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Hello! Seasoned RPer New to FFXIV


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Hi there! I'm Razhi. Thanks for checking out my thread.


A friend recently convinced me to pick up FFXIV again and I've really come to enjoy playing the game. Now that I'm a bit more comfortable with the story/setting, I'd love to get involved with the roleplaying community that Balmung has to offer!


I'm an avid Final Fantasy fan. Though I haven't played all of the throwback games, I started at Final Fantasy VI and have loved the titles ever since. Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy IX have a special place in my heart -- Tactics for the awesome story, and IX for some of the best cinematics on the original Playstation. FFXI is the only game I haven't played, but I knew of a few people who were active in the game during its prime. It seemed like a MMO I would have liked (and hated from some stories I've heard lmao), but I ended up jumping on the WoW-ship instead. I got hooked into the RP community and that was that.


Prior to playing WoW, I was primarily a forum RPer. Final Fantasy roleplay wasn't very popular on the forums I frequented at the time, but I've always wanted a Final Fantasy-related OC. I'll admit, that was a big reason I wanted to play FFXIV in the first place. Well, that and GW2:HoT isn't as fun as I hoped it would be. :(


While I consider myself to be more of a casual roleplayer, I'm interested in story-driven roleplay, filled with adventure and mystery! *wiggly fingers* X'ilya is an ambitious drifter who is friendly and easygoing. As such, I feel she'd get along with many different types of characters! Just be mindful of your accessories -- she has a fascination with taking necklaces and rings that strike her fancy.


I don't have many friends that play FFXIV, so I'm looking forward to meeting the people that make up this community. If you'd like to roleplay or whatever, feel free to get in touch!

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Welcome to Balmung! :D

I do hope you enjoy your stay.


I am generally around and about on Aurora Jhin, Neveah Jhin or Sirin Kha. 

I lead an FC on balmung that suits the darker and more 'underground' characters, though all character types are of course welcome to be around~ And I have various characters with different alignments!


I would love to chat to you about story! And plotting with various characters, if you were ever so inclined! I can give you my skype, and there are also balmung channels on discord that you can join! :)

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Welcome to Balmung and F XIV! Your taste in FF titles is excellent. xD


If you need some Roelady in your world, my characters Steel Wolf and Thundering Castle are open for stuffs. I usually am online late night EST, though, around 12:30am or so.


But otherwise hope you have lots of fun! <3

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Welcome to Balmung and F XIV! Your taste in FF titles is excellent. xD


If you need some Roelady in your world, my characters Steel Wolf and Thundering Castle are open for stuffs. I usually am online late night EST, though, around 12:30am or so.


But otherwise hope you have lots of fun! <3


Steel Wolf is a peach.... do it.


Oh yeah and welcome.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, folks.


@Aurora Jhin:

I don't have discord at the moment, but I do have skype. I'll toss you my name in a PM and you can hit me up with a contact request when you get the chance.



I'll give them a look! Much appreciated.



Hey thanks! I'll definitely catch you around sometime. Feel free to poke me as well if you'd like. :thumbsup:


@Steel Wolf:

Ah! A fellow Final Fantasy fan, eh? :D Awesome. I'd love to catch you for RP sometime. I'm a bit of a night owl so that shouldn't be much of an issue. Mind if I throw a friend request your way?

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