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Welcoming Stern


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Hello everyone! 


I am incredibly excited to say that after a long month of staying up late trying to get into Balmung (No success, I might add) I finally succumbed for the need to RP and character transferred. 


I would like to formally introduce Zac Stern, a beginner gladiator struggling to find his place in U'ldah. (Some of you may have seen him around at a few event's since I joined last week)


Zac is a hyur and recently celebrated his 20th name day. He has no permanent residence at this time and could be considered a bit of a nomad. He is typically a little shy without a few drinks, and is definitely not the brightest bulb. But he is loyal to a fault and believe that family and friends is of the up-most importance. 


I wanted to post this in the hopes of meeting some RPers that might be interested in meeting Zac in game. Or would like to arrange a backstory, perhaps of distant family, friends, or even enemies. 


I was also hoping someone could give me some advice on a linkshell that would be open to a new player, and would give Zac some more opportunities to get involved in the community. 


I am new to Final Fantasy so I apologies if my lore is off base, I am trying to get caught up but am having difficulty finding a lot of the information. 


I am very excited to get as involved as possible in the community, and any help in doing this would be greatly appreciated. 


Experience wise I have spent a great deal of years playing MMO's. Including (but not limited too.) Wow, Wildstar, LOTRO, Guild wars 2, and SWTOR. 


I have about 5+ years of RP experience, primarily in game, I have never really attempted to try forum RP. 



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Hello everyone! 


I am incredibly excited to say that after a long month of staying up late trying to get into Balmung (No success, I might add) I finally succumbed for the need to RP and character transferred. 


I would like to formally introduce Zac Stern, a beginner gladiator struggling to find his place in U'ldah. (Some of you may have seen him around at a few event's since I joined last week)


Zac is a hyur and recently celebrated his 20th name day. He has no permanent residence at this time and could be considered a bit of a nomad. He is typically a little shy without a few drinks, and is definitely not the brightest bulb. But he is loyal to a fault and believe that family and friends is of the up-most importance. 


I wanted to post this in the hopes of meeting some RPers that might be interested in meeting Zac in game. Or would like to arrange a backstory, perhaps of distant family, friends, or even enemies. 


I was also hoping someone could give me some advice on a linkshell that would be open to a new player, and would give Zac some more opportunities to get involved in the community. 


I am new to Final Fantasy so I apologies if my lore is off base, I am trying to get caught up but am having difficulty finding a lot of the information. 


I am very excited to get as involved as possible in the community, and any help in doing this would be greatly appreciated. 


Experience wise I have spent a great deal of years playing MMO's. Including (but not limited too.) Wow, Wildstar, LOTRO, Guild wars 2, and SWTOR. 


I have about 5+ years of RP experience, primarily in game, I have never really attempted to try forum RP. 




Welcome to Balmung!


If you're interested in finding people to possibly be a part of your backstory etc, I would highly suggest posting in the "Making Connections" section of the forums. A lot of people often get replies and RP from what I've seen.


I'm personally unsure of linkshells or FC's but the linkshell hall has a list of active linkshells and FC's that you can search through to see if one would be a fit for you.


If you have any lore questions there's a section of the forums for that as well. The community has a lot of knowledgeable people and you almost always get a reply or ten.


The best way to get involved in the community is to put yourself out there, go to events, and meet people. The only way you get left out of this community, from my own experience, is if you're unwilling to be a part of it. The calender has a list of events, there's often RP at the Quicksand, and well everywhere if you look for it.



Hope this helps you out some and welcome once again!

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Lots of great games to RP in! I use to RP on WoW myself (mostly small group between destroying content) on Moon Guard then Wyrmrest. And LotRO! Landroval server had such lovely bard troupes and music!


Like said above there's a couple LS that focus on announcing events. There are also some that focus on areas so maybe an Ul'dah one or role-specific you're looking for. I'm not going to name any in particular because it helps to get feet wet and meet people before joining in on their linkshells I've found. And there are so many weekly events to douse feet in.


With that said, be sure to keep a couple drinks in him so he isn't shy and offer to do jobs for people! I love the character's starting concept!

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Welcome to Balmung and the RPC!


I am in agreement with Jancis about getting your feet wet in terms of meeting people while you are fishing around for Linkshells. There are some LSs that are listed for particular interests, and then there are plenty of LSs out there that are not listed too.


And while this post really is good enough for a Making Connections post, maaaybe a few readers won't see it in the Welcome section? I know my visits to this folder is sporadic.


I am also of the mind to scope out RPers before deciding to make a backstory with them. Or check out some of their posts in the OOC and IC forums or their wikis! It kind of gives you an idea of the player you are meeting. I know when I first joined RPC and Balmung RP, everything seemed daunting and vast. But every single PM I sent for RP was met with a friendly welcome and I met some great people that way.


For the most part I've found this community very welcoming, and I think you will find plenty of fun.

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I am new to Final Fantasy so I apologies if my lore is off base, I am trying to get caught up but am having difficulty finding a lot of the information.


Welcome to Eorzea and the RPC! I've been dropping this in a few places recently, hopefully it'll be helpful! ^^


Eorzean Lore Starter Kit

-Racial Lore Compilation

-Class/Job Lore Compilation

-Hydaelyn Geography Lore

-Eorzean City-states' Political Structures Lore

-Eorzean Units of Time and Measurement Lore

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