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Pushing Boundaries

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I've had great luck using the RPC, from scoring a fantastic FC to getting that punch in the face from the lovely Steel Wolf, so let's go round three, yeah? This one is a little complicated, and will probably take a while.


My character is quiet, bookish, a little anxious, and while I'm not looking to revolutionize his personality (he's fun like this), I am looking to challenge him. There are aspects of the character I haven't fully figured out yet that I want to explore. To that end, I'm looking for people to help me challenge him socially.


Why don't I just go to events on the server for that, you ask? Aden is by nature--at least at the moment--not very sociable. While he gets out and about some, he tends to avoid gatherings if he hears about them. So this is a request for help getting him out of his comfort zone. I want to bounce him off people who will challenge his somewhat solitary nature, hopefully to the point where I can justify sending him out to events without requiring someone to drag him along.


His wiki entry is here. If you're interested, hit me up here or in game.

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I'm not sure if my character can actually help you and make the connections you are looking for but perhaps I can help give you ideas so that you and another can develop ways that would help your shy guy.


What are potential ways to get him out and about? If your character actively avoids large groups or groups of people in general, what are situations that you think will help him? Is he likely to go to those events if he develops a friendship with someone more out-going/willing to go there? Will he potentially act as a friend to keep someone company at one? Would it be possible to get him out if he thinks he needs to protect someone?

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I know the struggle of having an introverted character, Asah used to be just like that before meeting her FC!

It would be lovely meeting you in game and maybe share some reading tips! :D

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The best advice I can give is: just throw him at things and come up with the excuse later.


Really, some of the funnest RP I have had was on introverted characters stuck at sociable events against their will.


That said! Marcy has experience working rooms and is an extroverted, obnoxious, annoying and pestering insect that will go out of his way to make people feel included. I like hitting up events myself, and hover around even if I am performing that night -- if you see me, feel free to toss me a tell. Or get in touch with me in game! I swear, my character might start giving lessons on public confidence at this rate (and I am very okay with that).

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Is he likely to go to those events if he develops a friendship with someone more out-going/willing to go there? Will he potentially act as a friend to keep someone company at one?


That's what I'm aiming for right there. The reason I say it's long-term is you can't just forge bonds of friendship without the work/chemistry, and I expect a false start or two.


I know the struggle of having an introverted character, Asah used to be just like that before meeting her FC!

It would be lovely meeting you in game and maybe share some reading tips! :D


It would actually be nice to run into another bookish character, he'd immediately have something to talk about that might get him distracted enough to forget he's talking to a complete stranger.


The best advice I can give is: just throw him at things and come up with the excuse later.


I suppose I should just start doing that. He's already had one person tell him to "get used to it" (that is, being around more people), it might be enough of an excuse on its own.


Really, some of the funnest RP I have had was on introverted characters stuck at sociable events against their will.


And this is why I don't want to completely revolutionize his personality--he's compelling like this, he's fun and different from what I usually play, but I'm sure he's getting a little frustrating to the people around him. He's gotta start growing and this is a good place to start.


That said! Marcy has experience working rooms and is an extroverted, obnoxious, annoying and pestering insect that will go out of his way to make people feel included. I like hitting up events myself, and hover around even if I am performing that night -- if you see me, feel free to toss me a tell. Or get in touch with me in game! I swear, my character might start giving lessons on public confidence at this rate (and I am very okay with that).


I will probably take your suggestion and just have him show up at stuff, and if I see you around I will message you.


I'm sure it's fairly safe to say that Mikiri would be positively overjoyed to come and poke Aden again lol. Or, if you wanted a less sassmaster character, Nevahe and he could bond over books. :)


Sorry he was so curt with her, but he had a good reason. Given a few more days to cool off he'll be more approachable. I'll try to message you if I see you on.

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What an interesting character you've got! It isn't often that I come across someone with a personality like his, most are generally more outgoing in various ways. I hope you find what you're looking for, and ultimately have fun writing him!


I'd be curious to see our boys meet, though I'm not sure what might become of it. Raz shares a few similarities, but some glaring differences. He's not much for limelight himself despite his profession. 


Either way, I wish you luck and maybe our boys will stumble across each other sometime! Happy writing!

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