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Hello, everyone!:love:


About one week ago purchased FFXIV due to friend's recommendation and now I am totally hooked up by the game. Hope to stay here for quite some time now :roll: Already managed to make it to Balmung (yes, transfer was totally worth it!).


Started to roleplay long ago in WoW: Burning Crusade but had to give up it after several years because of irl reasons. When was able to return, the game and community on the sever have changed unrecognizable, so drifted all around MMORPGs world for quite a lot - Archeage, Wildstar, Tera, etc. And now I am here :)


Character - Yuki Kasanui. Young Au Ra that loves nature and learning about the world around her.


About roleplay style... well, I very like serious RP but, unfortunately, don't always have time for it. So count me in for medium style.


Looking forward to meet new people and roleplay \o/

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Thanks, everyone, for warm welcome!


I am even a bit flattered about my time zone now :blush: At the moment a lot of my ingame time goes to leveling, doing quests and progressing in main story but feel free to poke me OOC'ly if you would like to meet Yuki ^_^


My friend has brought me to Ashen Academy so Yuki is officially studying there traditions and history of Eorzea. However, will definately take a look at all other RP linkshells to join.

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