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Sanctum of Knowledge (An Idea.)

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This is basically a thread where I just wanted to ask for people's input about a Free Company idea that I had.


Basically IC Gospel is what one could consider a "Lore Keeper." A person who goes around and tries to chronicle any and all information he can about the world and the people and things on it. My issue is he really doesn't have a place to store the information he collects and the world is certainly too big for just one person alone to record and store such things.


So here I come to you guys to share my idea.




Basically I want to make a Free Company called "Sanctum of Knowledge." This place would serve as a hub for people IC to go to if they wanted to seek information about the world in ARR. This place would also serve as a sacred temple for those who would honor Thaliak, the Scholar if they wanted a specific place to worship just one of the Twelve.


I would like to fill this Free Companies base with artifacts like trophies, chronicle lore behind them. Record the history of Hydaelyn and the amass a large beastiary of the monsters that inhabit it etc. But most of all, I want to be able to give other RPer's a place to go to if they have questions or want a small glimpse of what the realm has to offer without having to venture too far from their IC homes.


Simple list of what this place would offer:


1: Museum of in-game artifacts and trophies. (Behemoth head trophies, Magitek, Weapons, Armor etc.)

2: A Place for people to seek and share lore. (Things like the events of 1.0 or stories about land marks, Monster Bios etc.)

3: A quiet place to relax. (It is a temple/library so introverted or more studious characters would have a sanctuary to go to.)

4: A place to worship one of the Twelve. (This place would also honor and serve as a temple to worship Thaliak, the Scholar.)




My issue is such a thing cannot be done alone. I would need support from other people who would be willing to help run the place. Example would be stuff like staff who would be willing to help share knowledge to people who pass by and those willing to be Lore Seekers to go out with or without me to help fill the library with information.



With how ARR is shaping to be from what I've seen is this. Dungeons will be more casual and laid back (Timers removed, easier bosses etc.) What this means is people will be able to finally relax and actually RP within them. I think this would be great because this would mean that people can explore and record the things they find within them. Also, ARR will have more places of interests which I'm sure will have a ton of history behind them that would also need recording. We'll also be getting an In-game beastiary which will catalog any enemy you slay and give a brief biology and history lesson on them. This is something I'd also like to record for the Company.




All and all, a place like this could have great potential and I'm -VERY- willing to fund and run something like this IC and out. (would prefer IC though) and give it my all but like I stated above. I can't run a Free Company on my own, so I ask you guys.


1: What are your thoughts on this?

2: Would you like a place like this in ARR for IC interactions?

3: If it was made, would you support it?

4: Would you be willing to commit yourself to this Free Company, not for yourself but for the sake of others and RP as a whole? ((This is the real deal breaker here. I would need -at least- 10 to active and like minded people willing to manage the place.))

5: What would you advise in order to make this more appealing to others?



If this place does get enough supporters and actually somehow manages to go through, I want people to understand that this place would not be an end all be all place for information in game. Others are more than welcome to make their own and would actually be greatly encouraged. The glory of Free Companies is that we are allowed to make Alliances and have a social network. So having numerous "Lore Hubs" could end up being a rather fantastic thing in my honest opinion.


So let's hear what you guys have to say!

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I'm really, really, really, really, really hesitant to comment about what my stance is on the whole free company thing, because I feel like we're still lacking a lot of information in that regards. From a RP perspective it seems to me that our Crystalline LS in ARR would make a lot of sense as a free company in its own right - and possibly affiliated to something like what you've described, given the Thaliak tie-in.


My concern comes from the fact that we've been told we'll only be able to join a single free company, and there's been a lot of hesitation due to lack of info because some folks may want to join a more endgame-centric FC as opposed to something dedicated more specifically to a RP purpose. I think as more info comes out it may be easier to comment on my own personal stance and what exactly we will be doing with our LS in regards to whether it will be a FC in its own right or just remain a RPLS with members spread out across various other FC's and such. We'll be polling the members and figuring all this out as more info comes out.


But to answer the question - I definitely think it's a great idea and am interested to hear more. :)

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I'm really' date=' really, really, really, [i']really[/i] hesitant to comment about what my stance is on the whole free company thing, because I feel like we're still lacking a lot of information in that regards. From a RP perspective it seems to me that our Crystalline LS in ARR would make a lot of sense as a free company in its own right - and possibly affiliated to something like what you've described, given the Thaliak tie-in.


My concern comes from the fact that we've been told we'll only be able to join a single free company, and there's been a lot of hesitation due to lack of info because some folks may want to join a more endgame-centric FC as opposed to something dedicated more specifically to a RP purpose. I think as more info comes out it may be easier to comment on my own personal stance and what exactly we will be doing with our LS in regards to whether it will be a FC in its own right or just remain a RPLS with members spread out across various other FC's and such. We'll be polling the members and figuring all this out as more info comes out.


But to answer the question - I definitely think it's a great idea and am interested to hear more. :)


Oh I can't agree more and I don't blame you in the slightest for being cautious with your answer. I was actually borderline tempted to just not even hit submit when I made the opening post.


I guess I just had it brewing in my mind lately and just thought I'd throw it out there. With such little information that's out right now, it really is hard to think of anything... and the whole 1 free company thing is what really had me biting my lip on wanting to post something like this because if it comes down to it, I would have to make a sacrifice and either choose to make the idea I stated above, join another RP company belonging to someone else or do away with both for a silly OoC EG company.


I guess more than anything, I was just posting to share my thoughts on something that could be fun just for the sake of throwing it out there. I only hope s/e does makes FCs in such a way to allow dreams like mine to come true without having to ask myself and especially others to make a sacrifice. :cry:




Suppose if it comes down to it, I could just buy a FC size player house (I recall Yoshi mentioning we could after a certain time frame.) and fill the place with stuff and make a reference sheet and create a normal LS. *sigh* I really just don't want to do anything alone... I've read into Crystaline and have actually just been tempted to see if I could merge my ideas with your group and offer a place like the house that I wish to construct as a free place for people to go to if people wanted a quick history on game lore. I don't know how you'd feel about something like that though? Perhaps we could talk?

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Most of what you're saying is what I've considered also - possibly turning Eva's residence into a sanctuary/shrine devoted to the Twelve and just having her live in a little room offshot from it or somewhere else entirely ICly. That's pretty heavily contingent on what the costs/benefits of being in a FC are. If it makes a lot more sense logistically for FC's to be centered on endgame-type stuff, we may just keep Crystalline as a linkshell in its current form and build the temple-y HQ from Eva's residence instead.


We should definitely talk. I saw you registered on our forums over there so I'll get you added to the LS discussion and chat if you want to shoot the breeze with some of us.

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Most of what you're saying is what I've considered also - possibly turning Eva's residence into a sanctuary/shrine devoted to the Twelve and just having her live in a little room offshot from it or somewhere else entirely ICly. That's pretty heavily contingent on what the costs/benefits of being in a FC are. If it makes a lot more sense logistically for FC's to be centered on endgame-type stuff, we may just keep Crystalline as a linkshell in its current form and build the temple-y HQ from Eva's residence instead.


We should definitely talk. I saw you registered on our forums over there so I'll get you added to the LS discussion and chat if you want to shoot the breeze with some of us.


Oh that would be delightful and thank you so much! I'll be sure to float on over there. ^^

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I really like the idea (and would be willing to help)! Though, I admit, I don't exactly understand companies yet- regardless of 1.0 or 2.0. I'm a little behind on game lore and stuff...but I've been wanting to learn all about it that I can. Next time you're on Skype, I'd like to run an idea by you!

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Given that as far as we know, we only get one free company at a time and we are still lacking in any real details on what the heck free companies will be like. I too am hesitant to move forward with any sort of free company thing ICly. That said. Your idea is neat, and I would be in support of adding depth to the gathering of knowledge, artifacts, and other maguffins ICly. Not so much sure I'd have my character become an "Armed Librarian," but even they probably use freelance agents from time to time. So, in short. Go for it. I support the concept, let me know how you are having people get involved.


- Yssen

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I really like this idea, but whether I would be a part depends on whether 'all life was scoured from Eorzea' or 'most who were not on that battlefield survived to rebuild and restore Eorzea for the time the heroes would return'. That way I can figure out if Rhostel could have taken the long road to A Realm Reborn and matured a bit in the interim.


I know the former doesn't make sense given what we have seen of ARR, but I guess there could be some explanation. And I keep hearing people say it, but I've never seen an official source and it could be wild exaggeration from people who didn't understand what they're seeing. ...It is only a five year gap, right?


But enough about my problems! I want an older, wiser Rhostel to be a hunter of truth. Someone who would seek out knowledge to add to to the sanctum, and make use of its stores in her research. I haven't quite figured out the full details why, but there's plenty of time.


She's really more of a devotee of Azeyma, but the Goddess of Truth and the God of Knowledge have a lot of common ground. (Not the least of which is offspring. Nophica is the daughter of Azeyma, Llymlaen is the daughter of Thaliak, and Nophica and Llymlaen are sisters. Unless divine relationships don't function by mortal rules....) I see no conflict in paying Thaliak his dues as well. :)

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  • 1 month later...

This is just a random idea-- but it occurs to me that such a guild could have a lot of reasons to interact with non-members and other FCs. If they like to get their lore (which encompasses all recipes and maps, and such I imagine) they might also have an in character excuse to follow people around and write little notes about them for new books. With the new events going down and all the chaos, it would restore a sense of calm and individual importance to be taking stories of new potential heroes. I'm sorry if this sounds a little vague, it just impressed upon me that the FC sounds like it could be a bit introverted. I for one, think that if such a group gets off the ground, my LS/FC, whatever it is, will likely be visiting frequently for information.

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