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Ground control to Major Tom... David Bowie RIP

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I was in the middle of RP with some friends when this came over Lalanet.  It saddens me greatly to see such a creative and positive force in the universe, have to go in such a way.  David Bowie inspired a generation of youth to rebel and be different, and to accept themselves before letting others change who they were, and that lesson is one that many get to experience over and over through his music all these years later.


Hunky Dory was a great album, one that I treasure more than most for the clear way it translated the reigning social atmosphere of the time, and encouraged youth to rise up and older generations to lay down in awe of that youthful tide which is within the individual for all time and does not cease with age, but with loss of hope.  But, I think Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars, with it's enchanting and at times sad and destructive words and ideas about the world, both the introversion and extroversion of it, and the deep meaning of those ideas, will forever hang as a tribute to him in my mind.  It will remind me there was something so special about a man who could believe in ideals with so much passion as to inspire the world to believe with him, and that is so rare a thing that I cannot help but be humbled and grateful to have experienced that in my lifetime.


So thank you to David Bowie for inspiring us, and here is to another 70 years more of it!

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My personal favorite was Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars. It was so esoteric and unlike anything else I had heard...and I was exposed to a lot of classic rock growing up. One of my favorite pasttimes was going through my dad's vinyl collection and listening to music.


Ziggy was in my Walkman numerous times over and over. It always took me to a place of sparkling science fantasy. If I'm honest, that album and reading Douglas Adams colored my perception of scifi more than Jules Verne or Asimov ever did.


Also Heavy Metal magazine. I was a dirty boy, what can I say.


There's a Starman waiting in the sky...and the one who told us about him is off to meet him.

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