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Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a hooah day. haha.


Anyways a little bit about myself. I am a Soldier in the U.S. Army. Currently off active duty and am now in the Reserves to give me time to complete my degree. I am studding criminal justice at the Virginia Commonwealth University. I live in Richmond, Virginia. From Virginia originally.


I am completely new to Final Fantasy XIV. In fact I do not even have it on my laptop yet. But, I tried it on my friends computer and loved it. I was hoping maybe you guys could point me into the right direction of getting this thing downloaded or maybe even getting a hard copy of the game.

I am coming from Guild Wars 2 where I RP'd on the unofficial RP server Tarnished Coast. It is an amazing game, but want to try something else as well.


Me and the GF will both be using my FF XIV account. Since her laptop can't support these kinds of games. Her name is Yi and you can call me either Afghan, Vet, or plain ole' Elliott.


Hope to see you guys in game soon. ;)

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Hello and welcome!

I was hoping maybe you guys could point me into the right direction of getting this thing downloaded or maybe even getting a hard copy of the game.


Hope to see you guys in game soon. ;)

The game isn't available anywhere atm as far as I know. You need to wait till FFXIV: A Realm Reborn (aka 2.0) comes available. And I don't think it was ever "downloadable", I remember I gave my friend pass code to a friend in different country and he needed to find another friend who had the game so he could install it and play with me.

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Welcome to the forum!


We do have players here who share accounts and it works quite well, and we all usually go by our character names, hahaha. If you have any questions just let us know, we're a pretty helpful bunch!


Open beta shouldn't be too far away, and then we'll be able to play together! :)

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Welcome to the RPC! Sadly, there's presently no way for you to get the game (or get onto it) as the servers are "down." I use down very loosely since they kept the servers up for the current players but nobody gets on since data isn't being saved for A Realm Reborn now.


Not sure how much you know about the game, but it basically had a terrible launch with horrendous reviews and backlash back in 2010. So they brought in a new director and team to fix as much as possible these past two years while also recreating a "new Final Fantasy XIV" from the ground up (A Realm Reborn). They did this through the "7th Umbral Era storyline" over the course of many patches and whatnot leading up to the recent grand finale. So now, it's mostly a waiting game for the game's relaunch. There's plenty of info and pretty videos coming out though and alpha testing is approaching its final stage before going into beta. Considering how well the new team did in fixing the original game up, A Realm Reborn is bound to be a really good MMO ^^


Take the opportunity to watch the finale scene as it sets up the story for A Realm Reborn. You can find the final scene/trailer here: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl ... index.html


Edit: You may want to consider changing your forum name when you figure out a character name seeing as that's what most of us do around here. It helps to avoid confusion so people know who's actually posting. No rush or anything since the game isn't out yet. But just send me a message when you've got a new username/character name and I'll change it for you ^^

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Woot for the US Army. I was in Air Defense myself, stationed at Ft. Bliss. But that was a few years ago.


I'm more-or-less in the same boat. Came from GW2, TC. Looking forward to giving this game a shot, when it gets here. So settle in, grab a Snickers! It's going to be a long wait, thought I'm sure the whole, "hurry up and wait" thing is no foriegn concept to you.

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Welcome aboard! I'm likewise playing GW2 for now, but while I like it a lot, I don't love it. I've loved Final Fantasy for a long time now, and since my other MMO love, City of Heroes, is only a few days from shutdown, ARR is what I'm most looking forward to.


Uh, this right here has a rough rundown of the main story since the start of the game, and there's further information and links to more thorough sources in the comments. :)

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