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So, in the interests of kick starting my post count- uh, being polite, I figured I'd throw up the obligatory introductory thread.


Grabbed the game around Christmas, was very much dismayed at having to fork out sterling just to get onto the arrpee server, but with enough disposable income and an apparently less than sound mind for money I decided to throw some shrapnel at the screen. Low and behold, I now have a character on Balmung. 


I've been mucking about as a roleplayer in various forms for years now. I started properly on World of Warcraft (*holds for groans*) about eleven years ago now, and in the time since then I've bounced around various games (Warhammer Online, LotRO, The Secret World) and formats (forum roleplay, IM arrpee, etc) to get my fix of playing pretend. Enjoyed drama, annoyed people, made a few mates and irked many more. Fun times. Low and behold, I find myself in the last thing I ever thought possible... a Final Fantasy game. 


After scouring through some lore and information, I eventually settled on a Highlander. Not quite as rugged in aesthetics as I'd have preferred, I jumped into Gladiator. Given my (very) limited knowledge of the lore thus far, I'm bouncing around the idea of him being a relatively recent refugee from Ala Mhigo, who's trying his hand at this whole mercenary/adventurer thing. 


So, hello.

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Hey there! Always good to see more highlanders around.


If you ever need help with Ala Mhigan lore, I can't say I'm the most knowledgeable on Ala Mhigan lore, but I could try to help you out if you ever need advice!


If you ever want to roleplay, just give me a shout and we can arrange something.


In any case... Welcome to the RPC and FFXIV RP!

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Welcome to the game! 11 years ago? If I might ask, what server did you start on in WoW? I was on Silver Hand =D


It looks like we followed a similar routine. I went to Warhammer, LOTRO, and played TSW for a little bit though I never actually RPed there. To be entirely honest, I usually give most MMOs a bit of a shot before I duck out >_o; as sad as I am to say it, Warcraft is what held my attention the longest and XIV has probably kept me here longer than any other aside from that.


At any rate, it's great to see you here! Looking forward to seeing you around in game =)

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Thanks for the welcome all. It is encouraging to see so many TSW RP'ers here. I have to say that it was, without a doubt, my fondest roleplaying experience on any MMO.


Welcome to the game! 11 years ago? If I might ask, what server did you start on in WoW? I was on Silver Hand =D


Argent Dawn EU, though I moved over to Defias Brotherhood until about mid-Cataclysm once the RP-PvP servers opened up.

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Thanks for the welcome all. It is encouraging to see so many TSW RP'ers here. I have to say that it was, without a doubt, my fondest roleplaying experience on any MMO.


Welcome to the game! 11 years ago? If I might ask, what server did you start on in WoW? I was on Silver Hand =D


Argent Dawn EU, though I moved over to Defias Brotherhood until about mid-Cataclysm once the RP-PvP servers opened up.


Oooohh! I had a lot of friends that played on Argent Dawn!

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