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VILLAIN REQUIRED for kidnapping arc. [CLOSED]

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Hello everyone, 


I am wondering if there are any characters out there that are willing to be a dastardly villain? :thumbsup: 


Now in the arc your character must be able to maybe die in the event of the final session, if you don't want him/her to die then it is probably best to not to get involved. (it is not definite that they will die but it is a precaution, we will be using rolls for combat.)


If anyone is wanting to have fun with this please leave your response below.^^ 



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Hi there! There's a chance you may find what you're looking for, but have you considered just NPCing it/rolling an alt, or having a friend do that? It may be hard for people to justify why their character would kidnap this person, and on top of that, most people won't be keen on their character dying for the sake of someone else's plot. It sounds as if you've got this pre-planned out, which doesn't leave much room for the villain here to role-play. Most people don't enjoy just feeling like an accessory to someone else's story.

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I'm not sure the villain would be very dastardly if he's so easy to kill. >.>


I'm going to agree with Faye. Your best bet is NPCing it out. Everyone here has characters who are well fleshed out and have been around for a long time. The same goes for the RPers who play a villain. And getting them killed over one arc of storytelling is harsh. And rolling an alt for one little thing isn't very justifiable either. 


Furthermore, RP is two way traffic. No one will RP the way you exactly want them to. Every RPer has their freedom and their discretion to do as they wish. Think of it this way. You wouldn't want your character's decisions to be made by someone other than you. The same goes for everyone else.

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I heard about this thread through my network of spies.


I greatly enjoy playing villain characters, and would be more than happy to NPC the bad guy for you or anyone else. Like most people have already said though, I'm not willing to kill my character just yet, but I am sure I can adequately fill the role you are looking for.

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From the time i have played villain characters on Forum RPs...


Yeah...to make a character to die in ONE session is really off putting. Plus it sounds like just a one off villain rather than say a big named villain or someone who works behind the scenes. Those characters are best played as NPCs rather than actual characters. Reason is because NPCs can be tossed away at any point.


I can tell you that most Villain RPers would rather build their villain up and make them memorable BEFORE killing them rather than Twirly mustache, top hat type tying women to train tracks complete with Black and White filter.

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Hi guys, 


I thank you for your response, I am sorry for limiting or giving a linear point of view. 


Yes I agree with all of you that I do not wish for that to happen. Killing someones character would be devastating to some since balmung is the maxed out server that you really HAVE to pay for. I should've meant by someone NPCing the villain. The miscommunication was on my part. :blush:


Once again I apologise for my poor choice of words.

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