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Hello and Whatnots!


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Hello there! Don't do this kind of thing often, but it seemed like a pretty nice place to drop by after a search for roleplayers brought me here.


For all intents and purposes, you can say that I'm new to the game. Played FFXI for ages, still play several other MMOs, and played the FFXIV beta for a while, but couldn't stick around at the time.


But now I'm back/here for the first and a half time(?) and looking forward to meeting some others!


Unfortunately, at the moment I seem to have found myself on Sargatanas, seeing as I have a friend here (Who does not actually play at the moment. Funny how that works.) But I hope to find myself on Balmung at some point.


I am an avid RPer with a particular interest in long, over-arching plots and storylines, and have been roleplaying for the past seventeen years or so.


I am looking forward to meeting some of you, and perhaps even playing with you, should we find ourselves in such a position.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome! For what it's worth, the swap over to Balmung is completely worth it. It may be a bit dubious to continue to pay SE $18 for something they should have solved a year ago, but if you value good and abundant RP, you just can't beat it! Hope to see you among the assimilated soon!

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Oh, we certainly will be transferring! It's not a matter of 'if' anymore, but 'when!' And it should be before long. We just wanted to get through the ARR story and into Heavensward so we could be appraised of the state of the world before attempting to RP in it.


I'm a bit of a lore nut. I like to avoid faux pas and the like by not knowing something I should.

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