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Looking for someone to show me the ropes! :3


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Hello! Call me Bork or Zork.


Currently, I started a trial account for FFXIV. I'm debating if I wanna' buy it.


I would like someone or a free company to show me what makes this game truly fun. The single player is decent, but I wanna' see the full picture and that's usually with other players.


I'm having trouble making a character on Gilgamesh. A LOT of trouble. Stayed up 'til 5 am last night, still couldn't get in. (So this will be the first thing I need help with.)


So, reply to this thread if you wanna' take me under your wing! Please!


Having skype or some sort of way to voice chat is a huge bonus for me!



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Hi there.


I can't speak to Gilgamesh but I know for Blamung it has not been opening up most (if any) mornings and didn't open after the last maintenance. At this time I believe most players are creating on an open server then paying transfer which isn't ideal. 


Good luck!

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Gilgamesh and Balmung are in the same unopen spot unless you transfer...

It sucks, but they are the biggest servers in the game. 


As for what makes it funs, depends on what you want.

Do you want RP? (Which is what the RPC is for so I am assuming that's part of it).

Do you want hard core raiding?


Overall, it's a fun game. The story (for me) is the most fun!

I run an RP FC with a few people...if you're interested, contact me~~

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I transferred for the same reason the other posters said.  If you're just looking for a well-populated server, my normal character is on Ultros, and there's a good-sized population with a lot of friendly folk.  I'd recommend the FC Terra if you go that route.  They are our FC's neighbors, and they're a lot of fun and very helpful (my husband is reading over my shoulder and nodding and agreeing as I type this).


If you're into RP though, once you get in (if it's Balmung), we can learn together! I made a "Qestir" awhile back for novelty purposes and really got into playing her (they don't talk...at all ;)), so I transferred her to Balmung to try out the whole roleplaying thing.

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Honestly? You've wasted a few days of your 14-day trial just trying to get onto one of the two most populated servers.


Are you trying to experience the game or the roleplay experience as well?


Keep in mind these restrictions when you have a 14-day free trial:

Free Trial account characters will have their level capped at level twenty (20).

Free Trial account characters will have a capped amount of in game currency (GIL) that may be obtained.

Users will not be able to use "shout", "yell" or "tell" in-game chat options during the Free Trial.

Users will not have access to the in-game market board during the Free Trial.

Users will not be able to trade items with other players during the Free Trial.

Users will not be able to use the Mogletter service during the Free Trial.

Users will not be able to hire a retainer character during the Free Trial.

Users will be able to join a Linkshell if invited, but cannot create a new Linkshell during the Free Trial.

Users will not be able to create or join a Free Company during the Free Trial.

Users will be able to join a party if invited or by using the Duty Finder, but cannot assemble a party during the Free Trial.


You're basically asking someone on Gilgamesh (if you can even get in it since you seem to have issues with it) or another server to play the game with you mostly through voip or a different outside-of-game means for all the time that you are able to play. They will need to initiate parties with you all the time etc


Everything from levels 1-15 are done solo. There is no benefit to having someone be there to essentially hold your hand unless you're getting powerleveled. There are dungeons you can do with up to 3 other people after that but you don't need someone to talk you over it.

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I transferred for the same reason the other posters said.  If you're just looking for a well-populated server, my normal character is on Ultros, and there's a good-sized population with a lot of friendly folk.  I'd recommend the FC Terra if you go that route.  They are our FC's neighbors, and they're a lot of fun and very helpful (my husband is reading over my shoulder and nodding and agreeing as I type this).


If you're into RP though, once you get in (if it's Balmung), we can learn together! I made a "Qestir" awhile back for novelty purposes and really got into playing her (they don't talk...at all ;)), so I transferred her to Balmung to try out the whole roleplaying thing.





I'm totally into RP! Hence me posting on the RP site. lololol! But yeah, I'm trying to get in still! It's just a fuck ton of cash to sink just to get into the RP server.


$20 for the games. Then another $20 (I think) for the transfer. Then the subscribtion. (Though I do get 30 days free for buying the game)


So far, Ashe is helping me out. But I'll see if I can find you later if I end up enjoying the game.

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FFXIV 2.0 A Realm Reborn goes on sale often. Most recently, the Square Enix Humble Bundle included it for as low as $5 I think. (Black Friday or Cyber Monday 2015 did too, I think).


A server transfer costs $18 USD, but can be used to transfer multiple characters from one server to a new server. So if you happened to be subscribed and able to make all 8 characters, you could transfer all of them at once for the same fee.


Hope that helps!

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FFXIV 2.0 A Realm Reborn goes on sale often. Most recently, the Square Enix Humble Bundle included it for as low as $5 I think. (Black Friday or Cyber Monday 2015 did too, I think).


A server transfer costs $18 USD, but can be used to transfer multiple characters from one server to a new server. So if you happened to be subscribed and able to make all 8 characters, you could transfer all of them at once for the same fee.


Hope that helps!


Oh my god! Thank you so much! I'm highly considering it now. 


I'll let you know if I don't end up using it. Okay? That way you could give it to someone else. :3


You're a saint.

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If you decide to make a character on (or more likely transfer to) Balmung, feel free to hit me and the Messrs. Miscellany & Mundane up (info below)! Every Sunday we host our MMMerchant Caravan somewhere around Eorzea where our folks craft gear and item for new adventurers like yourself who're just getting started out!


Hope you're enjoying the game--I've never been much for MMOs myself but the quality of FFXIV and its community hooked me a couple years back. Welcome to Eorzea, hope you stick around! :)

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