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Working on a New Theme for the Community..?

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First, I'd like to apologize if this is the wrong forum, I'm new and I just followed the suggestion that someone from the chat gave me, hopefully, I'm posting in the right place.


During the last two weeks, I've been working on my wiki; sadly, being the weird personthat I am, I ended up spending more time doing the template, than writing content the content for it.


Anyway, I ended up making this: 


Melodie's Wiki:





I was aiming for a wiki that looked more like a contained website within the wiki. The best of both worlds. I've been getting lots of compliments about the theme, and people asking if they could copy it pristine, to what I respond: Please don't. (I worked hard... please do not copy ; _ ; ) However, if there's enough interest, I could make something that others could use. 


TL;DR: I have limited free time, so I want to know if I should work on a Theme for the RPC that looks -similar- to the one I made for my character?




  Special Thanks to:


  — Makirui, based off some of their templates

     their code helped me understand how templates

     worked! (I hate Wikis!)

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Echoing what I said on the chat, I'd actually love to use something like that. Presentation wise I think it's a lot better than the standard wiki layout.

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People are always going to want the new shiny. I understand wanting your hard work to stand out and be unique, but anyone asking for your template is doing so because they think it's great. I'd take it as a compliment! Besides, there's a rule/suggestion to credit any template you build a wiki page from, so it's not like you'd be going unnoticed or unaccredited.

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The wiki looks amazing :D It would be amazing with some new templates for all to use or use parts of, for sure. Especially because the wiki system can be so confusing to use, I've certainly had my learning curve with it (I've been tweaking/remixing existing themes through pure guesswork)  Though don't stress yourself out over it, if you do it I'd say it should be because you really want to, not out of pressure.

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Echoing what I said on the chat, I'd actually love to use something like that. Presentation wise I think it's a lot better than the standard wiki layout.




People are always going to want the new shiny. I understand wanting your hard work to stand out and be unique, but anyone asking for your template is doing so because they think it's great. I'd take it as a compliment! Besides, there's a rule/suggestion to credit any template you build a wiki page from, so it's not like you'd be going unnoticed or unaccredited.


Oh, I understand it's a compliment. But from my perspective, I would like for people not to outright copy the look and feel that I went for and allow me to build something that is more generic that allows for others to have a different color scheme. What I did is very specific to Melodie, a really old character, so I worked extra hard.


In my mind, if people are really interested, I'd prefer to build some functionality around it that allows for some sort of individuality (hopefully not identical to my own look ♥ ? )

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The wiki looks amazing :D It would be amazing with some new templates for all to use or use parts of, for sure. Especially because the wiki system can be so confusing to use, I've certainly had my learning curve with it (I've been tweaking/remixing existing themes through pure guesswork)  Though don't stress yourself out over it, if you do it I'd say it should be because you really want to, not out of pressure.


Thank you!


Wiki's get so confusing at times. I struggled during the first bits trying to figure out how to get it to work how I wanted, mainly because I had never dedicated serious time to it. Guess RP was a good excuse.


I do not mind doing it — however, before I invest  hours, having an idea of what people want is a good thing!  Thanks for worrying about me though! ♥

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I absolutely adore this, and I would love to use a theme that you would be willing allow others to use if decide to make one. That said, just have fun, because that is what we are here to do. Anyways stay fabulous gurl!





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Hello, that's a very nice theme. 


I don't want to copy, as I also want my own thing, and I see that you used a lot of the "fancy template" that I use too... I would like to use the same page padding layout that prevents the whole wiki not to stretch on the whole width of the page... Would that be possible? Just the div tag used to frame the page, and that's it.

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Wow, I looked at your page.. it's gorgeous. I love how you have all the information laid out too. That must've been a lot of hard work! I'm definitely envious of your wiki skills now.


If you made a template for to others to use that was even half that beautiful, I'd still use it. :surprise: As Valence mentions above, I think just something that made the basic page layout not all wonky and take up the whole screen would be a good starting point. Some of the stat tables would be nifty too. Just something basic to start from would be great!

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Hello, that's a very nice theme. 


I don't want to copy, as I also want my own thing, and I see that you used a lot of the "fancy template" that I use too... I would like to use the same page padding layout that prevents the whole wiki not to stretch on the whole width of the page... Would that be possible? Just the div tag used to frame the page, and that's it.


Heh, glad I'm not the only one that hates the 100% width wikis!


I've made a template that you can use for this: 



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Wow, I looked at your page.. it's gorgeous. I love how you have all the information laid out too. That must've been a lot of hard work! I'm definitely envious of your wiki skills now.


If you made a template for to others to use that was even half that beautiful, I'd still use it. :surprise: As Valence mentions above, I think just something that made the basic page layout not all wonky and take up the whole screen would be a good starting point. Some of the stat tables would be nifty too. Just something basic to start from would be great!


I'm glad you like the layout \( • ω • )/  ~ that's what I worked the hardest on. I've provided a template which hopefully is good enough for now!


Let me know!

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Hello, that's a very nice theme. 


I don't want to copy, as I also want my own thing, and I see that you used a lot of the "fancy template" that I use too... I would like to use the same page padding layout that prevents the whole wiki not to stretch on the whole width of the page... Would that be possible? Just the div tag used to frame the page, and that's it.


Heh, glad I'm not the only one that hates the 100% width wikis!


I've made a template that you can use for this: 





Well yeah, I worked a bit with css styles and web design so, i'm wondering why I didn't even think about that myself... Maybe because of wiki styles that always seem to get in the way.



Edit: that's funny now... Just noticed many wiki profiles that were probably taken from mine at various points of its development, which is rather amusing haha. I'm leaving a trail on the wiki already.

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Hello, that's a very nice theme. 


I don't want to copy, as I also want my own thing, and I see that you used a lot of the "fancy template" that I use too... I would like to use the same page padding layout that prevents the whole wiki not to stretch on the whole width of the page... Would that be possible? Just the div tag used to frame the page, and that's it.


Heh, glad I'm not the only one that hates the 100% width wikis!


I've made a template that you can use for this: 





Well yeah, I worked a bit with css styles and web design so, i'm wondering why I didn't even think about that myself... Maybe because of wiki styles that always seem to get in the way.



Edit: that's funny now... Just noticed many wiki profiles that were probably taken from mine at various points of its development, which is rather amusing haha. I'm leaving a trail on the wiki already.



Let me know if you need help with anything \( • ω • )/

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Well for now I think i'm more limited by the template i'm based on ("fancy template") that doesn't allow me several little things, like rounding the corners of the headers for titles, removing the circle icon next to them, changing the look of the fancylist template the way I want, etc. 


I suppose I would have to recreate my own like you did, or just outright getting rid of those annoying wiki templates and go full CSS (div is good, div is life), but... :effort: and :time:


Ah yes, the main weird issue i'm having right now is that the background-image doesn't seem to work. Maybe the wiki doesn't allow background images?

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Ah yes, the main weird issue i'm having right now is that the background-image doesn't seem to work. Maybe the wiki doesn't allow background images?


The wiki intentionally doesn't allow JavaScript or some CSS for security reasons. I think background-image falls into that category, along with any CSS that would alter things outside the content area, div.mw-content (i.e., the menu bar, page title, etc.). The wiki is a MediaWiki, not a personal hosting service. :)


As a side note, just so everyone knows if they're not aware, all contributions to the wiki are licensed under CC-BY-SA or the XIV Materials Use License, depending on what they are. Image art (in the File namespace) is the only exception and only if the license is mentioned in the upload description. Nevertheless, "you grant this site and its administration a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-revocable license to store and redistribute Content in the course of its normal operation as a forum and wiki."

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Ah thanks for the clarification, that's what I thought. I don't mind much and i'm already happy with my thing. I like to experiment with the graphic side of things. I was already surprised that the wiki allowed such liberty.

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Ah thanks for the clarification, that's what I thought. I don't mind much and i'm already happy with my thing. I like to experiment with the graphic side of things. I was already surprised that the wiki allowed such liberty.


So it the template in the templates page on the wiki under Suen still a template allowed to be used as it is different now? I originally was creating my wiki page from the original one it was and when I noticed it changed I rather like the layout (although I would add my own graphics and style to it so not to copy) but I just wanted to clarify if it is still a free to base off template. Thanks! :)

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I have basically zero template of my own created behind. I'm using the "fancy template" that was created by someone else and that a lot of people use already (the original one is linked at the bottom of my page in the broken formatted link, and should lead you to a native blue themed page).


I have heavily modified the layout to suit my tastes with ad-hoc modifications, layouts, etc, but that's it.


So anyway, go for it! If the layout I did can be of any use, feel free to use it.


Just note that mine is still under a lot of work and is changing a lot currently. Also, take care since i'm not creating my own templates to make things clearer, it's a bit dirty or messy at places, and just overall convoluted...

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