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A Newb's Greeting!

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Hey there! I'm a long-time (like, since 2008) World of Warcraft roleplayer, and as many times as I try to go back into WoW, I just find it's not hooking me like it used to... I think I need some new scenery and a new game.


Seeing as I've been in love with Final Fantasy since I first played FFVI on the SNES as a little kid, I've kind of always had this game in the back of my mind, but never tried it. Seeing as it's on sale on Steam, I'm intrigued!


From a little preliminary reading, it seems like Balmung is the place to be for roleplay, but it's locked for character creation right now. So I figured I'd come here, and say hello! I haven't made a character yet, but I hope to soon.

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Hello! Welcome to RPC, there's a bunch of awesome folk on here. 


Balmung is sadly always closed for character creation except for like five minutes before servers go down for maintenance. Your honest best bet is to make a character on another server and then transfer them over after the 3 day limit is up. It costs 18$ USD to transfer but you can transfer multiple characters with that 18$. 


I hope to see you out and about sometime soon!

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Well that's unfortunate... But considering the base game and Heavensward are half off each on Steam at the moment, I guess I more or less make up for it. Of course, I still have to do some lore-digging and figure out if I'd rather play a Miqo'te or a Hyur... But I think I'll do what you said and just start elsewhere and transfer in.

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Well that's unfortunate... But considering the base game and Heavensward are half off each on Steam at the moment, I guess I more or less make up for it. Of course, I still have to do some lore-digging and figure out if I'd rather play a Miqo'te or a Hyur... But I think I'll do what you said and just start elsewhere and transfer in.

I had to pay for the transfer as well, but I don't regret a thing. Once you've finally made it over to Balmung, I'm always up for an RP session. (^ w ^)o

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Of course, I still have to do some lore-digging and figure out if I'd rather play a Miqo'te or a Hyur... But I think I'll do what you said and just start elsewhere and transfer in.


Welcome to Eorzea! This forum has plenty of lore threads on it, but if you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to ask any lore questions you might have and we'll try to get them answered!


If you're looking for race lore to make your decision between Hyur or Miqo'te, I'd recommend starting here. Hope this helps! ^^

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