfits they get! Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share #14 Posted December 9, 2015 Hihi, once again thanks for the warm welcome Couldnt you do me a favor and all log in at the same time so the server crashes? Its properly difficult to wait 3 more days till i am allowed to transfer Don't sweat it. Use this time to grind up your MSQ. Also, higher level = more gear to wear for RPz! I swear I'm going to have to level up a bard just for the cool outfits they get! To be honest i wanted to wait until my characters are on the right server before starting my "adventure" Link to comment
Accendie Posted December 9, 2015 Share #15 Posted December 9, 2015 Hihi, once again thanks for the warm welcome Couldnt you do me a favor and all log in at the same time so the server crashes? Its properly difficult to wait 3 more days till i am allowed to transfer Don't sweat it. Use this time to grind up your MSQ. Also, higher level = more gear to wear for RPz! I swear I'm going to have to level up a bard just for the cool outfits they get! To be honest i wanted to wait until my characters are on the right server before starting my "adventure" If that's what you want to do then go for it! There isn't much to it though. Most of the RP I've found has been in the residential areas (some have been in the major cities but not a whole lot) which you have to be lvl... um.. 15? to unlock. 30ish is when you get to go to the other major cities. ICly I had to get out of the major starting city because do to class restrictions I had to start in Uldah, but ICly I was in Limsa, bummer. Also, there is another thing. If you like the Japanese stuff at all you'll want to hit lvl 30 before the end of the month to get the Maiden's Rhapsody even rewards. A set of red ninja/samurai inspired glamour armor. When I made Nef I had like two-three days to get to 30 to finish the Halloween even and get my broom mount before it was over. Unlike WoW it doesn't seem like the previous year's rewards are brought back for the holiday events. Those items seem to be eventually released on the Mogstation about the time the following year's event is about to start. Not sure yet but from what others have told me that's how it seems to work here. Something to keep in mind. In any case your wait will be over soon! Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share #16 Posted December 9, 2015 Hihi, once again thanks for the warm welcome Couldnt you do me a favor and all log in at the same time so the server crashes? Its properly difficult to wait 3 more days till i am allowed to transfer Don't sweat it. Use this time to grind up your MSQ. Also, higher level = more gear to wear for RPz! I swear I'm going to have to level up a bard just for the cool outfits they get! To be honest i wanted to wait until my characters are on the right server before starting my "adventure" If that's what you want to do then go for it! There isn't much to it though. Most of the RP I've found has been in the residential areas (some have been in the major cities but not a whole lot) which you have to be lvl... um.. 15? to unlock. 30ish is when you get to go to the other major cities. ICly I had to get out of the major starting city because do to class restrictions I had to start in Uldah, but ICly I was in Limsa, bummer. Also, there is another thing. If you like the Japanese stuff at all you'll want to hit lvl 30 before the end of the month to get the Maiden's Rhapsody even rewards. A set of red ninja/samurai inspired glamour armor. When I made Nef I had like two-three days to get to 30 to finish the Halloween even and get my broom mount before it was over. Unlike WoW it doesn't seem like the previous year's rewards are brought back for the holiday events. Those items seem to be eventually released on the Mogstation about the time the following year's event is about to start. Not sure yet but from what others have told me that's how it seems to work here. Something to keep in mind. In any case your wait will be over soon! Thanks for that detailed information! I guess ill start doing the first levels then I just thought maybe there'd be RP right from the start in Uldah^^ Link to comment
Accendie Posted December 9, 2015 Share #17 Posted December 9, 2015 Thanks for that detailed information! I guess ill start doing the first levels then I just thought maybe there'd be RP right from the start in Uldah^^ Uldah does seem to have folks in there but I don't always hear people talking when I'm running through (and I don't have an IC reason to go there at the moment). This could either be that people are actually afk or they might be talking in a different channel like party or a linkshell. I honestly haven't a clue how some folks do it. I'm used to RPing in wow were we did everything in /say. The best way I've found to get started with RP though are the events that folks run. The open tavern RP is probably some of the easiest to jump in on as long as you're willing to put yourself out there. Those are typically in the residential zones at someone's estate. The Pub crawl last week was FUN though and that was open rp that went from Uldah through the shroud then up to Dragonhead. I know there is a holiday ball, taverns, and some fighting tournaments coming up in the next week or two. Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 11, 2015 Author Share #18 Posted December 11, 2015 Sorry for being annoying, but i just came up with a new question :blush: My characters should be open for transfer in about 24 hours, i planned to spend the next few hours completing the "Close To Home" quest on all of them (seems like that is needed to transfer). Now there's also this: ・Your free trial for the service account to be used has yet to expire, and you have yet to be charged a service fee. As i just bought the game im still in the 1 month free playtime period... so i guess i wont be able to transfer tomorrow? I am a little puzzled about that at the moment, as simply adding a subscription wouldnt work either, would it? Thanks in advance... just let me get on Balmung already! Link to comment
TrinMorwen Posted December 11, 2015 Share #19 Posted December 11, 2015 I want to follow up on the RP stuff. YES, THERE IS RP IN UL'DAH. If you go to the adventurer's guild, that is where a lot of people meet up for random RP. That said, you do have to be aware of the ERP'ers, if you do not wish to ERP, make sure you tell them no. If they continue to press you, report them for harassment, though I've not had any issues with that. Is the RP in Ul'dah as high quality as organized RP events? That depends on the day and who you interact with. Some of the RP events are people that only want to RP with their 'buddies' and if you are looking for new friends, you can feel left out (personal experience speaking here). Just look at people's search info, and I'm sure you will find someone in the Quicksand (adventurer's guild) that you would be interested in talking to. It's almost always busy, so be prepared for wall of text, especially during evenings and weekends. Link to comment
Accendie Posted December 11, 2015 Share #20 Posted December 11, 2015 Sorry for being annoying, but i just came up with a new question :blush: My characters should be open for transfer in about 24 hours, i planned to spend the next few hours completing the "Close To Home" quest on all of them (seems like that is needed to transfer). Now there's also this: ・Your free trial for the service account to be used has yet to expire, and you have yet to be charged a service fee. As i just bought the game im still in the 1 month free playtime period... so i guess i wont be able to transfer tomorrow? I am a little puzzled about that at the moment, as simply adding a subscription wouldnt work either, would it? Thanks in advance... just let me get on Balmung already! OH man... It was a few months after I joined that I transferred so that MIGHT be the case. If so... 1 Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted December 11, 2015 Share #21 Posted December 11, 2015 Sorry for being annoying, but i just came up with a new question :blush: My characters should be open for transfer in about 24 hours, i planned to spend the next few hours completing the "Close To Home" quest on all of them (seems like that is needed to transfer). Now there's also this: ・Your free trial for the service account to be used has yet to expire, and you have yet to be charged a service fee. As i just bought the game im still in the 1 month free playtime period... so i guess i wont be able to transfer tomorrow? I am a little puzzled about that at the moment, as simply adding a subscription wouldnt work either, would it? Thanks in advance... just let me get on Balmung already! I think you've got to wait for the initial trial days to expire. I'd say instead of stopping at the "Close to Home" quest, go ahead and push to about level 15 so you can unlock the airships. That will give you more freedom to actually meet people in other areas. A good bit of roleplay also goes on in the housing districts so getting those unlocked as well won't hurt in the slightest. I had a few friends that also ran into this when starting from a trial account. 1 Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 11, 2015 Author Share #22 Posted December 11, 2015 Sorry for being annoying, but i just came up with a new question :blush: My characters should be open for transfer in about 24 hours, i planned to spend the next few hours completing the "Close To Home" quest on all of them (seems like that is needed to transfer). Now there's also this: ・Your free trial for the service account to be used has yet to expire, and you have yet to be charged a service fee. As i just bought the game im still in the 1 month free playtime period... so i guess i wont be able to transfer tomorrow? I am a little puzzled about that at the moment, as simply adding a subscription wouldnt work either, would it? Thanks in advance... just let me get on Balmung already! I think you've got to wait for the initial trial days to expire. I'd say instead of stopping at the "Close to Home" quest, go ahead and push to about level 15 so you can unlock the airships. That will give you more freedom to actually meet people in other areas. A good bit of roleplay also goes on in the housing districts so getting those unlocked as well won't hurt in the slightest. I had a few friends that also ran into this when starting from a trial account. Already did that, currently level 20 with my main class. So i guess ill have to wait another week before i can transfer... talk about frustrating Thanks a lot anyway! Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted December 11, 2015 Share #23 Posted December 11, 2015 Sorry for being annoying, but i just came up with a new question :blush: My characters should be open for transfer in about 24 hours, i planned to spend the next few hours completing the "Close To Home" quest on all of them (seems like that is needed to transfer). Now there's also this: ・Your free trial for the service account to be used has yet to expire, and you have yet to be charged a service fee. As i just bought the game im still in the 1 month free playtime period... so i guess i wont be able to transfer tomorrow? I am a little puzzled about that at the moment, as simply adding a subscription wouldnt work either, would it? Thanks in advance... just let me get on Balmung already! I think you've got to wait for the initial trial days to expire. I'd say instead of stopping at the "Close to Home" quest, go ahead and push to about level 15 so you can unlock the airships. That will give you more freedom to actually meet people in other areas. A good bit of roleplay also goes on in the housing districts so getting those unlocked as well won't hurt in the slightest. I had a few friends that also ran into this when starting from a trial account. Already did that, currently level 20 with my main class. So i guess ill have to wait another week before i can transfer... talk about frustrating Thanks a lot anyway! Had you signed up for the 14 day free trial before buying the game? I haven't heard of any cases where this has happened. ...but are you planning on a recurring subscription or gametime cards? ou may need to load some time to push you outta that "brand new and might not possibly be coming back" user category. Link to comment
Swashbuckler Posted December 11, 2015 Share #24 Posted December 11, 2015 Already did that, currently level 20 with my main class. So i guess ill have to wait another week before i can transfer... talk about frustrating Thanks a lot anyway! If you have more than one character you're transferring, I'd say go ahead and do the same thing with them. Get them to the point where you unlock airships and have them be able to traverse the different city-states. It would also not be a bad idea to flesh out your character if you're not already done that! I'm also seconding some additional leveling for better gear selection as well. Question, though. When you started playing the game, did you start as a trial account then later purchased the game itself? If so, then yes. You'll have to wait until your account becomes Standard. Link to comment
Kawa Posted December 11, 2015 Author Share #25 Posted December 11, 2015 Already did that, currently level 20 with my main class. So i guess ill have to wait another week before i can transfer... talk about frustrating Thanks a lot anyway! If you have more than one character you're transferring, I'd say go ahead and do the same thing with them. Get them to the point where you unlock airships and have them be able to traverse the different city-states. It would also not be a bad idea to flesh out your character if you're not already done that! I'm also seconding some additional leveling for better gear selection as well. Question, though. When you started playing the game, did you start as a trial account then later purchased the game itself? If so, then yes. You'll have to wait until your account becomes Standard. Yeah, i did, but it says Standart account on my account page. I guess ill propably have to get a game card first... meh Link to comment
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