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Little trouble getting back into RP

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What's up, boys and girls (and whatever else you wanna call yourself <3).


Hope everything is going well. Been having a little trouble getting back into the swing of RP as of late, so thought I'd throw myself out there and whatnot. When Heavensward was releasing, I was pretty focused on running the new content (gotta get sexy new gear and stuff) and around that time my computer also broke, so I'd been out of game/RP for like 3 months. I'm back (with a sexy new PC  build :3) and I've been slowly getting back into RP, but to be honest, with that sudden hiatus, it feels like things have kinda passed me by a bit; storylines I was in progressed without me, a few friends I RPed with aren't really around/available anymore. I have a bit going on ICly, but its been a little challenging to get things rolling.


So, I'm down for friends, enemies, whatever I guess.



Just a bit about Turik to see if you think he's too lame to RP with haha (don't bother reading if you're not into spoilers, though I won't reveal everything anyway):



His parents were taken by Amalj'aa for Ifrit when he was a kid and he raised himself in the wild since that incident.



By growing up alone like this, surrounded by creatures who know Miqo'te meat is the most delicious, he was physically forced to defend himself a constant basis, day and night, using only his body. This sort of involuntary training in nature led him, essentially, down the path of a monk. I say "essentially" because he never explicitly refers to himself as a monk ICly. His being a monk is more a happenstance of his childhood experience, not something he explicitly set out to learn nor is it something he actively claims (despite people automatically calling me one whenever they see me in game :3).



Never having really grown up in a particular place, he tends to wander and fight as he needs to get money, his primary goal being the pursuit of the Amalj'aa (those that worship Ifrit anyway) and Ifrit himself, but this has been resolved through RP... sort of... mostly... I'll leave the rest of that a surprise. Now he'll still fight for money, but he's more focused on fighting to help people (won't be your white knight per se, but he'll get the job done).


For personal reasons, you're most likely to find him somewhere around Thanalan, where he'll spend most of his time, but again, he's a wanderer, you can find him almost anywhere (except for Coerthas for a bit... Let's just say RNG was not kind to me during an RP fight out there relatively recently haha).



- Chocobo is chocoBRO, Turik's best friend, so he'll be around during RP relatively often. Just throwing that out there if you have some choco-phobia :P


That's enough rambling. Hit me up if you want (Turik Flarewyng, Balmung).

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Turiiiiik! Hi! <3


Gil and I would love to RP with you again, it was a lot of fun!


I'll even let you have the table back for a little while.


I'm always up to RP with you, in-game or on the forums, so yeah. ^^

People who steal tables should be banned :P

But sure, RPing again would be nice

Hit me up when you're online I suppose lol

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Lol yeah I spend quite a bit of time there...well not as much as I used to. (And being recognized other than the lion king...time to go into isolation.)

Kool. Maybe I'll try to find you tomorrow after work sometime. I'm usually on like 7:00 PM EST to midnight on weekdays, whenever weekends haha. What's the last name again? In case I don't see you in the QS? I feel its either Tia or Nunh lol

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Lol yeah I spend quite a bit of time there...well not as much as I used to. (And being recognized other than the lion king...time to go into isolation.)

Kool. Maybe I'll try to find you tomorrow after work sometime. I'm usually on like 7:00 PM EST to midnight on weekdays, whenever weekends haha. What's the last name again? In case I don't see you in the QS? I feel its either Tia or Nunh lol

Tia still haven't avenged my father and taken my place in the great circle of stuff by defeating my uncle S'car Nunh.

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Hi there, I'd be glad to role-play sometime!

Awesome. Perhaps I'll try to find you sometime this weekend then? Myabe Sunday (just remembered I'm doing something Saturday for some unknown period of time haha)

I'll at least friend you or something.


I'll be driving for six hours Sunday so I probably won't be around much that day ;_; But I'll be online plenty after that!

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Hi there, I'd be glad to role-play sometime!

Awesome. Perhaps I'll try to find you sometime this weekend then? Myabe Sunday (just remembered I'm doing something Saturday for some unknown period of time haha)

I'll at least friend you or something.


I'll be driving for six hours Sunday so I probably won't be around much that day ;_; But I'll be online plenty after that!

I know the pain :3 Recently drove like 20 something hours myself >_>... I'll search for the name and add you in game. Then I'll shoot ya /tell. Seemed to work pretty well just now with the other person ^ :)

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Hey there! Seems you and I took an absence at the same time. Although mine was a change in Real life, new job, etc.


I would love to RP with you again sometime. In fact I came to these forums just like you, wanting to make some RP connections as I have been out of the loop for far too long. <3

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Hey there! Like eeeeeveryone else here, I'd be more than happy to do some RP with you sometime :D I have a ton of characters (some which aren't listed and I should really get on), so feel free to check 'em out and let me know if you ever want to do anything!

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Question, not because I'm nitpicky but because I want to know how my character would react if they ever run into yours! :)


The fundamental distinction between a pugilist and a monk in the setting is that the latter access stores of aether known as "chakra" with which to fuel their fantastical physical feats. The job quest chain for monks is rather specific on how one learns to access these chakra, and given the canon requirements it's not likely that they are opened by accident.


Does Turik have access to his chakra, i.e. does he fuel his physical feats with aether, or is he more of a pugilist in that he's an extremely skilled and/or talented hand-to-hand combatant who manages without?


(I am a sucker for pugilist/monk RP, poke me in-game if you ever see me on!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there! Like eeeeeveryone else here, I'd be more than happy to do some RP with you sometime :D I have a ton of characters (some which aren't listed and I should really get on), so feel free to check 'em out and let me know if you ever want to do anything!

Hey, man. I definitely recognize the name lol. In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw you in the QS just last night. I'll definitely look you up when I get the chance. I couldn't do a walk up because uhh.. Turik just got captured ICly soooo... yeahhhh. I'm kind of out of commission until the rescue party is ready :3 but I'll definitely come around :)

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Hey, guys, sorry I haven't checked this thread in a minute. You know how it is with holidays :3 At the very least, I managed to find one of you so far and have a nice RP with you, so I hope I can continue down the list and see all of you in game :). Just a heads up though, holiday aside, Turik has just been captured ICly. Its just to set up a rescue RP event and give my FC which is going through a bit of a rebuilding phase a reason, ICly, to recruit :3. So I might be a bit delayed until they're ready, but I will try and find you guys :3

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Weell, whenever he gets rescued have him drop by Wayfarer's for a drink and a bit of social interaction. :3


We specialize in making the lost feel like they have a place they can go when things get rough. If you need anything, let us know!

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